Start with a college teacher

Chapter 422 Invitation

Chapter 422 Invitation

Going out to investigate is a political task assigned by Shen Guanglin.

Taking a female companion out is a life task assigned by Shen Guanglin.

Men and women must match each other in order to work without getting tired.

If three people are together, this is not allowed by the world.

Shen Guanglin's laboratory is full of bachelors. Many of them think that women are a burden, but they are not as fun as doing research.

Not to mention others, backbones like Zhang Cheng have graduated for several years, and they still don't have a formal girlfriend around them.

This is very detrimental to the harmony, unity and stability of the laboratory.

It is a good thing to love work, but it is not a good thing to be single for a long time. Shen Guanglin felt that he could not treat his generals badly.

He even felt a debt to Zhang Cheng.

In order to be able to follow him, Zhang Cheng gave up his old ex-girlfriend. If they had stayed in Germany, Shen Guanglin would have lost his wife and lost his army.

However, Shen Guanglin's pig-foot aura overcame all of this, and Zhang Cheng followed the organization without thinking about women's affairs.

Therefore, he felt that he had the responsibility and obligation to help him find a younger and more beautiful wife, and let that Wu Xiaoyun regret it.

If not, have a social event.

Our laboratory can provide free air tickets and various itinerary arrangements, as well as bed warming for rough men with high IQs. It depends on whether there are any girls who are willing to go with them.

Excuse me, which school in Beijing has more beauties?

In later generations, if you check casually, Huaxia Communication University is ranked first on the Internet.

Nortel and Chinese opera are actually not good, and the girls in their acting class are not bad, and the other classes are just like that.

However, there are only a dozen girls in the acting class. It is not so easy to cheat them or spend a little money to get their bodies and minds. No one gives them for nothing.

Communication University is more reliable. Their appearance is generally above the standard. After all, if you want to be a host, you must have a good image and good temperament.

Of course, the current Huaxia Communication University is still called the Beijing Broadcasting Institute, and it has not yet developed into the later blooming everywhere.

However, it is not realistic to really want to form a friendship now, let alone know the people there, and the distance between the two schools is too far.

The Beijing Broadcasting Institute and the Beijing Second Foreign Language School are next to each other, and the distance from the Capital University spans more than half of the capital city.

Beijing Second Foreign Language School?

Great place!

The [-]nd Foreign Language School in Beijing is a bit different in this era.

Although there are no football babies yet, there are still babies.

Distance is the biggest disadvantage.

On the contrary, the Capital Institute of Foreign Languages ​​is not too far from the Capital University. If you really want to make friends, you can consider this school.

However, the departure is imminent, and the time is a little bit late, so we can't be the overlord.

Shen Guanglin really planned that.

In the end, he didn't choose any school, and the partner he chose for friendship was Li Rong's work unit.

Probably because he, Shen, is not a grudge-loving person.

Aren't you guys going to have some kind of magpie bridge fellowship? Our Capital University can do it too.

Moreover, we are also wealthy!Rough, high education, good income, all aspects are very superior, isn't it a better partner for friendship?
If someone dies, we can still give away the house.

Shen Guanglin is really a good boss.

The house in Tiangong No. [-] is still quite empty, but Shen Guanglin is reluctant to give it away, but he has built a new accommodation area in the new material base. All people, as long as they have the ability and contribution, can have a share.

The condition of the new house is also very good. There are kitchens and bathrooms, and many aspects are advanced designs of this era.

Everyone is envious when they see the new and comfortable houses of the new material company.

Many people want to come in and get a job after knocking their heads. Both men and women are full of longing for this company.

Therefore, if Shen Guanglin really has the heart, it is also possible to find some good-looking girls from new materials.

In fact, they have already prepared for this. The new material company has recruited many good-looking girls, and some of them are both talented and beautiful. These rough guys who work in the laboratory have been wronged a lot.

However, he did not do such a thing.

He decided that the partner of friendship must be selected from Li Rong's unit.

Shen Guanglin personally dealt with this matter.

He first accompanied Li Rong to their unit, and then went directly to the head of their unit who was in charge of personnel affairs. Shen did not pretend to be low-key, and directly reported to his family that he was Shen Guanglin.

Of course the other party had heard of it. Shen Guanglin was a well-known person, even the No. [-] leader had met him.

Unexpectedly, a flower in our unit was picked by Professor Shen. It was a match made in heaven.

Shen Guanglin said that he wanted to invite some girls from his department to go out for an investigation, and it was also to strengthen unity and make progress together.

The leaders would not have agreed.

We don’t have many good cabbages, you’ve already picked one of the juiciest and best cabbages, let’s leave some of the remaining cabbages for our young people.

Shen Guanglin can only use some other means, who made you so interested in the friendship work.

He, Shen Guanglin, just happens to have some rich places to visit abroad, maybe he can bring one or two more people to go out with him, Fusang and Citigroup are fine.

This is boring no, how can you talk nonsense when you see outsiders.

Li Rong is our good employee, and Professor Shen is our good family member. We are a family. Wouldn’t it be great to hold a joint action?

Shen Guanglin also felt very good.

Are you going to Baise?

Shen Guanglin said yes.

This is a very good red education base, and it is indeed the past study of the outstanding employees of the organization.

If you want to go, of course you have to go. Some people fund the laboratory of Capital University, and you can realize your wish to fly as you wish without spending a penny.

Even the leader asked the director of the office to provide a list of "excellent" employees for Shen Guanglin to choose. Although the personnel file is just a headshot, which is still black and white, the good-looking appearance cannot be concealed.

As a reward for excellent employees, it is possible to go to Baise to participate in educational activities with teachers and students of Capital University.

As soon as the news came out, everyone was really happy, and they could still make airplanes.

Of course you can, and they are sitting together in twos, and the positions are fixed.

Even when they got off the plane's bus, their positions were fixed.

Even the guest houses are all dormitories for singles, and men and women are all facing each other, even if they ran to live opposite to each other in the middle of the night, no one would take care of them.

In this way, a dozen people set off together.

(End of this chapter)

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