Chapter 431 Why

Zhao Zhong is a CCTV reporter, and he led a film crew to follow up and interview Shen Guanglin and his party.

After all, this is a large project with an investment of 1 million US dollars. Such a large investment scale is rare in China, and it is good to be able to record this historic moment.

Fortunately, the people at Great Wall Company are more cooperative.

Both Mr. Su and Mr. Zhang are amiable, especially their chief scientist Professor Shen Guanglin is even more approachable.

Everyone felt that Professor Shen was a perfect person, warm and generous to others, young and talented himself.

If he didn't fall in love with the TV camera, he must be a popular idol who is loved by everyone.

Just for this image, how many ignorant girls will be fascinated.

However, Shen Guanglin himself is not willing to appear on TV, and the reason he gave is impeccable: he still has a lot of research to continue, and if he frequently appears in the media, it will be detrimental to scientific research and confidentiality.

If a scientist frequently appears in the media, it means that his scientific research life is over.

Everyone understands.

It's so touching!
Therefore, many people are deliberately maintaining Professor Shen's mysterious and low-key image.

Whether it is print media or TV media, almost no video materials of Shen Guanglin have been broadcast.

What everyone knows about Professor Shen is that they have only heard of him by name, but have not seen him.

Even, their media is still deliberately blurring Shen Guanglin's age, almost portraying him as a respected old scientist.

Many people know that there is a well-known Professor Shen in Capital University, who is very powerful and has made achievements in many aspects, but everything about Professor Shen himself has been kept secret again.

Even ordinary citizens know that we want to protect such a national treasure scientist, and not inquiring about his privacy is the best protection for him.

Makes sense!
The matter of investing and building a factory in West Guangxi came to an end in the group photo of Zhang Peng and the big leaders. It is mainly divided into two parts. One part is the mining area in West Guangxi. The Great Wall Group cooperates with the local mines. They each hold shares in proportion. Part of it is solely owned by Great Wall Company, and the main base is in Beihai.

There is no way for Zhang Peng to take part in the signing ceremony. Who makes him the oldest and most like a leader?

Su Youpeng is also a good leader, but he represents the Great Wall Group in Shencheng; Huang Guangyi represents the Great Wall Group in Beijing and Tianjin.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin decided to hand over the Great Wall Group business department in West Guangxi to Zhang Peng to manage.

If jade is not cut, it cannot be made into a weapon. Isn't it good to be a prince?

At their stage, basically everyone has achieved financial freedom, and what they want now is personal achievement.

And no matter how much he jumped around, the company still belonged to Shen Guanglin.

However, Shencheng Company cannot do without Su Youpeng's imprint, and the situation in Tianjin and Beijing is the same, only Guixi is still a blank sheet of paper. Although Zhang Peng is a generation ahead of backup, he is still young and can fight for many years.

As for Shen Guanglin, only these people from the Great Wall Group know that he is the boss.

Other outsiders thought that Professor Shen was probably a bodhisattva invited by the Great Wall Company, and its effect was limited.

What Shen Guanglin said at Great Wall Company means nothing. Everyone thinks that it may be a symbol of Great Wall Company's respect for knowledge and Professor Shen.

The more this happened, the more everyone admired Professor Shen.

Because, after their imagination, it is so difficult for Professor Shen to raise funds for the laboratory.

He actually let go of his airs and dignity as a scientist, and traveled thousands of miles to southern Xinjiang to participate in the production and operation activities of the enterprise.

Why? Isn't it just scientific research? If people really want to make money, wouldn't it be good to have a class of 5 US dollars?

Some good people have done statistics, and Professor Shen hasn't made quick money for a long time. Maybe, the Great Wall Group donated a lot of money to their laboratory, so that Professor Shen doesn't have to go out.

There is evidence for this too.

Almost all the money earned by Great Wall Biotech was donated to Shen Guanglin's laboratory.

Who made them the closest? This is also the archway that Shen Guanglin deliberately set up for himself.

Everyone feels that Professor Shen is not a person who is keen on reputation, which can be seen from his reluctance to accept interviews.

However, for the sake of his scientific research career, he can compromise.

Who is the cutest person?He is the cutest person in the new era!
Today, the cutest person invites friends from the media to go out to sea together, experience a cruise ship, and see the scenery of the southern seas.

This can also have.

Speaking of scenery, Beihai is also pretty good.

If it wasn't for the burden of fame, it should be fun to be here.

In fact, Beihai in this era can be regarded as one of the most open areas in China. Many South Vietnamese refugees gathered here, and they were willing to do anything for their livelihood.

It's a pity that Professor Shen has no luck and can only chat with Zhao Zhongxian.

They are also old friends. They knew each other when they were in the capital, and they even fished together when they were making insect-resistant cotton. It's just that Professor Shen's fishing skills are not very good.

No, Shen Guanglin is about to find his place again. He said that the reservoir is too small, and he still enjoys sea fishing. The sea is his home field, and he is the king of the sea.

What happens to Neptune, we will wait and see.

The contract has been signed, but the construction of the factory will not be completed so quickly. The construction is cyclical, and there is no rush.

In some novels, some factories decide to invest on the first day, and the products are offline the next day.

In fact, this is impossible. The construction of a project starts with three links and one leveling, geological survey, piling, civil engineering, electromechanical, and then equipment moving in, commissioning, test run, production, and full production. All of this takes time.

And these, have not counted the time of feasibility study and EIA.

Of course, in this era, there are naturally no procedural documents such as feasibility studies. As long as you have money and the approval of your superiors, you can build boldly.

Can Beihai develop?

Shen Guanglin also did not believe in this evil.

There were 14 cities in the first batch of opening up in the country. In later generations, other cities developed quite well, but Beihai was silent, as if it did not exist.

