Start with a college teacher

Chapter 415 Chapter 425 New Progress

Chapter 415 New Development

With Mr. Shen watching day and night, the work of simply taking the core is progressing smoothly.

In short, the nucleus was still taken out.

After everyone is really proficient, the students' operations will be more stable and the success rate will be higher.

In scientific research, teachers may not be better than students.

One aspect is that the students are young and energetic, and the other is that the students are more talented.

Sometimes it doesn't matter if you don't accept it.

Some people's talents are innate, they are faster than others, and they learn better than others.

Shen Guanglin can't do it, he doesn't have much talent, and he doesn't work hard enough. Apart from being rich, the only advantage he has is good looks.

In terms of appearance, his advantages are still very prominent. He is rich and well-dressed. People rely on clothes, and he looks more heroic and handsome.

Recently, Li Rong was not at home, and Shen Guanglin stayed in the laboratory when he had nothing to do.

He has spent so long in the biological laboratory, the only achievement he has gained is that he can pierce the nucleus in one fell swoop.

Under the electron microscope, it is indeed quite simple to poke the nucleus, just use a probe to pierce it.

However, he can't "take the core" at all.

Others can use microscopic tools to completely remove the cell nucleus, but this is really impossible for him.

In Shen Guanglin's opinion, it is more difficult to remove the nucleus of a cell intact than to remove a little flower hidden by a girl.

I send you a little red flower, which blooms on your new branch yesterday.

Shen did not have the awareness to practice biological experiment skills hard. The biggest role of his existence was actually to pay everyone salaries, provide various benefits, and then take away the scientific research results by the way.

The logistics work is still easy to do.

Seeing that Li Rong's unit was organizing a youth sorority, Shen Guanglin organized one himself.

Most of the boys in his lab are single. Although they earn a lot of money, they have no time to find a partner.

In order to stabilize people's hearts, Shen Guanglin asked Great Wall New Materials Company to recruit more single young women.

Only those who are good-looking should be taken, and those who are not good-looking should go to rest. We judge people by their appearance.

Shen Guanglin's plan was also very simple. His original intention of recruiting people was to benefit the people in the laboratory.

Find a chance to introduce them to the bachelors in the laboratory, it's the best of both worlds.

Girls are usually precocious and they are still very pragmatic.

Moreover, the men in Shen Guanglin's laboratory are indeed high-quality mates.

Rich and educated, no one would mind even if they looked a little different.

Li Rong went to the blind date organized by his work unit, Shen Guanglin was not jealous, he knew she would not.

In fact, at this fraternity meeting, she has received a lot of admiring looks from many people, but she didn't fall in love with these men, nor could she.

After all, it's too late to say anything now, and the marriage certificate has been obtained, so is it possible to leave?

The beauties from the new material company and the straight men from Shen Guanglin's laboratory are a perfect match.

Choosing the right person and the right way of communication is really important.

In biological research, choosing the right animal species is also very important.

In real history, the first cloned creature was a lamb named Dolly, but Shen Guanglin didn't do that.

The sheep cells were still a bit too small, so Shen Guanglin gave up cloning sheep after thinking about it.

While sheep mammary gland cells are indeed readily available, sheep also have a short reproductive cycle.

However, there is no need to worry about this thing, the cell volume of sheep is too small.

Shen Guanglin still asked them in the laboratory to directly select cattle as a breakthrough point.

Shen Guanglin didn't specifically talk about cloning, let's talk about it after finishing the work.

However, things always come step by step.

Because the success rate of cloning is very low, so the sample should be enough.

Therefore, the number of cows in estrus is the key factor to ensure the success of the experiment.

Technically, their first breakthrough was to remove the nucleus of fertilized eggs.

Now, they have completed the exchange of fertilized eggs and implanted embryonic calves into cows.

This action is very similar to the work done by Mr. Tong Dizhou.

Of course, it is impossible for them to wait for the calves to be born before making the next move.

They still have a lot to do, including embryos!Segmentation is an important aspect.

Embryo segmentation is actually a traditional technical task.

It is more appropriate for cattle embryos to be cut when they are octoploid, so that one fertilized egg can produce 8 calves.

It's the same with people.

This is how test-tube babies come about.

However, IVF is generally cut when a cell divides into 4 cells. In this way, if the implantation fails once, there are three chances of recovery.

Shen Guanglin did not do test-tube babies, and there is no doctor in their laboratory, but they did test-tube babies for cows.

After most people in the laboratory could easily complete the removal of the nucleus of the fertilized egg, Shen Guanglin assigned a new task.

The new task is not difficult. Shen Guanglin asked them to remove the nucleus in the egg cell.

Because Shen Guanglin was not sure whether others used fertilized eggs or pure egg cells.

Looks like a single egg cell.

When this step is completed, the next step begins again.

Shen Guanglin asked them to remove the nuclei from the cow's somatic cells.

Among the bovine somatic cells, the cells in the fallopian tube and the cells in the uterus are the larger and more active cells. This is what Shen Guanglin asked them to do.

As for breast cells, of course it is within the scope of the principle.

Shen Guanglin vaguely remembered that it seemed that the Agricultural College in Laiyang or somewhere else had taken the lead in completing the glorious deed of the first cow cloned in China.

In fact, this is also a kind of window paper.

In real history, since Dolly was born, all kinds of cloned animals have come out.

Even, a scientific research team in Huaxia cloned monkeys.

It is only the last step away from human beings, and I don’t know if scientists from any country have gone there. Anyway, they cannot publicize it publicly.

Of all the cloning techniques they seem to use is the transplantation of the nucleus.

A single somatic cell cannot be cultivated into a complete individual, and it still needs to borrow the special nutrients in the egg cell.

Soon, this group of animals became proficient at extracting somatic cells, and it was time to breed calves.

Fortunately, there are still a few cows in Shen Guanglin's biological base. Even if the number is not enough, you can buy more. We are not short of that money.

When Shen Guanglin asked them to transplant cow somatic cell nuclei into fertilized cow eggs, everyone understood the advanced nature of this technology.

This is a groundbreaking work that no one else has done, but Shen Guanglin thought of it first.

Everyone was very excited and put more passion into work.

Soon the base ran out of cows.

There is a word called killing chickens and taking eggs. In Shen Guanglin's laboratory, what they do is killing cows and taking eggs.

Of course, egg retrieval is not the purpose, their purpose is to extract the somatic cells of cattle.

From this point of view, breast cells are still easier to obtain.

Soon, there were more than a dozen or twenty embryos with changed nuclei in the culture vessel.

All from the same cow, it's time to plant the seeds too.

(End of this chapter)

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