Chapter 421 Baiyue
Shen Guanglin wanted to go out again.

Certainly not for the actress.

Although, for many Jin Yong fans, she is a feeling that everyone cannot forget.

However, for Shen Guanglin, everything is witnessing the ongoing history.

From Shen Guanglin's point of view, Huang Rong's appearance is not considered pretty, but she is rather distinctive.

Shen Guanglin also specifically asked, does this matter have anything to do with their film and television company?

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that as soon as they arrived at their company, they disappeared?
Has anyone gotten a kickback from it?

Hu Xuyong hurriedly swore a poisonous oath: There is absolutely no such thing.

They protect their actresses very well. Anyone who dares to covet them will be beaten up.

It is true that Huang Rong passed away because of depression. The police have already intervened in the investigation. She has not been violated, and her recent behavior is normal, but her mood is not stable.

The reason for her emotional instability is that Huang Rong is dating Xiaotang, and she can't think about it because of her relationship.

Girls are sensitive and suspicious every day, maybe they just can't think about it for a while.

In this matter, their company has no responsibility, and no one has done what they should not do.

No one does evil!
That's fine.

Not doing evil is the bottom line of a company.

Shen Guanglin asked his company to do this, that is, not to do evil.

For a large company, it is actually not easy to do this.

There are many well-known companies in later generations, and they have gone a long way on the road of doing evil.

Especially some Internet companies, they do more dirty things, one counts as one, and there are almost no good birds.

The matter of the actress is not the most important thing to Shen Guanglin. They are going out this time, but because of another matter that Shen Guanglin has forgotten for a long time.

This time he was going out to inspect a raw material.

Although Zhang Cheng is a little bald, his scientific research ability is really strong.

It seems that only by becoming bald can one become stronger.

Shen Guanglin proposed to use gallium arsenide to make battery components, and he really made it.

Of course, the thin-film method is used, that is, the gas-phase deposition method is used to deposit gallium arsenide on the glass substrate to form a layer of film, make a PN junction and introduce etching lines before sealing the upper backplane. This is solar energy that can generate electricity. The battery is gone.

They have tested that the conversion efficiency of gallium arsenide cells is still very high, exceeding 25%, while the current mainstream monocrystalline silicon is only about 15%.

In later generations, most of the photovoltaic panels used on satellites are already made of gallium arsenide.

Gallium was what they went to investigate.

Moreover, the metal gallium is also useful in other ways.

For example, the phased array radar technology that Shen Guanglin is very interested in uses gallium as the core material, and it is also used in other military equipment and other aspects.

Phased array radar is really important. Now, while Huaxia is engaged in construction, the conflict with its southern neighbor is still going on.

It is estimated that the militaristic South Vietnam will not stop until Lao Maozi disintegrates.

Whether it is radar or aerospace technology, the metal gallium is needed, and the raw materials that Lao Li gave him have been exhausted.

Therefore, he decided to take his classmates out to investigate and give the children a vacation by the way.

Everyone is engaged in insect-resistant cotton and various research and development, basically there is no summer vacation.

People are not machines, and they still need proper rest so that they can be squeezed to the maximum.

It's also time to find some good juicers for single kids.

Of course, people can't just care about themselves. The old sugar cane like Zhang Cheng has already left, and he also needs new people.

Their destination this time is Goose City, the birthplace of Emperor Taizong.

There used to be a movie that also told the story that happened in Goose City.

"With the gun in hand, follow me, kill Shiro, and grab the watchtower."

In it, there is a mysterious brothel woman, a crazy county magistrate's wife, Uncle Ge and an 8-year-old son.

Although they are young and mature, they are really only 8 years old.

However, the place Shen Guanglin is going to is not this fictional Goose City, but another real place.

In fact, Huaxia really has a place called Goose City, and Goose City is another name for Baise, the land of Baiyue.

This is also Shen Guanglin's final destination.

Shen Guanglin heard that Pingguo County in Goose City claims to have the largest aluminum mine in the country, and the metal gallium is an associated mine of aluminum.

Shen Guanglin wanted to go over to see if there was any associated gallium mine there, and he really wanted to hoard some as a strategy.

There are not many metals to choose from in the semiconductor industry. The only metals are silicon, germanium, selenium, and gallium.

However, in buying semiconductors, gallium is generally applied in the form of a compound called gallium arsenide.

It is not like silicon, the higher the purity the better, the lower the purity of monocrystalline silicon is a photovoltaic panel, the higher the purity of monocrystalline silicon is a wafer.

Shen Guanglin's laboratory is not only studying gallium arsenide, they have also made some progress in the research of fine circles.

Speaking of which, the process of wafer production is not complicated. First, sand, that is, silicon dioxide, is melted, and then carbon is added, thus forming silicon and carbon dioxide.

At this time, the purity of silicon is not enough, concentrated hydrochloric acid can be used to react with silicon to form silane, and then regenerate single crystal silicon after purification.

When Shen Guanglin opened his mouth, the people below really lost their legs.

However, the method he said is really easy to use, and everyone has produced good quality silicon wafers.

This visit to Baiyue is also an opportunity for everyone to travel. This is a revolutionary holy place and a scenic tourist attraction.

For this trip, all the members of the experimental group, who are busy working during the summer vacation, will go. Everyone's plan is to fly from Beijing to the provincial capital, then transfer to Goose City, and then go to Apple.

Shen Guanglin said with a smile: "This is a reward for everyone working overtime during the summer vacation. Reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles. Only by walking and seeing more can you increase your knowledge and better appreciate the great rivers and mountains of the motherland."

"But, my lab report hasn't been sorted yet?"

"Oh, the thesis I submitted requires me to make minor revisions, and it hasn't been completed yet."

After the excitement, all kinds of things came out.

Everyone has things that cannot be left behind, but the journey still has to continue.

Shen Guanglin coughed: "Leave everything alone, this time it's a group activity, team building, the most important thing. Don't be an otaku in the future."

"What is an otaku and an otaku?"

Everyone expresses their incomprehension to this term. Is it the fasting of eating fast and chanting Buddha?

Shen Guanglin didn't give any explanation, and was about to set off. There were 9 people in the itinerary, 7 men and 2 women.

This configuration does not work, everyone, you must bring a partner of the opposite sex, and the laboratory will reimburse all expenses.

(End of this chapter)

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