Now, this Lei Chen Guanglin decided to try it himself.

If he cannot succeed, it is estimated that the latecomers will not succeed either.

However, the matter finally came to an end, and Shen Guanglin led the reporters and friends to board the ship together to the next destination - Zhuhai.

Said he was going to Zhuhai, but Shen Guanglin actually had one more stop to go, and that was Macau City.

It may be inconvenient for others to go to Macau, but Shen Guanglin is not included. It is not a matter of saying that he wants to apply for a pass. Even if he does not apply for a pass, the Portuguese authorities will treat him as a VIP.

Not to mention, the distance from Beihai to Zhuhai by sea is quite far.

Along the way, you must first pass through the Qiongzhou Strait, and then pass through Maoming Yangjiang to reach Zhuhai and Macao City.

Along the way, the sea fishing has really gained a lot, but Professor Shen has nothing.

Everyone has all kinds of medium fish, and Professor Shen's fishing rod doesn't even have a moment to shake.

Fishing is so boring, let's just look at the scenery, you see, the city of Macau is here.

It's about to land, everyone is looking at the land, and there are many ferries from Xiangjiang on the sea. Although it is not as luxurious as Shen Guanglin's cruise ship, it is quite lively to shuttle back and forth.

Shen Guanglin stood on the boat and said, "In the future, a bridge will be built here, from here to the Xiangjiang River, and those gamblers will no longer have to take a boat from Xiangjiang."

Perhaps this is the purpose of building the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge.

Who made it so that people can't pass freely after it's repaired, that is, Xiangjiang and Aocheng can come and go freely, there are too many restrictions, and I don't know when it will be opened.

However, everyone does not believe in the bridge building. Hainan Island is so close to the Leizhou Peninsula that no one thinks about building a bridge.

As a reporter, Zhao Zhong is well-informed and knowledgeable. He said that in the past, Hainan Island used to be ferried by ship, and even the train was the same. The train was first driven to the ship, and then transported by ship.

Needless to say, Shen Guanglin knew it. He didn't want to explain that the hydrological conditions of the Qiongzhou Strait were not good. Even the Wanwan Strait could be bridged, but the Qiongzhou Strait was not so good.

Isn’t there a song called 2035, take a bullet train to Wanwan, and see grandma’s Penghu Bay. Xiaoying is wearing a bikini, leaving two and a half pairs of footprints.

Xiaoying became angry and urgently legislated to prohibit AI face-changing.

However, there are some things that can be said. If you don't believe it, there is nothing Shen can do.

The boat docked, and the procedures were really not complicated. Su Youpeng and Zhang Peng had already immigrated to Hong Kong, and they didn't need any procedures to enter the city of Macau, and it was not difficult for Shen Guanglin and the reporter friends to come in.

Shen Guanglin still had some good friends in Aocheng, at least, as soon as he landed, others knew he was coming.

Because, Professor Shen is notoriously weird in the gaming circle, and many gaming places have listed him as a special object and paid attention to him.

Shen Guanglin is also very conscious, and basically doesn't touch their bottom line, as long as he can mix food and drink.

Zhao Zhong didn't know this. He always thought that capitalist gambling was harmful, but he really wanted to go and experience it.

Of course there is no problem to see it, but people are not allowed to take pictures, and your camera equipment cannot be taken.

If you don't take it, don't take it, let's see the world.

It's not easy to enter a casino, you always have to find a hotel to stay in.

Shen Guanglin took them to Lisboa.

There are all kinds of places here, in addition to accommodation, of course there are restaurants and casinos.

Reporter Zhao put down his luggage and wanted to visit the casino, Shen Guanglin agreed.

Moreover, he also asked Su Youpeng and the others to exchange some chips, and everyone will have a share, 500 yuan per person, until the loser is exhausted.

Of course, if you don’t want to play, you can change it into money yourself. This is the activity fund sponsored by Great Wall Company.

If the money is really too much, they dare not accept it. 500 yuan is still acceptable, and they can pay it back in a year or so after gritting their teeth.

Before entering the casino, Shen Guanglin also clearly warned everyone that nine times out of ten bets, small bets are fun.

However, everyone received chips, except Shen Guanglin.

He just watched, he didn't play.

Zhao Zhong was very curious, "Professor Shen won't participate."

Shen Guanglin shook his head, smiled without saying a word.

Shen Guanglin's assistant asked Zhao Zhong, "Reporter Zhao, do you know why it is called ten bets and nine loses?"

"I know, it means that no matter in terms of probability or other skills in casinos, gamblers can't win. Even if they win for a while, they will lose in the future. This is to warn people not to gamble and harm others and themselves."

"You're right, but the reason why you don't bet ten times out of ten is because Professor Shen can't lose, and because he can't lose, he doesn't gamble."

There is no scientific reason for this kind of thing, but it is so magical.

Reporter Zhao didn't believe it.

I don't believe it.

However, what happened next completely overturned reporter Zhao's three views.

As soon as Shen Guanglin and his party entered the lobby of the Lisboa Hotel Casino, not long after the chips were changed, someone came to show their hospitality immediately.

They directly proposed that they were willing to spend 50 yuan in exchange for Mr. Shen's fun.

Shen Guanglin said no, he didn't come to blackmail.

Shen Guanglin also said that he did not gamble when he came to Macau this time, but only watched horse racing and greyhound racing, and then he was leaving for Zhuhai.

The other party was grateful to Dade and said that he must accept the 50 yuan, which was Mr. Shen's transportation expenses.

The hospitality was hard to come by, Shen Guanglin collected 10 yuan and donated it to charity organizations.

"Why? Why are they giving money?"

(End of this chapter)

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