Chapter 411

Let's put aside the matter of raising children, after all, Li Rong is not pregnant yet.

Shen Guanglin faced too many rivals in love, and he was numb.

I don't know who spread the news that Li Rong has really joined the Ministry of Officials, which really shows that her family has a background.

Who doesn't like a good-looking girl with a background.

The top priority now is not to deal with rivals in love, but to take inventory of assets, especially fixed assets.

Shen Guanglin bought too many fixed assets. If he didn't take inventory, many fixed assets would be lost.

There are still a lot of courtyard houses Shen Guanglin bought in the capital, all of which he bought by accident.

Shen Guanglin once watched a TV series called "Love in a Courtyard".

In the whole play, there is probably only one good person, that is, the cook Sha Zhu, and the others are all social people with various scheming plans, the most annoying of which is the little widow Qin Huairu, who looks kind but is shameless and selfish.

However, most of the courtyard houses that Shen Guanglin purchased were in disrepair, and most of them were known for being dilapidated.

When he bought it, Shen Guanglin was originally rushing to demolish it.

Later he figured it out, the demolition of courtyard houses was worthless, only the ones that survived were valuable.

The biggest problem of the courtyard house is not the loss of money, but the lack of toilets, which is very annoying.

If the streets and communities don't build toilets nearby, it's a little inconvenient to live in.

As a result, a tool for holding that thing was born, also called a chamber pot.

Every morning, someone in the family has to come out to work, and the euphemistic name is "pour the chamber pot".

It is said that after several years, the queen of the song Wang Jingwen often came out to do this.

Now that Shen Guanglin and Li Rong have obtained their certificates, they are considered married.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin "confessed" his real estate information to Li Rong.

So, the proprietress began to collect the rent.

"What are you doing with so many houses!" Li Rong muttered, while those holding a stack of real estate registration forms checked the geographical location of these houses.

What she thought was, where should the rent be collected?

Of course, rent collection should be done, otherwise in a few years, let alone rent collection, it would be difficult to even take back the house.

Some tenants have lived for a long time, and they will have an illusion that this is their own house.

Even in 2020, some tenants still want to share the landlord's demolition payment.

Shen Guanglin bought many courtyard houses, which is also a common problem among travelers.

As a qualified traveler, especially in the 80s, if you don't hoard a few sets of Beijing courtyard houses in your hands, it will be a real failure.

In fact, Shen Guanglin's approach was quite a failure. He bought a lot of courtyard houses, but he neglected to manage them.

Later, it was too troublesome, and I even collected rent a few years ago, but later I didn't even collect rent.

Anyway, it's not bad money, so it doesn't matter.

Up to now, he only knows that the house is his own, and he doesn't know who lives there, and he doesn't know whether they have paid rent.

Now, these houses are all managed by Li Rong.

There are so many houses, they have to go over to inspect one by one, so Li Rong dragged Shen Guanglin over to have a look.

The first set of yards they came to was located in the city center.

It is almost the most central location in the capital. Although it is not directly on Chang'an Avenue, it is not far from Tiananmen Square. It takes less than 5 minutes to walk and you can see the Monument to the People's Heroes.

The location is good, and there are many people living there, but the rent is not overcharged, or even not received at all.

It has been two or three years since Shen Guanglin bought this yard, and he has never been here himself.

Up to now, the rent is still stored in the housing management bureau, and he has no time to collect it, and he has already saved it.

It was Li Rong who pulled him over to inquire, only to find out that even the Housing Management Bureau hadn't received rent for more than a year.

When they asked, they thought Shen Guanglin had collected the rent for the rest of the house.

In fact, no, the tenants did not pay at all.

As for whether the original landlord impersonated it?
Shen Guanglin didn't know either.

When he bought the house, he was not interested in knowing the follow-up story, and he didn't even remember who the landlord was.

However, presumably, the original landlord is unlikely to collect the rent, and the tenants must be deliberately owed rent.

Rent arrears, and rent arrears collectively, is not easy to solve.

In order not to cause unnecessary disputes and troubles, Li Rong and Shen Guanglin still called comrades from the housing management bureau to come and accompany them to "collect the rent", also because they were afraid that some words would not be clear.

Shen Guanglin also told the comrades in the real estate bureau that he was going to get married, and he would always have a place to live in the future. The courtyard house he bought with his own money should also be brought back to live in.

The comrades from the Housing Management Bureau did not speak, but followed them.

After finding the specific place, three people came in.

The house is really old and dilapidated, and the yard is all privately built and built indiscriminately, without the old fashion style at all.

The courtyard house has now completely turned into a large courtyard, and it is unknown how many people live in it.

According to the record book of the staff, there are 6 households living here, and each household rents two to three rooms. The rent receivable is 23 yuan per month, and the annual rent adds up to several hundred.

The capital city hasn't raised the rent for many years, and the price of more than ten years ago is still in use.

However, Shen Guanglin and Li Rong frowned looking at the situation in the yard.

There are seven or eight small houses built privately and used as kitchen utility rooms in the yard, and the courtyard house has been converted into a "Hui" courtyard. There are more than six families living in it.

The staff called the residents out one by one and told them, "This is Xiao Shen, the new owner of the courtyard house. From now on, the rent will not have to be paid to the housing management bureau, but will be handed over to him directly."

The rent has not been paid for more than a year, and the rent collector suddenly came to the door, and everyone was uncomfortable.

"What's the matter? Why did this house be transferred to someone else without a word? How could Da Laobai do such a thing? I don't agree!"

An elderly lady spoke. It seems that the original landlord's surname is Bai.

"This house has changed hands for several years. It's too late for you to disagree. The registration procedures have been completed long ago. Now the house is under Comrade Shen's name."

The staff briefly explained the nature of the housing change and told the fact that they had not paid rent for more than a year.

Everyone thought that there was no need for rent, but they came to collect rent again, and everyone was obviously reluctant to pay it.

"What's wrong with this world? Is capitalism going to be restored? Lao Bai should have been thoroughly reformed in the first place, so that everyone's house will not be what it is now."

The other looked a bit younger, and for some reason, he gritted his teeth in hatred. It seemed that he tortured the former landlord a lot during the exercise.

Siheyuan is like this, and the owner of the property is usually a rich old man who has been bullied.

And the surrounding impoverished households, servants, servants, and servants were arranged into the original owner's courtyard after turning over.

As for the real owners of the courtyard house, most of them will never have the chance to live in such a house again.

(End of this chapter)

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