Chapter 432

Really increased knowledge.

Capable people really can do anything.

The other party offered the money, but Professor Shen didn't want it, and donated the money to the Laoshizi charity organization.

And those charitable organizations don't know what they are doing, anyway, they have never heard of them in the mainland.

However, everyone said that Professor Shen was particular about his work, which was already a common practice.

Everyone's every move is full of anger.

If the 10 yuan can be given to me.
Shen Guanglin's pattern is not here, and people who have achieved financial freedom are different.

Everyone started to play freely in the casino.

Shen Guanglin just looked and didn't speak. The casino also sent a very beautiful lobby manager to accompany him. If he has needs, other aspects should also be considered.

But Shen Guanglin is really just looking at it honestly, even Su Youpeng just tasted it. Everyone knows that Shen Guanglin hates gambling.

If anyone indulges in this, then this person will leave Professor Shen's circle.

It's okay to gamble for fun, and the 500 chips will be lost soon.

Reporter Zhao felt sorry for Qian, but at the same time was curious about what happened before.

At night, the city of Macao is very bustling. Even if you don’t want to gamble, you can go to the theater to watch performances, and the food here is also good, and it’s free.

Seeing Shen Guanglin attacking the lobster, Reporter Zhao also expressed contempt. Where does the lobster have delicious steak, and that thing has no meat.

It was quite late when everyone returned to the hotel room, but they were still very excited.

Looking back on this day, everyone can accept everything else, the only thing they can't understand is that when Professor Shen came to the casino, they would give away money for free.

Are they all stupid?
What's the matter, just play a few rounds of blackjack to know.

Shen Guanglin didn't want to spoil everyone's interest, and he didn't use all his strength, he just played at will, and there were no rules to follow whether he wanted a card or not.

However, the result was so unexpected. According to the statistics, everyone lost, and only Shen Guanglin won.

However, he obviously played casually.

There is simply no reason to speak of it.

Sometimes, even though it was already 20 o'clock on the table, Shen Guanglin still continued to ask for cards, but he really didn't blow up.

As long as Shen Guanglin doesn't want to lose, he won't lose.

It's not scientific.

Probability and statistics have no role here in Shen Guanglin.

Later, Shen Guanglin's assistant explained that Professor Shen himself is a famous scientist, physicist, mathematician, and the founder of quantum communication.Therefore, in Professor Shen's place, don't be curious or surprised by everything that happens.

Although Professor Shen does not have supernatural powers, he can use science to achieve things that supernatural powers cannot.

Special function?

Reporter Zhao is worthy of being a reporter. He is also very interested in supernatural powers, a hot topic in society, so he asked Shen Guanglin if he agrees with supernatural powers.

Of course Shen Guanglin disagreed, this was nonsense in the first place.

However, the dean, Mr. Qian, also supports supernatural powers.

Mr. Dean is not a god, he also has his own limitations, maybe, when people get old, there is a high probability that some ideological changes will occur.

Such as Newton, such as Einstein, such as Mr. Qian.

However, Shen Guanglin firmly did not believe in supernatural powers.

Because, 40 years later, no one believes in these ghosts anymore.

However, in this era, this kind of thing can be entered into the national first-level newspaper in a grand manner, and it is even not uncommon.

Before departing from the capital, Shen Guanglin also saw media reports that a child in the SJS area could learn to read by ear.

Do you want to be more exaggerated.

If this kind of thing is really going to be verified, it will definitely be a mess.

However, many people just want to believe in this tune, just like they want to believe in qigong.

Fortunately, there has not been a big fire in Daxinganling, otherwise, someone must have said that the fire in Daxinganling was extinguished by him.

At this time, Shen Guanglin felt that there were indeed some problems in the thinking of people in this era.

Not to mention those who worship foreigners, and scientific researchers believe that it is not science, and it is funny to say it.

Qigong has been popular all over the country for these years. Shen Guanglin originally wanted to stop it, but more and more people finally joined the ranks.

Shen Guanglin does not know qigong, nor does he know supernatural powers, and he himself has made objections in this regard, but nothing helps.

If you can't control others, then control yourself.

Shen Guanglin's Great Wall company and laboratory resolutely put an end to the existence of qigong. If anyone practices qigong in the company, please leave, because people who practice qigong don't need to eat or work.

Even so, there are still some people who spread rumors and are very willing to believe them.

Some people even think that Professor Shen himself is a master of Qigong.

Master, your sister! ~
Okay, let's not talk about these, let's talk about the future.

Whose future is the future of Aocheng.

It is said that the city of Macau is also coming back.

Negotiations are underway now and an agreement should be reached soon.

This is not a big deal. The city of Macau has long wanted to come back, and Portugal did not want to take it for itself.

However, for Shen Guanglin, regardless of whether it is Macao City or Xiangjiang, the return is an established fact.

It's better to review the video of Xiaoying.AVI more, it's right to relieve the loneliness.

From the city of Macau, the next stop is Zhuhai.

The two cities are very close.

Moreover, Zhuhai is a city that is still famous in later generations. Both the giant and Ms. Dong have left their stories here.

