Start with a college teacher

Chapter 416 Cow Enters Beijing

Chapter 416 Cow Enters Beijing
Everything is ready, only the heifer is owed.

The Great Wall Biological Breeding Base indeed raised several cows, and the somatic cells collected in the laboratory came from here.

However, they are mainly used for food, relying on them for scientific research, there is no problem in quality, but not in quantity.

Don't worry too much about this matter, the Great Wall Farm can finally come in handy.

It’s time for the Great Wall Farm to gain some sense of presence. The insect-resistant cotton was not used last time. If it is not used now, everyone should forget about it.

At the beginning, they cooperated with Beijing University, Wudaokou Technical School, and the Academy of Sciences on superconducting materials. At that time, Shen Guanglin spent a small amount of money to get this farm called the Agricultural and Livestock Research Institute, and also presented a little girl named Li Yan. Woolen cloth.

Today, the little beauty Li Yan is still working as a receptionist in a biotechnology company, but the farm under the Agricultural and Livestock Research Institute has been renamed the Great Wall Biotechnology Company Hebei Branch.

This farm is not small, with more than 4000 mu of fertile land, more than enough to raise a few cows.

Although this is the Hebei Branch of the Great Wall Biotechnology Company, it is more appropriate to call it the Great Wall Farm as everyone is more used to.

Now, there are actually not many young people who are still working on the Great Wall Farm.

One person attains the Tao, immortals and chickens and dogs.

Everyone is from the Great Wall Department, so they can naturally enjoy the benefits of the Great Wall Department.

Both Great Wall Electric and Great Wall New Materials are developing very fast, and they are desperately recruiting people. When recruiting workers, they give priority to choosing from the children of Great Wall Farm.

Even in later generations, most companies use the same method when recruiting people. If someone introduces them, it will be easier to enter these units.

Still, the stability of one's own people is better, and the master's mentality is also stronger.

Now, Lao Li, the father of the little girl at the front desk, Li Yan, is already the deputy director of the farm. Many people commented that this is not because of anything else, but because he has a very good-looking daughter.

Everyone originally thought that there would be some ulterior secret for Shen Guanglin to bring Li Yan to the capital.

Actually not.

He just cherishes that she is a talent suitable for reception, and she can be looked at by his side by the way.

Since Li Yan's arrival, there have indeed been a lot more people visiting the biotechnology company, including bachelors with identities and backgrounds.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Shen Guanglin doesn't know how the little girl's emotional state is, nor does she know if she has caught a wealthy husband.

In fact, Lao Li still has some special talents. At least he looks good, and his appearance is excellent.

This can be seen from his ability to give birth to a beautiful daughter.

Lao Li is just 40 years old this year, and it is the best stage of his life, but he doesn't want to lie down and win, but is still determined to fight hard.

Recently, he got an important task assigned by the biology laboratory, which is to buy cattle.

Be sure to buy cows like crazy, the more the better, at least one hundred, and only tall and strong young cows.

Hebei Province is a large agricultural province, and the number of privately raised cattle is not small, but there are not many adult cows that can enter the market.

Because in this era, the purpose of cattle is not to eat meat, but to work.

The history of eating beef in China is not long. As a farming nation, killing cattle has always been illegal.

In Outlaws of the Marsh, five catties of beef are often used to play with heartbeats, and we will not do anything that is not illegal.

In this day and age, for most farmers, a cow is a member of the family, and it is not easy to sell it. If you really want to sell it, you will sell a half-sized calf. Who would be willing to sell an adult cow?

The biological team of Shen Guanglin's laboratory gave Lao Li the following requirements: to buy adult cows of about three to five years old, healthy ones, those who have given birth to calves, and those who are pregnant, not those who have just calved and are feeding calves. Neither do calves.

That's asking too much!

It is difficult to buy cows, but with so many requirements, it is even more difficult to buy suitable cows.

However, no matter how difficult things are, someone has to do them.

Lao Li asked Shen Guanglin what to do, and he got only one decree: money can turn ghosts.

For a while, the Niu Economists were so busy that they flew up.

Great Wall Farm is going to buy adult heifers at twice the market price!

Everyone, hurry up, once this kind of good thing is missed, it will never happen again. Everyone gritted their teeth and sold their cattle for a good price with tears in their eyes.

Having money is indeed easy to do. The cows quickly gathered, and the first batch of 50 cows was quickly assembled.

Because the experiments were mainly done in the capital, they were also loaded on cars and transported to the capital.

The cows came to Beijing, and they also became scholars for the exam.

The success rate of cloning organisms is very low. Even if the cells survive, the probability of giving birth to a calf and dying is very high.So, be prepared to be prepared.

Hearing that the cattle from the Great Wall Farm had arrived, Shen Guanglin thought about superconducting materials. He was still holding the post of director of the joint research group for superconducting materials.

I haven't visited their laboratory for a long time, and I don't know how their research is going.

Shen Guanglin felt that he should also pay attention to the research work of superconducting materials, instead of always herding sheep.

Over the years, he has indeed opened a lot of dungeons, and he almost thought of one after another, and sometimes he even forgot which dungeon he should download first.

Speaking of which, he, Shen, is still a subversive of the traditional superconducting theory.

I don't know if this theory can win an award.

The current Shen Guanglin has made a lot of scientific research results, but he is short of one important award, the Nobel is very good.

Shen Guanglin came to the superconducting center. The progress of the superconducting group is still very good. Now nitrogen can be used to cool superconducting materials, and liquid helium is no longer needed.

Seeing their superconducting materials, for this reason, Shen Guanglin specially designed an experiment using superconducting materials, which feels like a black technology, and it is most useful to fool the leaders who come to watch.

In fact, it is very simple. It is to lay a circle of magnets on the table, and then cool a piece of superconducting material in liquid nitrogen. After the cooling is completed, take out the superconducting small piece and put it on the top of the magnet, and the superconducting small piece can be suspended. on top.

Move the small block by hand, and the small block will take off in the laying area

It's amazing, you can do the levitation experiment class without powering on.

This is much more powerful than Fuso's maglev train.

This can be called superconducting magnetic levitation.

Professor Shen is still amazing. Everyone has worked hard for half a year, but it is better for him to design a small experiment to show the high-tech content.

When Shen Guanglin was messing around, Li Rong was not idle, she was a little bored.

Because, there are still people who feel good about themselves who have taken a fancy to her.

Fresh graduates, as long as they are single young men, who wouldn't want to try it out?
Even married men, everyone still wants to try to see if there is a chance.

Li Rong is also unbearable, she said, she is not single, she has a partner.

It doesn't work if you have a partner, I don't believe it!

(End of this chapter)

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