Start with a college teacher

Chapter 425 8 Horse Painting Mountain

Chapter 425 Eight Horses Painting Mountain
The establishment of a joint laboratory by several parties was so happily decided.

It was another laboratory bearing the name of Capital University, and the director of the laboratory was Shen Guanglin again.

Shen Guanglin has held too many positions at home and abroad. He has positions in Fusang, West Germany, Singapore, Eagle Country, and Citigroup.

He doesn't do anything now, and he can live pretty well with just his salary.

Shen Guanglin also reported to the school that his salary in any country should be donated to the embassy in that country. If this little money can help everyone's work, Shen Guanglin's goal will be achieved.

At least, this is a love affair.

Now, Shen Guanglin has decided to develop his own world in western Guangxi.

Although, here is not far from South Vietnam, and it is still a time of war.

But Shen Guanglin knew the history, the South Vietnamese were militaristic, and they hadn't been arrogant for a few years.

During the ten-year war, no one knows how many mines were planted on the border. Even in 2020, the landmines on the border have not been removed.

However, Goose City is still some distance away from the border, and if they assemble a few more troops for the South Vietnamese devils, they will not be able to fight.

Therefore, there should be nothing wrong with setting up companies and industrial bases here.

However, how the business environment here is, we will experience it slowly in the future.

If it is possible, they can also cross Nanning and develop in the direction of Beihai.

Beihai is a good place. If the city can be developed in advance, it might not become a pyramid scheme base in the future.

West Guangxi is actually a good place. It has mountains, water and resources. It is still a coastal province. In the end, it did not develop. There are many reasons behind it.

Reading thousands of books is really not as good as traveling thousands of miles. Sometimes you can’t see business opportunities if you don’t go out. Shen Guanglin thinks that there should still be business opportunities in western Guangxi, so let’s take a step at a time.

Of course, if there is no forward vision, it is useless even if there are business opportunities. Shen Guanglin lacks everything else, but he does not lack vision.

It was a pleasure to reach this cooperation.

Capital University, Guixi University, and local aluminum alloy production enterprises have formed a joint institution.

Even, the other party doesn't really need money from Capital University, nor does it need them to send people, as long as Professor Shen's name and image resources are enough.

What people want is the signboard of Capital University. Having this signboard makes people feel happier and more honored than anything else.

Capital University is also really a good brand. As long as it is listed as Capital University, even a training institution can flourish.

Jingda Jade Bird is an example.

Of course, training institutions also depend on policies and trends. An institution may have been popular for decades, and it may die in a day or two.

Capital University has many school-run enterprises. In later generations, a considerable part of the income of Capital University comes from its school-run enterprises.

In fact, in this day and age, many school-run enterprises of universities and academic institutions have already started.

For example, Fangzheng of Beijing University, Ziguang of Wudaokou Technical School, they are all in the process of brewing and have already taken shape, and Liu Lianxiang of the Computer Institute of the Academy of Sciences has been in business for more than two years, and the business is doing well. raw water.

They used the Chinese character input method developed by Shen Guanglin without even saying hello.

Just use it, Shen Guanglin doesn't rely on it to make money, and he doesn't pay much attention to the money benefits in this aspect.

Honor is enough.

In the future, it will be very difficult for the input method to really make money. After all, it is still too difficult to promote this input method. Smart Pinyin is the final king of the world.

Moreover, there are too many good things in Shen Guanglin's mind, which is not bad.

He has a lot of ideas about sharing bicycles with his younger brother to take a taxi.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin has achieved good results and won honors in succession in the past few years. He sometimes wonders: Was Leonardo Da Vinci so lonely back then?

It's too cold at the top, so I can only make more money.

Some people are asking Shen Guanglin if he wants to get involved in the computer manufacturing industry. It seems that this is what a high-tech enterprise should be like.
Of course to intervene!
However, you can also wait a little longer, and it is not too late to come in when the software and hardware development is a step further.

Moreover, isn't the Apple learning machine also a home computer?

The current game yellow card is so popular that it has spawned many pirated game dealers.

Now Apple handhelds have been available for a while, and they are selling well. Many colleagues want to buy the patent authorization of "Shen Cube". Too involved, he developed a puzzle game in order to force himself to rest.

When it comes to telling anecdotes about famous people, I finally don't have to saw wood.

Everyone believed what the media said, and it was really fun to play with the game console!
In the future, it will probably be the era of the Internet, and in the future, there will be the mobile Internet. Shen Guanglin has already taken these major trends into his heart, and he is just looking for a suitable opportunity to enter.

It is impossible for a person to occupy all the profitable industries, not even a time traveler.

If one day you are included in all profitable industries, then sooner or later you will become a thorn in the side of others and a thorn in the flesh.

Shen Guanglin has figured this out since he achieved financial freedom.

For example, he has made up his mind not to engage in real estate, an industry that has not yet emerged.

Of course, there is an exception for building some houses for our own employees. We need factories, office buildings, and dormitory areas.

In addition, he made up his mind not to borrow money for real estate.

Strictly speaking, real estate is a real point of no return.

Even Shen Guanglin has set a very conservative development route for his company.

Pay back the money owed to the bank as soon as you can. Only when you don’t owe money and you still have money in your hand can you feel safe.

There are many well-known real estate companies in China in later generations. Except for state-owned enterprises and central enterprises, if one counts as one, there will be no operating difficulties.

Real estate companies are making too big strides, and all the money is earned by the banks. Although the interest rates of the banks are low, they are large in size, and they still make more money.

Shen Guanglin is determined to embrace industry from now on.

Of course, if you have the opportunity, you can also open a bank by yourself.

Anyway, he thought it over. When an industry starts to slump, it is wise to change careers in time. With a forward-looking vision, it is wise to withdraw in time after cultivating a market.

For example, if you engage in shared bicycles, if you can leave early, how much money can you make to leave?

Not earning the last penny, and not engaging in debt management, this is the way a company operates.

Investing in the construction of a glass factory is of course possible. What Shen Guanglin is determined to invest in and research is not just glass, but also the preparation of silicon raw materials.

If the investment environment is acceptable, Shen Guanglin is determined to build a series of factories here.

The chip factory is set up here, I don't know if it will work?

In later generations, the amount of domestic chip imports far exceeded that of oil and other minerals.

Shen Guanglin feels that it is definitely a very correct thing to unswervingly research and manufacture chips from this era.

This is the true pulse of the times.

The matter of the aluminum mine was all researched and understood, and Shen Guanglin finally returned with a group of stinky men, and the women were almost growing hairy waiting in Goose City.

Didn't it mean introducing men and women to each other, taking all the men away, how can we exchange feelings?

In particular, Baise is only that big, and tourism resources have not been seriously developed yet. No one even knows about Bama. Guilin is really famous in West Guangxi.

Even Shen Guanglin once thought that the capital of western Guangxi was Guilin, but unexpectedly it was Nanning.

Everyone has long been eager to travel. It takes several hours to drive from Baise to Guilin, and everyone is not too far away. You must go to the Lijiang River to see the Eight Horses Painting Mountain proposed by the Prime Minister.

(End of this chapter)

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