Chapter 430 Macau
Shen Guanglin has long heard of various ways of attracting investment, which can be described as varied.

Many local governments give various preferential treatment to enterprises before they come, and they can't wait to spend their hearts and souls.

And once the enterprise has come and settled down, all kinds of autumn winds will be played, and the cards will be taken.

Xiao Mian, I can't cure you anymore.

Shen Guanglin mobilized the Great Wall Company to invest in Western Guangxi, focusing on its mineral resources. As for the truth, he, Shen, was also uncertain.

Guangxi is not like Shencheng or Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai. The tests of later generations in those places have fully proved that these local governments can be trusted, otherwise their local economies would not be able to develop.

The geographical location of Guangxi is actually good, with mountains and seas, but its economy has not developed, and there are always reasons for it.

Shen Guanglin also made the worst plan. At worst, the enterprises invested here would not be able to develop. Could it be that they could be robbed by force?

of course not.

After all, it is a project with such a large investment, let alone Guangxi Province, it is rare even in the whole country, and it can even be said to have attracted national attention.

It is also due to the fact that Western Guangxi is particularly rich in resources. As long as you have money and are willing to invest money, you can still develop.

Moreover, Apple is not too far from Bama. It is said that living in Bama can lead to a long life. Professor Shen can give it a try.

Now, let's talk about Beihai.

The entire industrial park or economic development zone belongs to Great Wall Corporation.

Shen Guanglin and the others had never received such treatment in Shencheng, Beijing or Jinmen, but in Beihai, they felt it.

This feeling of being the boss is really wonderful.

The entire industrial park covers a large area, and it is really named "Great Wall Industrial Park".

The aborigines in the park have all been moved out. It seems that Beihai is very determined to turn this place into a project location, and it is almost a dead end.

If Shen Guanglin and the others decide not to build the project in Beihai, it will be a disaster.

In fact, in western Guangxi, the city with the best industrial foundation is Liuzhou, which can be said to be a heavy industrial city and has many well-known enterprises.

However, it is also a good experience to build a place from scratch and develop it step by step.

Now, in this industrial park, as long as it is what the Great Wall Company wants, they are not stingy, such as land, the price is really very cheap, almost free.

Sometimes, the most expensive thing is the free one.

Shen Guanglin also didn't have the consciousness to eat free food.

He asked people to estimate how much money the government had spent to acquire the land, provide three links and one leveling, and provide various supporting measures to welcome the Great Wall Company, and he was going to give the same feedback.

Of course, the name can be changed, even if it is a donation.

Professor Shen's style of doing things is really particular.

You have shown sincerity, but I have money and I don't need to take advantage of you.

In order to support the construction of local infrastructure and the development of education, enterprises donate some money, so that everyone can live well.

Of course, the most important thing for a business is to be able to make money.

If an enterprise can generate a lot of profits and taxes, and can continuously generate profits and taxes, there is no place that will not welcome it.

Kindness is difficult.

Shen Guanglin made a decision, Great Wall Company should put the finishing base in Beihai.

Moreover, in order to quickly help the local GDP, they are also planning to build a series of light industry foundries here.

This can be regarded as solving the local employment problem.

In terms of employment, there is nothing faster and more appropriate than building a foundry.

Shen Guanglin suggested to Su Youpeng and the others that instead of making clothes, the foundry here could make some electronic products or some toys. As long as they find a good market, they can also make money.

The most important thing Great Wall Company lacks is an international vision. With Boss Shen around and under his guidance, there is no business that does not make money.

Now, the sales department of Great Wall Company is very strong, and there are many foreigners working in it. It is really a big international company.

After several days of investigation, Beihai is indeed a very good port city. If it is driven by leading enterprises, it may not be able to develop.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin had a good relationship with the Chartered Ship King, and if he asked his ship to come to the Beihai Wharf a few more times, the problem of ocean transportation would be solved.

The work is really busy recently, everyone sneaked out to play in Beihai for a few days, and Shen Guanglin had the most fun because he had a female companion.

Ordinarily, Li Rong also had to work, so she didn't have much time to spend time with him.

However, after all, it was a project with a huge amount of investment. Although it was not logical for the local government to invite Li Rong, it was not abrupt.

If you don't want to be promoted, it is still very comfortable to be a civil servant, and you can fish as much as you want.

After finishing the tasks at hand, Shen Guanglin paid close attention to the development of Hainan.

Because, a lot of people are mentioning here recently.

It is only 1985, and there is no independent province yet, and it is only a prefecture-level city.

Maybe, when it becomes an independent province, the first wave of real estate boom will come.

Shen Guanglin has decided not to raise real estate prices

After staying for a few more days, Li Rong went back to the capital. After all, she still had to work. Shen Guanglin tended sheep no matter where she went, and she was the most free.

Shen Guanglin and the others continued their journey to South China.

They didn't go anywhere else when they came out of Beihai. They went directly to Xiangjiang by boat, passing through Macau along the way.

This is Shen Guanglin's own boat, a gift from the former little Saudi prince.

Not to mention, such a long distance, driving all the way, is quite stable.

Macau is here.

(End of this chapter)

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