Start with a college teacher

Chapter 428 Investors' sense of ritual

Chapter 428 Investors' sense of ritual

At the end of the tour, a group of people went back happily with various gifts and special products.

It turns out that the group of people in the laboratory earn so much, and everyone has a household of [-] yuan.

The girls really gave up their unrealistic fantasies and changed their minds one after another, thinking that committing themselves to these people is not an unacceptable thing.

A good-looking girl may not have had a partner before.

However, when they meet a better lover, they may have to leave the original cage and go to a new nature.

This is also Shen Guanglin's goal.

Soon, Shen Guanglin heard that several confidantes appeared beside the men in his laboratory.

Even some of the quicker and more experienced ones have now lived in the dormitory building of the laboratory.

The distance from the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to the laboratory of Beijing University is still quite far, but people are willing to feed them thousands of miles away, so I am envious.

Shen Guanglin's goal was achieved.

However, those people who organized the Magpie Bridge meeting in Li Rong's unit were dumbfounded. They worked hard for half a year and returned to before liberation.

Everyone can't just think about solving the single problem, and the problem of development must also move forward.

The matter of investing and building a factory in Guixi has been finalized.

It's a collective decision.

The production of chip semiconductors and the production of glass do not conflict.

There is no problem in building a production base in western Guangxi. After careful discussion, we decided to build some other terminal manufacturing plants in coastal cities, so that even if the raw materials are difficult to transport, they can be roughly processed and then transported out.

In short, it should not hinder the future development of the enterprise.

The big deal is that factories for raw materials are built in mining areas, and it is better for deep processing companies to be located in coastal cities, where export and talent exchange are more convenient.

The Great Wall Group has decided to invest heavily in Guangxi!

It's an annual event.

Moreover, their first investment was 1 million US dollars, and the subsequent additional investment amount was 10 billion US dollars.

The feasibility study report has been made, and it is written according to 10 billion US dollars.

$10 billion?
Everyone can't believe it.

However, Great Wall Company is a well-known large company in the country, and their 1 million US dollars has already been put in place, and the money has been directly invested in the company's exclusive account.

This is already the usual routine of Great Wall Company: I plan to invest here, the first thing I do is to open an account in a local bank, and then transfer a considerable amount of money directly.

Do you have concerns?Let's have a look at our funding situation.

A full [-] million US dollars is lying in the bank account, saying that they are not in a hurry, saying that they are refining the investment plan.

You are not in a hurry, we are in a hurry.

Guangxi's annual foreign exchange export volume is only so much.

Now, they have introduced foreign capital of up to [-] million U.S. dollars inexplicably, which is a great achievement.

However, Great Wall Company said that we are not foreign capital, we are Xiangjiang Company, and Xiangjiang is an inseparable part of the country.

Well said!
It really is standing up and down again!
Great Wall Company not only enjoys the treatment of foreign capital, but also proves its patriotism. It is good to have a vision beyond the times.

Some people don't have this attitude. They went to Xiangjiang from the mainland, changed their investment, and then came back to invest. Since then, they no longer recognize their Chinese blood, thinking that being a foreign devil is noble.

Shen Guanglin didn't think so. His company positioned itself as a Huaxia company from the very beginning, with pure Chinese blood.

Great Wall Group's investment is a major event and cannot be sloppy.

In the end, they learned that the opportunity turned out to be a cooperative project between Guangxi University and Beijing University.

Lao Qin of Guixi University quickly became the vice president of the school, and also worked part-time as the deputy director of the Provincial Investment Promotion Office.

On the eve of the National Day, Shen Guanglin gathered several bigwigs from the Great Wall Department and went to West Guangxi together.

They really decided to make final adjustments and publicity for the foundation laying of the new industrial base.

An investment of [-] million US dollars is really not a trivial matter.

The plane still flies directly from Beijing to Nanning.

Revisiting the old place again, the atmosphere is suddenly different.

This time they came here, although they did not represent the official will, but they represented the Great Wall Group, representing the overall situation of attracting investment.

When we got off the plane, the first thing that caught our eyes was a banner: Warmly welcome Professor Shen Guanglin and the leaders of Great Wall Group to visit and guide.

On the runway of the airport, there are all kinds of cars lined up in two rows, including Fuso Crown cars, German cars, and Citigroup cars, all of which have license plates with small numbers, which may be the cars of big leaders Woolen cloth.

Moreover, when they got off the plane, they also enjoyed different treatment.

The beautiful stewardesses politely and firmly prevented other passengers from moving. After the red carpet from the hanging ladder to the parking spot was laid, they first invited Shen Guanglin and the others to get off the plane first. Before the welcoming ceremony ended, the others Do not disembark.

