Start with a college teacher

Chapter 426: New Issues and New Industries

Chapter 426: New Issues and New Industries
Guilin's landscape is the best in the world.

This poem originated from the Southern Song Dynasty poet Wang Zhenggong.

Of course, the most beautiful section of Guilin comes from the Li River from Guilin to Yangshuo.

Boating with beauty on the rivers and lakes, the scenery on the shore is picturesque, and the people on the boat are more beautiful than the pictures. It is really beautiful.

Of course, the key point is to have beauty and portability, otherwise, what is there to do alone.

Guilin is indeed a good place. On the renminbi issued by later generations, the landscape and fishermen here will be photographed.

Take the girl here to pretend to be a wave, and leave a few low-quality photos, so it's not in vain to lie down.

It's a pity that it's still 1985, and there is no such fun yet.

But don't be afraid, because no matter what Shen Guanglin does, Li Rong will support him. This woman still gives Shen some face in front of outsiders.

Ever since she got together with Shen Guanglin, Li Rong restrained a lot of her arrogance and became gentle and virtuous. Only when she was very angry would she occasionally show her dignity.

It's midsummer now, and there are many people who come to Guilin for tourism. What everyone looks forward to and looking forward to is the landscape and people here.

No matter how you look at it, Shen Guanglin's team is attractive enough.

There are two main points of their attraction: first, the girls are good-looking enough, and second, the men are dirty enough and inferior.

Of course, sloppy can't be said, on a hot day, who doesn't want to take two baths every three to five days.

However, when this group of men and women get together, they seem to be as incompatible as possible.

One side is foreign, beautiful, youthful and lively, full of all people's fantasies about young women;
The other party is dull, dull, restrained, boring, full of all kinds of dickish atmosphere.

Everyone saw such a combination, and it turned out to be paired in pairs, it's too disgusting!

I can't help but want to become an envoy of justice, and replace such frustrated men with myself, so that I can embrace beautiful women.

Unfortunately, what they don't know is that although this group of people are not good-looking, just like Wei Shen, they are talented and have a high income, and the girls who came with them are not very repulsive. What are you doing? Heart.

A group of people was still very lively. They first saw the Pictograph Mountain in Guilin, and then began to search for local delicacies.

In fact, Guilin still has a lot of special delicacies, such as snail powder, although it is a specialty of Liuzhou, but it is not uncommon in Guilin.

And the smell is also strong, the taste of the sour bamboo shoots has absolutely nothing to do with sourness, it is clearly stinky bamboo shoots.

Shen Guanglin can't appreciate this kind of delicacy, but the snail stuffed here tastes good, and this is the first time Shen Guanglin has eaten it.

They even heard that besides snail stuffing, there are also [-] stuffed stuffing here, whether it's lotus root, bitter gourd, yellow flower, winter melon can be made into special stuffed vegetables.

Can winter melon be used too?

So thick?
It's really not what everyone imagines. Stuffing is a dish, not a behavior.

The so-called "stuffed" vegetables are actually minced meat, stuffed into the gaps of vegetables, and then steamed and eaten.

It is said that this is the special eating method of Lingling in southern Hunan, because it is not far away, it has only been spread here.

Shen Guanglin and Li Rong took a large group of people to travel in Guilin. The girls all had male companions, but the one the girls wanted to get close to the most was Teacher Shen.

Being rich is only one aspect.

Who made him the most handsome and temperamental.

The others are not ugly, but they lack a yuppie air, and their faces are too honest.

Shen Guanglin has a unique temperament that is independent of this era. Some people say that this is the brilliance of genius. If everyone says it, Shen will believe it.

Perhaps, in a few years, Shen Guanglin will grow into a person like Xiubo, but I hope that "Little San" will not be sent in.

On the boat, on the way, although the girls were all assigned as "spouses", they still moved to Professor Shen intentionally or unintentionally.

Even, they show some little sexy from time to time, for example, showing a slender waist, showing a belly button and a flat belly, full of scheming.

Li Rong saw it in his eyes, but he didn't have "hate" in his heart, but looked at Shen Guanglin with "you know" eyes.

Shen Guanglin understood naturally, but he could pretend not to understand, and pretended that he didn't look at those vulgar fans, but just passed his eyes inadvertently.

Sitting on the cruise ship, everyone was looking at the scenery, only Zhang Chengfei had to chat with Shen Guanglin.

The world of scientific research is the most beautiful. As expected, his mind is not on women. What he pursues after Shen Guanglin is scientific research.

He asked Shen Guanglin if he had any new topics, and if not, he went to study glass.

It is true that Shen Guanglin himself has not thought of a new topic. Is there a better and deeper topic than semiconductor research?

There is indeed, but Shen Guanglin still wants to dig deeper in the field of chip manufacturing.

Moreover, his photovoltaic business has not yet opened up, and semiconductor manufacturing has only taken the first step, and it is far from the time to relax.

Now, glass manufacturing is a new field.

Shen Guanglin is full of expectations whether to make auto glass or not.

Is he the next Wang Ge?
Shen Guanglin has many industries, but not many high-tech companies.

For example, his new material company in Beijing is already considered the most technologically advanced company, but its technological content is not high. Most of its products are commissioned by the Singapore factory and are truly independently developed and designed. Not yet on the market.

Zhang Cheng mentioned a business and asked Shen Guanglin if he would like to take it, that is, to develop chips for a batch of automated weapons exported to the Middle East.

This is probably a compensation for Shen Guanglin's help in pimping. We haven't finished talking about the big bomb, but the export of conventional weapons has opened up the situation.

However, some domestic weapons are required to be automatically modified by others, and they do need chips.

It can be foundry, but it also depends on the technological content, because military chips require stability and reliability, but whether they are advanced or not is not necessarily the case.

Shen Guanglin's stall was getting bigger and bigger, and he also felt more and more that his ideas were often frustrated, not to mention the clothing factory, and even the electrical appliance factory was suffering from insufficient raw materials.

Among all the shortages of raw materials, the biggest problem is the shortage of chemical products, and the plastics needed for electrical appliances are not enough, and even need to be imported.

Shen Guanglin learned that many of their plastics and plastic products are entrepot trade in Xiangjiang, and the target is actually a company from Wanwan, whose head is Wang Yongqing, who is known as the god of management.

(End of this chapter)

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