Chapter 427

Although it is still midsummer, the time has entered the second half of 1985.

In recent years, the domestic economy has developed rapidly, and foreign trade has also been extremely hot.

However, while the economy is developing, it is also facing another problem. Inflation is soaring and production materials are in short supply.

The price is double-regulated, not to mention the people who resell the approval slips. Sometimes, there is money and connections, but there is no way to buy supplies.

Among them, the shortage of chemical products, especially ethylene products, is even more heinous.

So far, the domestic petroleum refining and chemical industry is still in its infancy, but its scale and technology are not strong.

The really powerful ones are still some foreign petrochemical companies, even the curved Formosa Plastics.

Many primary industrial products of Shen Guanglin Enterprises are imported from Wanwan through Xiangjiang entrepot.

There is no way, the price of their products is low and the quality is good. If you don’t buy them, you will be sorry for the economic laws.

If the old man Wang, who is known as the god of management, hadn't teased Emperor Taizong, it is estimated that there would be nothing wrong with Sinopec.

Of course, there are no giant companies such as PetroChina and Sinopec, and the oilfield self-management system is still implemented.

For example, Daqing-based companies, such as the Shengli-based company, and the Zhongyuan-based company, all operate independently, providing one-stop services from oil extraction to refining to processing.

Now, most of the oil produced in our country is not used for refining to make industrial products, but for export in exchange for foreign exchange.

Unlike China, which was an oil-importing country in later generations, in 1985, China's oil exports accounted for a very large share of exports, even accounting for more than 1/4 of all exports.

It can be said that before 1993, our oil exports were always far greater than our imports. It was only around 1993 that we completed the overtaking of oil imports over exports.

It is amazing to say that even after we become the world's largest oil importer, we are still a big oil exporter, and the export volume is really a lot, and the price is much lower than the import price.

Of course, there are various reasons to explain this kind of thing, and Shen Guanglin doesn't want to understand the reason. He only knows that from the feedback from various channels, he can know that the various chemical products needed by his company are seriously insufficient. up.

If he does not have foreign exchange, it is estimated that the supply of many raw materials will be stuck.

Even so, Shen Guanglin still has no plans to spend money to invest in building such an enterprise, it is too difficult, transportation, transportation, port, wharf, this is not something that a company can do alone.

Of course, it's not appropriate to talk about these topics on a cruise ship, and Zhang Cheng is a scientific researcher, so he should pay more attention to scientific research. Manufacturing and the national economy and people's livelihood are not your concern, so let's talk more about love affairs, at least, it should be chatting Let's talk about the scenery.

They are now taking a boat down the Lijiang River, and it will take another four hours to reach Yangshuo. There is no need to waste a good time chatting about work.

Shen Guanglin chased Zhang Cheng up to the deck, and walked to Li Rong's side, ignoring the eyes of the people around him, and directly wrapped his arms around her waist.

Li Rong gave Shen someone a supercilious look, but he was very cooperative and fed him a grape, and also fed the others a mouthful of dog food.

Shen Guanglin is showing others how to behave intimately.

Others really want to do this, but they lack some opportunity.

Everyone wants to hug the waist, but they are afraid that other girls will not agree.

Even, when some girls saw Shen Guanglin and Shen Guanglin who showed affection, they were aggrieved and would rather look at the fisherman on the river than look at the licking dogs around them.

There are indeed many fishermen on the river, and they raise many cormorants. The cormorants are not used for eating, but for catching fish.

In this day and age, catching fish with cormorants was not a performance project, but a real livelihood.

Survival is not an art, it becomes an art only when the needs of life are met.

Seeing that the bald Zhang Cheng had finally released Teacher Shen, and Shen Guanglin also took Li Rong to the deck to take pictures to see the scenery, everyone excitedly gathered around to take a group photo.

Yingying, Yanyan, chirping, everyone almost ignored Li Rong as the hostess, and even prepared to line up to ask Teacher Shen some questions about life philosophy.

Projects worth hundreds of millions are not suitable for discussion here.

Of course, the topic they talked about was also inseparable from the relationship history of the two, which was also a topic that neither Shen Guanglin nor Li Rong avoided.

Through communication, they also knew that they had no chances. In order to be more compatible with Professor Shen, Li Rong resigned from the Public Security Bureau and went to the National People's Congress to study part-time.

This really requires a lot of perseverance, and the family background of the person is there.

There are many graduates from famous schools who work in the Organization Department of the Central Committee, but the National People's Congress is already very good at it.

Professor Shen has a good personality, and he has never left him for so many years. The two have been together for 5 years, ups and downs, and they are in harmony with each other.

It's really enviable.

Shen Guanglin also said that as a human being, you can't have one end and the other, you still have to grasp the front of your eyes, and you can't look at the height of the other mountain.

For example, Zhang Chengcheng is a good comrade. Although he doesn't have much hair, he definitely earns a lot.

Seeing so many good-looking girls, Zhang Cheng was a little distracted and a little shy, so he quickly declined, not many, not many.

Then, Shen Guanglin casually asked about the income of one of the girls.

After all, everyone has just graduated for a few years, and everyone's monthly salary is not too much. Even if the unit is a central ministry, their salary does not exceed 100 yuan.