In Shen Guanglin's impression, the Giant Building has been in an unfinished business until the end, and Ms. Dong has developed a small local factory into a leading white goods company in the country, which is really amazing.

However, in this day and age, Ms. Dong has not yet reached the turning point in her life, so it is a bit difficult to attract talents.

Shen Guanglin has also been to this city before, he came to see the air show, Zhuhai now is a completely different world than decades later.

Now, the city has not yet produced the company that manufactures air conditioners. There is wasteland everywhere, and everything is waiting to be developed.

However, after a comprehensive comparison, everyone is not optimistic about the city.

Without him, it is too close to Yangcheng and Shencheng, so it is meaningless to invest here.

A group of Great Wall Group came to investigate, and the local government was of course very enthusiastic. They heard about the great feats of Great Wall Group in Western Guangxi, which were all reported on CCTV news.

They were very enthusiastic and even willing to build a Great Wall Industrial Park.

Shen Guanglin thought and thought, but still did not agree to the invitation to build a factory here.

After all, their passion has already been released in West Guangxi, and the city of Zhuhai should be reserved for the future.

It does not have a good location advantage, and its development prospects are really not as good as Yangcheng and Shencheng, or even Guancheng.

This era is still too early, there are still 10 years before the start of Guancheng ISO, and 30 years before the decline of Guancheng ISO.

After inspecting Zhuhai, everyone parted ways.

The media reporters returned to the capital, and Shen Guanglin also went to his next stop - Xiangjiang.

Because, Xiangjiang and his dearest cousin, I don't know what happened to them.

Now is the beginning of the new semester. After a period of nurturing by private teachers, my cousin has successfully transferred to the third year of high school, and the girl stayed at home to wait for delivery because she was already pregnant.

The elders of both families were there, because Shen Guanglin bought a few shops, and he could collect rent every month, which relieved their worries.

However, after arriving in Xiangjiang, Shen Guanglin didn't have time to find out about his cousin's living conditions. He was too busy, and there was an endless stream of people coming to report on his work, even Su Youpeng came to join in the fun.

I haven't talked about reporting work for so many days, so I have to wait until this time to report. This is to show my merits.

That's right, Guixi is already Zhang Peng's home field, so it's not appropriate to report the performance of Great Wall Group Shencheng Company there. It's better to report face-to-face when the boss comes over.

Su Youpeng was not alone, he brought his assistants and vice presidents with him.

"Now the company's funds have started to increase again, and the banks are still chasing loans. At present, the clothing company is still doing well, and its accounts are clean. But everyone has opinions on the financial allocation of Great Wall Electric. Singapore's ability to negotiate orders is stronger. , but we can also take the order ourselves.”

Luo Li talked so much that Shen Guanglin was sleepy, but he still had to concentrate on listening, so as not to hurt people's hearts.

When it was over, Shen Guanglin asked, do we still have a loan?


Then return it immediately.

Even if there is still a balance after repaying the loan, then decompress the shares of listed companies mortgaged to the bank, and don't waste it.

What the boss said is the biggest, don't care if it's a blind command or not, anyway, everyone soon quieted down.

They even prepared the biggest piece of good news, that the Apple Learning Machine and Apple Handheld were selling very well, making a lot of money, but Shen Guanglin didn't want to listen to it anymore.

Everyone knows that the boss doesn't like money, he has no interest in money.

Shencheng Great Wall Company reported and explained, and Da Liu also came to report on work.

He also established a company called Great Wall Investment, which is mainly divided into two parts, one of which is to hold shares in listed companies, and the other is to operate the Fusang foreign exchange market according to the requirements of the boss.

At present, the listed companies are running smoothly. As an independent director, he is quite happy, but the financial trader's foreign exchange speculation in Fusang is not smooth, and the other party has set various thresholds.

From the looks of it, being a prophet is not that easy. You can make money by just talking about it, and it really only exists in novels.

It's okay, there are joys and sorrows, as long as it's not all good, it's a normal company.

After the work reports of the previous two waves of bosses were completed, Hu Xuyong was at the end.

He also has a lot to say, but because everyone is a big boss, people report that they earn hundreds of millions and tens of millions, and the entertainment company he is in charge of only earns tens of millions. .

Perhaps, Mr. Shen was really not interested in making money. He only asked if Huang Rong's death had anything to do with their company.

It really doesn't matter, he, Hu Xuyong, can swear poisonously.

Since starting an entertainment company, Hu Xuyong has completely left the ranks of fighting and killing.

Back then, the Red Flower Double Sticks had been rehabilitated, and the younger brothers no longer received protection fees, and began to enter the Great Wall Company to engage in production and management.

This is a good thing. Persuading people to be kind is to accumulate virtue.

The entertainment section that Hu Xuyong is in charge of has also made good progress. In addition to the film and television company, he also established a security company and hired many capable and prestigious professional thugs to provide security work for the rich.

Of course, the main security targets are still our own people.

For example, Su Youpeng Su Dong, such as Da Liu, such as the young master.

"Little master?"

"Well, it's your cousin."

(End of this chapter)

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