Diagonally below the plane, there stood a group of receptionists in suits or tunic suits. Everyone was refreshed when they saw the door of the plane opened.

Among the crowd, there were also children from the Young Pioneers presenting flowers.

This is a super-high-standard reception, which is almost consistent with the reception etiquette for important foreign guests.

To be honest, it's not that Shen Guanglin didn't enjoy high-standard treatment, but that was all abroad.

He has never experienced such VIP-level treatment in China.

Because he likes to keep a low profile, he tells people that he doesn't want to, but actually he enjoys this feeling quite a lot.

Of course, there were also old acquaintances in the welcoming crowd, such as people from Guixi University. After a while of pleasantries, Shen Guanglin was the first to be sent to the Mercedes-Benz 100, followed by the leading police vehicle, honking all the way and rushing out of the airport.

This kind of behavior is indeed a bit arrogant.

However, as a natural person who has never enjoyed special treatment, as a guest from afar, it feels really wonderful to be able to enjoy such a level of service and such an arrogant experience, and I really want to invest another [-] million.

It is impossible to invest another [-] million yuan. Shen Guanglin knows that Guangxi Province is a little poor. Although the gap between the rich and the poor among the provinces in China is not very large, Guangxi is relatively poor.

Shen Guanglin has already decided that he will donate some money to support local education and transportation.

After leaving the airport, it was another scene.

In the past, the vans and taxis soliciting passengers outside the airport were noisy, and passengers dragging luggage also existed in groups of three or four.

How long has it been since the passengers began to line up to get on the bus, and the vans and taxis are also lined up in an orderly manner. Is this still Nanning some time ago?

As the convoy drove all the way, welcome banners could be seen on the side of the road from time to time.

"Create an excellent business environment and introduce excellent foreign investment."

Li Rong, who has always been carefree, also began to be cautious and ladylike. She took Shen Guanglin's arm, put her mouth next to his ear, and whispered, "Why are we foreign businessmen so lacking in confidence?"

"Don't be afraid, if you have money, especially foreign exchange, then we are foreign businessmen."

Of course, what Shen Guanglin enjoyed was not the most generous courtesy.

From the perspective of the organizer, he was just an accompaniment. The real guests of honor were Zhang Peng and Su Youpeng, who were the real foreign businessmen.

In particular, the Cantonese proficiency of these two people is already very good, and the Mandarin is mixed with Cantonese accents, which can be very bluffing.

This is not the first time Shen Guanglin has come to Nanning. The last time he came, he came and left quietly.

This time is different, this time is an investment of 1 million US dollars, the money opened the way, and the specifications are also rising all the way.

In the face of this huge amount of foreign exchange, leaders at all levels have all paid attention to it.

There is still a struggle between the Great Wall Company and others as to where to build the factory.

When the Great Wall Company responded, they said that their tendency is to locate deep-processing enterprises along the coast.

Therefore, Beihai, Fangchenggang, and Qinzhou are actively fighting for this project.

In this day and age, foreign exchange is really important.

Western Guangxi is different from eastern Guangdong. There are not many overseas Chinese here, but there are many ethnic minorities.

Now, Professor Shen can mobilize the Great Wall Company to invest, which is really pie in the sky.

Anyone who dares to throw this pie on the ground will not be able to eat it.

The convoy traveled all the way, began to enter the city limits, and galloped towards the hospitality hotel.

Whenever a car passes through an intersection, the traffic lights don't work.

Many traffic policemen stood at the intersection, they acted as human traffic lights, stopped the few social vehicles, and let the convoy to welcome the distinguished guests go first.

Occasionally, when encountering a downtown area like a bazaar, the police car in front of the convoy would use a loudspeaker to shout: "Get over there, pedestrians and vehicles over there."

Along the way, no matter whether it was a military plate car with a special number or other vehicles with a government plate plate, when they heard the whistle of the police car, they hurriedly pulled over to the right.

Shen Guanglin knew that this was not a real official car. It was probably some people who had become rich, who managed to buy a private car, and then applied for a privileged license plate through various relationships.

In later generations, it is not easy to have such a license plate.

However, nowadays, it is not difficult for rich people to have such a license plate.

The reception hotel has arrived.

There are several higher-ranking leaders standing at the door. Judging from the hairstyle on the top of their heads similar to Zhang Cheng's, they are really great leaders.

Although the leader's hair is very long, it still can't cover the sky when pulled from left to right, but it still can't cover it up. This is a man full of confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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