The same is true for Li Rong. Her length of service is counted from the time she entered the Public Security Bureau, so her length of service is longer, and it costs more than 120 yuan, not too much, not too little. She can buy a bicycle without eating or drinking for three months. up.

As for an ugly straight man like Zhang Cheng, how much does he earn a month?
Shen Guanglin asked everyone to guess boldly.

Shen Guanglin introduced Zhang Cheng's situation. He really can't be judged by his appearance. He is of course the top student in the provincial college entrance examination, and he ranks first all year round. After entering Shen Guanglin's laboratory, he is also outstanding.

Now, Zhang Cheng is the team leader of the physics group of Shen Guanglin Laboratory of Beijing University. He is also a cadre, and he can manage only a dozen people.

How much money can he have a month?
Since the girls traveled with Shen Guanglin's laboratory at Capital University, they naturally knew something about their situation.

They can probably guess Zhang Cheng's salary.

The salary is indeed not low. Zhang Cheng's salary standard is compared with that of a researcher or associate professor in the school. The monthly salary is about 200 yuan, which is indeed a lot.

However, if this income is compared with those active people in the society who run orders to help them do business, it is really nothing.

Among their suitors, there are many households with ten thousand yuan, but they have no academic qualifications.

Seeing that everyone is a little bit unconcerned, because although more than 200 is more than 100, it is not much more. If they are not good-looking, they are still not their favorites.

"Then do you know how much Zhang Cheng's bonus is?" Shen Guanglin asked another topic.

Zhang Cheng didn't expect that he would become the center of the topic. He stroked the same hairstyle as Xu Zhisheng, and smiled shyly at the girls.

A sharp-tongued girl opened her mouth and asked, "How much? Is it about the same as the salary? That's really good. Professor Shen, the treatment in your laboratory is really good. I've heard that you care about food." Keep it under control, and distribute all kinds of supplies during the holidays, I didn’t expect that there will be bonuses after this.”

This girl is more lively and outgoing, and she does have a certain understanding of the situation in Shen Guanglin's laboratory.

After all, he has followed all the way, and even the casual clichés of Lu Jing can yield a lot of useful information.

Diet For men and women, the most important thing is diet.

If there are no good material conditions, how can there be a happy life.

Shen Guanglin's purpose for organizing them to come is also very clear, isn't it just to introduce men and women to each other.

Everyone has indeed reached the age to talk about marriage, and it is not shameful to talk about income.

Capital University has a good reputation, Shen Guanglin's laboratory has better conditions, and girls are generally precocious. If you can't find a man as good as Professor Shen, you can find a man who works beside him, it should be good.

However, Shen Guanglin himself didn't know how much bonus Zhang Cheng could get.

He copied a whole set of laboratory management system from abroad, but the material rewards are not as much as others.

After all, these are different national conditions.

However, even with a few more discounts, the income should not be low.

"how much is it?"

Everyone is curious.

Shen Guanglin didn't know how much it was, so he really could only ask Zhang Cheng.

Zhang Cheng didn't know how much bonus he got. He said, "I don't know how to spend money. I save as much money as the laboratory sends."

It seems that he is the big boss who has no interest in money.

Zhang Cheng didn't even know how much bonus he had, nor did he know what other benefits he had yet to cash in. If he wanted to know the truth about this matter, he had to ask Shen Guanglin's special assistant.

There are two special assistants to Shen Guanglin, one male and one female, both of whom are graduates of Beijing University.

These two assistants are very busy. They not only take care of Professor Shen's daily life, but also help him prepare lessons and assist him in managing the laboratory.

The trip to Nanning and Guilin this time was arranged by them.

At this time, the girl solemnly took out the notebook from the suitcase, and read carefully: "Director Zhang has been working in the laboratory for four years, and his personal assets are all managed by the laboratory for him. So far , His salary income is paid in cash, which is not included in the statistics, while project bonuses and other subsidies are deposited into bank accounts. We are assisting this part. His income is considered high, about 5 to 5 per year In addition, he also has a suite and a car equipped by the laboratory, and he still has 13 free trips abroad and [-] domestic trips, all of which have not been paid yet.”

There is a bonus of 5 to [-] yuan per year?
Are you sure it's ten thousand, not hundreds?

"In our laboratory, as long as the experimental project is completed, the starting point of the bonus is 1000 yuan, so one hundred is not a unit of measurement."

The girls were really moved. Doesn't this mean that the people in the laboratory are all millionaires?

It's not that everyone hasn't seen money, but it's really rare that high-income people stand beside them alive, and they still look like a newcomer to society.

Hearing that he was so rich, Zhang Cheng could only smile shyly again,
"Don't think that the money is a lot. Professor Shen spends [-] US dollars for a class, and the money he earns is not used for his own consumption. It is all spent in the laboratory. Therefore, I have no place to spend the money now, so I will put the money first. In the lab."

It turned out that Shen Guanglin still had such a demonstration effect.

"If you have a place to spend your money and someone you should spend it on, would you be willing to spend it for her?"

"I am willing, will she be obedient?"


"Then I'll tell her, good boy, let's be obedient and not buy it."

(End of this chapter)

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