Start with a college teacher

Chapter 424 Chapter 434 New Industry

Chapter 424 The Forth Thirty-Fourth New Industry

Chernobyl was a major event that affected the course of history.

Later, people commented on this matter and said that it was one of the important reasons for the disintegration of Maoxiong.

The biggest hazard of nuclear power plant leaks is not the damage caused by the explosion, but the radiation. This is a disaster that affects many people's lives.

Although no nuclear leakage has occurred in China, a certain degree of nuclear pollution has occurred.

One year, the city conducted a normal water quality test, but found that the amount of radiation exceeded the standard, and then traced the source.

As a result, I followed the Yangtze River all the way up to find it, first arrived at Dongting Lake, then entered the Xiangjiang River, and finally found the source in the land of Nanyue.

It turned out that this was an open-air pile of nuclear waste from a certain nuclear research institute, and the rain washed the radioactive things into the river.

Shen Guanglin is now far away in Goose City. He has no specific experience of this disaster. What he has the impression of is another nuclear disaster that happened in Fusang decades later.

Of course, the nuclear leak in Fusang was a purely man-made disaster. It was Fusang's wrong decision-making that caused the nuclear leak to a certain extent.

After all, I haven't enjoyed a nuclear bomb for decades, and I miss it very much.

Shen Guanglin has no intention of studying the past and present of Chernobyl, and he is still frowning at Apple's stupid and clumsy mining industry.

I used to watch news reports on TV, and it was not like this at all.

The endless conveyor belt, the super big excavator, and the super impressive transport vehicle all look very sci-fi, right?

However, when we actually arrived at the mining project site, not to mention the rugged road, it was full of old and dilapidated buildings and equipment, which seemed nothing advanced at all.

The mine is like this, and even the smelting plant has the same shape.

Even the electrolytic aluminum equipment does not show any technological content, but is full of dangers everywhere, and if it is not done well, there will be a safety production liability accident.

"Is this still dangerous?"

Professor Qin from Guixi University said don't be surprised, you haven't seen any more dangerous scenes.

Lao Qin had seen it before.

When he was young, he did not teach in school at first, but worked in a large coal mine in Qilu.

Once, with good luck, the coal mine collapsed just as he came up from the shaft, and more than [-] people were buried below.

Communication between the two sides was interrupted, but they were still able to communicate by phone.

The rescue process is not thrilling, the equipment is not advanced, and people's hearts are perfunctory.

The people buried in the ground became more and more irritable, and when the phone was connected, they opened their mouths and cursed.

There was really no other way, and those who stayed above could only silently cut the telephone lines.

This is probably why there are very few locals working in the mine, probably because they are afraid that something will happen and someone will make trouble.

It is not easy for people from other places to come and lie down, and the cost of defending their rights is too high.

After hearing Lao Qin's words, Shen Guanglin said that he really learned a lot.

From this point of view, the aluminum mine is considered safe.

Although the system and facilities are not perfect, the probability of mass death and mass injury is not high.

This time when I came to Apple for inspection, the ladies did not follow me to the mine. Li Rong took them to live in Baise. Anyway, there is no hurry, and there is still a lot of time to play.

Shen Guanglin brought the students over for an investigation, and there were still some gains.

The aluminum ore here is indeed very rich, and the scale of the factory is also very large. Shen Guanglin has already clearly known that there will indeed be some associated gallium in their mine.

However, the purity is not high, and it is difficult to refine it.

And the difficulties don't stop there.

Now the mining industry is not open to private enterprises, of course, even foreign capital is not allowed.

Especially in areas involving key materials and sensitive technologies, such as gallium, it is a strategic material that is strictly controlled.

Of course, there are no workarounds.

It is enough to set up a research institute here in the name of Capital University, and it is also possible to cooperate with Guangxi University.

If this is the case, everyone is very happy to hear it. This is the capital university, what a high evaluation.

Shen Guanglin also directly said that the purpose of his visit was to investigate gallium, see if there is any possibility of mass production, and also to study if there are other opportunities.

Gallium is the core material for the research and development of semiconductors and radars. It is a good thing, but what Shen Guanglin doesn't know is that even by 2020, the output of gallium will not be high.

Hearing that Shen Guanglin wanted to cooperate, Professor Qin from the School of Metallurgy became more enthusiastic.

In addition to this aluminum mine, he began to introduce in detail the distribution of minerals in the entire apple and even the entire western Guangxi province.

"Western Guangxi has beautiful scenery and rich mineral resources. There are the most aluminum and quartz mines here, and the rest are some coal mines and iron mines."

"Quartz mine?" Shen Guanglin heard another interesting word.

"Well, yes, it is quartz ore for burning glass. If a glass factory is built, the quality must be very good, but the transportation conditions here are not very good." Lao Qin has studied metallurgy all year round and is very familiar with the distribution of minerals in western Guangxi.

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has the heart.

Quartz mine is also a good thing.

In 2021, the silicon material can be doubled several times.

Even if you count a few years back, before 2011, the price of silicon materials has always been sky-high.

Of course, the silicon material here refers to the raw material for the production of monocrystalline silicon, which is also used for the production of wafers.

Now, Shen Guanglin's laboratory has researched the process of silicon material production and preparation, which is not complicated.

First, quartz and carbon are heated in a high-temperature furnace to produce silicon and carbon dioxide. The silicon then reacts with concentrated hydrochloric acid to form silane, which can be reduced to single crystal silicon after purification.

Not only this, the demand for automotive glass and architectural glass will also increase in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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