Chapter 419
Shen Guanglin never thought that there would be such a person under his command.

He, Shen, has always felt that he has paid great attention to strengthening the ideological and moral cultivation of the students, and he will speak ill of Citigroup and Fusang Country every now and then. He did not expect such a trend of thought to appear.

Resentment, anger, annoyance, all kinds of emotions.

He was almost depressed.

It seems that we still need to strengthen patriotic education.

Shen Guanglin often wonders what is the meaning of life.

To make some money?Or marry some beautiful women?
Through his own efforts and handsome appearance, these two items can be regarded as part of his gradual realization.

The only remaining goal seems to be patriotism.

Patriotic, very good proposition, this is not completely empty talk.

It can also be said that this is a social responsibility of entrepreneurs.

Although, there is also a little bit of his selfishness mixed in.

He, Shen, is a bit greedy and lustful, thinking about winning prizes every day, and a little bit greedy for fame and fortune, but he is a good boy.

He knew he must be a good boy himself!

Therefore, the people under his command must not worship foreign things and fawn on foreign countries!
Shen Guanglin didn't say anything unnecessary, and cleared that student out of his team immediately.

I can't control your thoughts, but I can control your behavior.

This is not over yet, Shen Guanglin has organized everyone and is preparing to hold an all-hands meeting, which is an imperative action.

Shen Guanglin always thought that holding such smelly and long ideological education conferences for all employees is really just a boring behavior.

What kind of report meeting, what kind of reminiscence of bitterness and sweetness, is it useful?

Looking at it now, it is really necessary.

Perhaps, in the name of foreign investment, his company has flourished in China. While making money, it has also contributed to the growth of bad ideas to a certain extent.

When they work in Great Wall Company, they may think: the foreign-funded company is really good, the benefits are good, the salary is also high, and the foreigners are rich, so they are really envious.

Therefore, for several days in a row, Shen Guanglin was not very happy.

Although Li Rong has moved into the newly bought yard these days, Shen Guanglin is still nesting in Fuyuanmen's house, and he needs someone to enlighten him.

Old Li was a bit out of sorts, so Shen Guanglin even went to find the old man.

Yuquan Mountain is really nice, and it is cooler in summer than other places, so you can live comfortably without air conditioning.

The old man was very happy about Shen Guanglin's arrival, he really treated Shen Guanglin as his grandson.

Regarding Shen Guanglin's doubts, the old man didn't comment, but instead told his own story.

The old man grew up in a chaotic era, and he never had any big ambitions.

Back then, he joined the army because he could not get ahead because of his studies, and he fought with the warlords for a living. Even if he found the right path later, it was fate.

It is good that people can do something that is useful to others while changing their own destiny.

Don't be a saint!

The old man himself has never been a noble person, not doing evil is the greatest kindness.

Don't contribute for the sake of contributing, that's not your heart.

After listening to the old man's teaching, Shen Guanglin's mood improved a lot.

In fact, he also understands these principles, but he just can't find a good way to convince himself.

He was angry because his students were so influenced by him that they still thought about going abroad.

He can't accept such a thing!

However, compared with so many traitors and traitors in the old society, the current situation is much better.

What path some people take is their business, as long as they have firm beliefs.

Shen did not go to the first class, he felt that the class was a bit boring.

He went to the second class at the beginning of the term.

In class, Shen Guanglin asked the students the question: "How many people want to study abroad?"

Of the 30 students in the class, 24 raised their hands.

This is also due to the fact that Shen Guanglin does not put on airs. He usually gets along with everyone like brothers, and everyone does not hide any ideas from him.

Professor Shen is the most popular male teacher.

Shen Guanglin asked the remaining six students why they did not want to go abroad.

Some classmates said that the family is too poor, he wants to earn money early to support the family, and there are younger brothers and sisters in the family, so he really can't leave.

anything else?
Another classmate said that he already had a wife and children at home, so he really couldn't go out, otherwise he would still be human.

There are not a few who abandon their wives and children to study abroad.

What about the remaining four?
The remaining four are not good enough in their studies. English is really too difficult to learn, so they don’t raise their hands because they probably won’t be able to get out.

And among those who want to study abroad, how many students are willing to study abroad and come back to build the motherland?
Raise your hands in unison.

Fortunately, most people are willing to come back.

Whether it's true or not, Shen Guanglin's mood really improved a lot.

It's just that when they are about to graduate, it may be that the conditions outside are too good, and there are not many positions in the country where they can display their talents, so they are no longer willing to come back.

Not everyone is extremely determined to go out, and some people even hate their country because of their yearning for the outside world. After all, this is a minority.

That's it!
Then they can still be saved, maybe one can be saved.

There was a big class the next day, and Shen Guanglin told the teaching assistant that he would come.

Sure enough, Shen Guanglin's course was still very popular.

In this class, Shen Guanglin rarely gave lectures on majors, but a whole class on international knowledge.

Shen Guanglin first derogated Citigroup, saying the inhuman treatment of Asians and blacks in Citigroup, and then said some nasty things they love to do in Beacon Country.

In Citigroup, neither religious belief nor ideology is the most important thing. The most important thing is whether you are useful to them and whether they have established you as an enemy.

Now, their enemy is still Mao Xiong, what about after that?
Prophet Shen is about to show off his power again.

Shen Guanglin didn't intend to do this at first, and he got off topic while he was talking. He even directly gave a conclusion: the current world is still a bipolar world, but, one day in the future, it will become a monopoly.

It is estimated that the Soviet Union will not last for a few years. Within ten years, their economy will face collapse...

Following Wuxin, it sounded intentional, Shen Guanglin didn't even know that there were some adults in his class, among them his old friend Shunzi.

Shen Guanglin didn't know what Shunzi had been doing all these years, and whether he had eaten peanuts, but Shen Guanglin was still surprised to see him after class.

"Professor Shen, the international form you talked about is very good. I used to think that you are a scholar, but I didn't expect you to have such an international perspective?"

"You're welcome. This is just a family opinion. I also thought of where to say it. How are you recently?"

In fact, what Shen Guanglin meant was, why didn't you get involved a few years ago.

Shen Guanglin took the initiative to distance himself from Shunzi, just because he was afraid that he would hurt himself.

Now, it appears, he's ashore.

Now Shunzi no longer does domestic business, he is still doing business, but all he does is international trade, and he has really landed.

"I'm fine. I've been running international lines these years. I just came back from Eastern Europe a while ago. The situation there is exactly the same as what you said. The society is in turmoil, supplies are in short supply, and the economy is on the verge of collapse."

Now it seems that Shunzi has become a person with an international perspective.

(End of this chapter)

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