Start with a college teacher

Chapter 418 Angry Youth

Chapter 418 Angry Youth
Just because this kid is so good at talking, he deserves it if he doesn't have long hair.

"Brother, you stole my scene and didn't say it, but you said what I should say."

Shen Guanglin leaned on the back seat of the car leisurely and contentedly, not for anything else. We have long legs and enough height to reach the ground even when straddling a bicycle.

Obviously, Li Rong didn't come for the man in the suit either, she directly bypassed the man in the suit and stood beside Shen Guanglin coquettishly.

On a hot day, snuggle up together, whether it's hot or not.

"Comrade, I've said it before. I have a partner. You see, he is my partner. You should save your flowers and give them to others."

She glanced at someone Shen who was jokingly watching the show, made a shy and resentful expression, then took the umbrella and handed it to him:
"You know how to watch a show!"

Shen Guanglin spread his hands.

The man in the suit was also a little embarrassed. He and Shen Guanglin had a good chat just now, but unexpectedly they were rivals in love.

However, love is always selfish. In the face of love, men must do their part and strive to be the first.

Not to mention humans, animals in nature are the same. The competition for mating rights is the cruelest, sometimes at the cost of their lives.

In the West in the Middle Ages, many men even fought duels in order to compete for women.

Among them, the most famous is the Russian writer Pushkin, who died at the hands of his rival in a duel.

"Aren't my conditions better than his? Why did you choose him?"

The bald man in the suit still looked a little unwilling to give up. He didn't mean to give up, but instead questioned Li Rong's soul.

"Because he has hair, I don't want my kid to start balding before he's 20."

Heartbroken old man, this hurts so much!

The man in the suit was silent for about half a minute, then turned to Shen Guanglin and said:

"Brother, you quit, you can't give her the life she wants, have you seen my car, next year I will buy a better Santana made in Shanghai, this is what a high-quality life should look like .”

"Why? I also have a car." Shen Guanglin shook the car bell while speaking, and the sound was very crisp.

The man in the suit smiled, "How can a beautiful girl like Li Rong sit on the back seat of a bicycle?"

Shen Guanglin nodded, feeling that what he said made sense.

A beautiful girl like Li Rong really shouldn't sit on the back seat of the bicycle, she should ride in front.

"Come on, you ride, female knight."

Shen took the initiative to sit on the back seat of the bicycle, and opened the oil-paper umbrella to shade the sun. He was going to be a quiet and handsome man.


The man in the suit didn't know what to say.

Ever since he met Li Rong at a certain party, he was astonished. He could not forget her all the time, and he was almost bewildered.

However, Li Rong is already used to men's pursuit, but if she really wants to win her heart, then this person must be better than Shen Guanglin, but so far, she has not found such a person.

Shen Guanglin called her a female knight, but Li Rong didn't hesitate. She really stepped on the bicycle, stepped on the pedals, and was ready to go.

At the beginning stage, Shen Guanglin also used his toes to give her a forward boost, and then he hugged her waist with peace of mind, and got on the car seriously.

Because one hand still needs to open the umbrella, the other arm is so deep that it can be stretched from one side to the other.

The man in the suit saw it in his eyes and felt pain in his heart.

I really want to cut off his hand!

The two rode in rotation, laughing and laughing all the way without feeling tired.

Soon, the gate of Great Wall Biotechnology Company is already in sight.

The man in the suit drove the GAZ car and followed all the way until someone stopped him at the gate of the compound and he couldn't get in, so he gave up.

To kill is to kill one's heart.

Shen Guanglin voluntarily jumped off his bicycle, pointed to the Mercedes parked at the gate and said to Gas: "I also have a car, but you don't understand the joy of riding a bicycle."

In fact, the man in the suit understands the joy of riding a bicycle, but he does not have this opportunity.

Afraid that the man in the suit would not believe it, Shen Guanglin took out the car key and pressed it, and the two beeps were the most fatal.

After the two of them got home, they naturally had another round of discussions, which almost formed a standardized operation process.

The two of them have cultivated enough emotions along the way, and now is the time to release their passion.

Shower, do laundry, cook.

During dinner, Li Rong took the initiative to say, "Why don't we rent a house next to our unit or buy another house. I don't want to live in the dormitory."

"What's going on? Are you being bullied?" Shen Guanglin was shocked. He thought his newly bought yard had been exposed.

"It's not like I've been bullied, but the girl who lives in the same room as me doesn't like to be clean. Even in summer like this, the clothes are not washed every day, they are just piled up there, and they will be washed once when they are putrid. "

Li Rong herself is a clean person, and she can't stand others who don't care about hygiene.

"On purpose? Want to disgust you away?"

"That's not true, it's just that her living habits are different. Her clothes are washed in a large basin, so there is always a strange smell in the whole dormitory."

The conditions in their dormitory are indeed not very good, not to mention that there is no air conditioner, and the fan was also brought by Li Rong from home.

However, the fan that Li Rong bought by herself requires two people to use it together.

It's okay when the fan is not turned on, but when the fan is turned on, the smell is even stronger, which is unbearable.

If so, move on!

In fact, Shen Guanglin has been waiting for Li Rong's words for a long time. Living alone is indeed a bit lonely. He is also a person who is not good at taking care of himself. There is no woman in his family. These days, he is suffocated.

Shen thought for a while symbolically, and then reluctantly agreed to her request immediately.

Li Rong was afraid that he would disagree, and said that living in Tiangong No. [-] was not bad, but if she drove to and from get off work every day, her plan to be a "civilian" would be ruined.

She hasn't thought about breaking away from the crowd now.

The current social atmosphere is somewhat like this. Some people rely on power to obtain benefits that do not belong to them, so many people become particularly hostile to the rich.

If Li Rong drove a car to and from get off work, many people would have a bad opinion of her.

The person who is separated from the masses should be replaced by someone Shen!He is not afraid.

Shen Guanglin really didn't intend to let Li Rong drive to and from get off work, he planned to drive to and from get off work by himself.

Even if you live in the city, what can you do? In this day and age, there are no traffic jams, so it is still convenient anyway.

Another week later, Shen Guanglin went to the entrance of the Central Team to check. Sure enough, the man in the suit didn't harass Li Rong anymore.

When the start time came, the school was seeking Shen Guanglin's opinion again: the freshmen of the class of 1985 were about to enroll, and asked him if he wanted to bring freshmen.

no more!
It is too difficult to bring new students now.

Everyone's thinking has changed, the social environment is a little bit unfavorable, and some people have become extremely unconfident and extreme.

Everyone has started to "see the world with their eyes open" over the years, and then saw the gap between us and the Western world.

Therefore, some people regard articles critical of China as a good medicine for life, and some people also regard the lighthouse dream as the direction of life.

Even Capital University is the same. They have their own school newspaper. Shen Guanglin read an article written by a student in his laboratory, and he trembled with anger.

The article reads like this: In the vast land of North America, there is a group of wise and wealthy people. That is the country of my dreams - Citigroup.

I have had this dream for many years. It seems that I have started it since I was in high school when I was a teenager, and it has never stopped until I entered university.

Before I went to university, I never expected to go to Citigroup. Among the 12 billion Chinese people, only a few out of [-] people have the opportunity to move there and settle down.

Now, I have a chance.

Perhaps, the old me can only blame myself for being unlucky, born in a less than ideal place, and not blond.

But I still bless the people there and regard it as an ideal country in my dream.

(End of this chapter)

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