Start with a college teacher

Chapter 412 New Units

Chapter 412 New Units

There's no point in trying to reason with these people.

After all, there is no doubt about the ownership of the house, and no amount of other doubts can stop them from collecting rent and housing.

"We worked so hard to earn some money, but it was all taken away by you black-hearted ghosts. There is no way to live this day!"

The residents are full of resentment. They have lived in the house for so many years. They thought it would soon be their own. They didn't expect there to be other landlords.
However, in Shen Guanglin's place, they obviously haven't paid the rent for more than a year, so it's plausible to say that, that's not how people behave.

Shen Guanglin had a lot of money anyway, so it didn't matter whether he could receive the rent or not, but Li Rong automatically took on the role of housekeeper, so she didn't want to spoil them.

This is just the beginning. If this head is not opened well, then it will be even more difficult to deal with later.

Li Rong also knew that Shen Guanglin was not short of the rent, but collecting the rent was a matter of principle. If the rent was not collected, how would he declare the ownership of the house? After a long delay, it would be difficult to say who owns the house.

"If you think the rent here is expensive and you don't earn enough money to pay the rent, there is no solution. I suggest you move to a smaller and farther house, which can also reduce some of the burden."

Li Rongsi said slowly, although her speaking speed was very slow, but it was very reasonable, which made it difficult for them to refute.

It is true that everything is soaring this year, only the salary does not increase, and life is indeed a bit difficult, but this is not a reason not to pay rent.

In particular, they are used to living in the city center, how could they move to the suburbs for no reason.

"The comrades from the Housing Management Bureau are also here today. Let everyone be a witness. If you want to continue renting a house, then we will sign a new contract, and the rent will follow the market. If you don't want to rent, you can move wherever you want. If anyone has to make a fuss, I will find you and go to the place, maliciously defaulting on the rent for more than a year, and you will be punished by then, don’t blame me for being ungrateful.”

It's hard to be a good person.

Li Rong didn't get used to them either, she even planned to call her former colleagues from the Public Security Bureau to deal with it.

Isn't it easy to get rid of them? There are violent agencies, so it depends on whether they are afraid or not.

Shen Guanglin didn't think so, it was nothing more than money, as long as the problem could be solved by money, it was not a problem.

Some people sing red faces, so naturally some people sing bad faces.

So, Shen Guanglin stood up to ease the atmosphere.

"I also know that it's not easy for everyone. Let's do this. If anyone is willing to move out, we won't collect the rent owed before, and we will give you an additional three months of moving fees, so that everyone can have a transition and a place to live. .”

This is already Shen Guanglin's usual tactic, and it has been tried a hundred times.

What about such a good thing?Everyone was really moved.

On the one hand, I have to pay more than one year's rent, and on the other hand, I can get an additional three months of compensation, so why not do it.

"is this real?"

"It's true. I say what I say. I put the money in the neighborhood committee. Whoever moves out within a week can get it."

Shen Guanglin knows that only benefits can move people's hearts the most.

Anyone can figure out the financial consequences. It is really not easy to buy a house at this stage, but there are still ways to rent a house.

Since we have money to take, we can find a place to squeeze casually, it’s not living where we live.

The matter was resolved in this way, not necessarily perfect, but absolutely effective.

Soon, Shen Guanglin and Li Rong searched all of his houses, trying to imitate them, which can be regarded as a way to save money and avoid disasters.

Li Rong was also convinced, "What are you doing with all these old houses?"

"You don't understand. Leaving these courtyard houses to the children in the future will always increase in value." Shen Guanglin did plan this way when he bought the house

"But, do you still earn little money? How many courtyard houses do you buy for a lecture?"

"It's different, it's a feeling."

The matter of taking back the house has been busy for several days.

The vast majority of people moved out anyway, and those who were unwilling to move out also paid rent.

However, these houses are so rotten that they cannot be lived without repairs.

And repairing such a house is really not worth it.

There are also courtyard houses with higher preservation conditions and higher specifications around.

It's hard to say without comparison, Shen Guanglin doesn't even want this kind of broken house after comparison.

Let Li Rong practice the repair work of this kind of courtyard house. Doesn't she like to decorate, so let her do whatever she wants, even if it's just tearing down and rebuilding.

When all the dust settles, it's time for Li Rong to graduate.

The graduation certificate of the National People's University has already been obtained, and it is only a meal before everyone can say goodbye.

The break-up meal is eaten at Lao Mo, which is the western restaurant most yearned for by the students, which is of great significance.

However, today is not Shen Guanglin's treat, but everyone pooling money together, family members like Shen Guanglin can come and eat for free.

Shen Guanglin came with Li Rong. He is a serious family member and has received a certificate.

There are several classmates who enjoy the same treatment as him, both men and women, and everyone is about to graduate, and those who have boyfriend and girlfriend no longer hide it.

Where is it like Li Rong, who told her classmates when she was a freshman that she had a relationship.

When the wine is in full swing, the atmosphere becomes active.

Everyone spoke in turn, preparing to use this set of sensational words to bid farewell to this period of youth.

The first to speak was the monitor.

The squad leader was an older brother from northern Shaanxi. He packed his luggage and went back by train after he was ready to eat.

"Thank you very much for your support for my work in the past four years. I have been very rewarding in the past four years in Beijing. At least, I have gained your friendship.

Of course, there is a big bag of luggage.

When I first came to the school to report four years ago, I only had one baggage with me. Now that I am going back after graduation, my baggage has changed from one to two. "


Li Rong is also one of the older students in the class, and she also made her own graduation speech:

"Thank you very much for not calling me Sister Rong in the past four years. You only have Brother-in-law Rong in your eyes."

"Because my brother-in-law invited us to a big meal!" Someone interrupted.

Li Rong continued the topic just now: "Don't worry, Sister Rong is still young, and will remain young forever.

Now, everyone is about to graduate and go their separate ways. I hope you don't forget me, and don't forget your brother-in-law.When you come to the capital in the future, your brother-in-law Rong and I will still invite everyone to eat Lao Mo. "

Everyone toasted and drank together, one cup after another, and after drinking this cup, there were three more cups.

Many people got drunk like this, but Li Rong didn't.

She is massive, definitely much better at drinking than Shen Guanglin.

The next day, most of the students went back one after another, and Li Rong was also going to report to the new unit.

There are quite a few people assigned to ministries and commissions with Li Rong, but not many people assigned to the Central Organization Department.I don't have many, at least, there are no classmates of hers.

The process of reporting to the unit was very smooth. After all, I graduated from the National People's University and had a business transfer letter.

It's just that I didn't expect that after entering the unit to work, I would still live in the unit's dormitory.

As expected of most departments, food and housing are included, this condition is hard to say.

(End of this chapter)

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