Chapter 434

And the boss, so stingy.

It's not as good as this horse boy. Not only can he drive the car, but he is also in good health.

"You work for your boss, how much salary do you get a month?"

Teacher Liu saw that Hu Xuyong was struggling to move things, and poured him a glass of warm water.

"Oh, a salary? I don't get a salary."

Hu Xuyong has never received a salary, what does he do with his salary?

He has the final say on the entire entertainment company and security company.

At the beginning, Shen Guanglin gave him 2000 million start-up funds, and now he has turned this money into 6000 million.

Boss Shen never said anything about salary, and he never received a salary.

He also owns shares in Great Wall Entertainment Company, and Shen Guanglin doesn't care if he wants to pay dividends or not.

Hu Xuyong finally understood that Boss Shen's investment in entertainment companies is just for fun, and it really doesn't matter whether it makes money or not.

Hu Xuyong's daily expenses are paid to the company, and he doesn't know how much salary he should get.

"The boss doesn't pay salary, how can your employees survive?"

"Charge protection fee!"

Beard Yong showed off his muscles.

"Ms. Liu, don't worry, the gangsters in your school won't be able to become popular, and we will keep an eye on him, young master, and we will definitely not let him do anything wrong."

It turned out to be like this, rotten at the root.

"Your boss looks quite young, how could he have such a big son?"

"Hahahaha, the young master is the cousin of our boss, the boss is very young, really young and promising."

Hu Xuyong drank the water and left.

It doesn't make much sense to be alone.

He owns an entertainment company, and he has never seen such a beautiful middle school teacher before. He wants to avoid suspicion.

Seeing Hu Xuyong go away, Lou Feng's neighbor, Sister Feng, came over as a guest: "You are also in the business? When you first came up, you looked for a strong man, but you made money."

"What, this is an employee of my student's parents. I went to visit my home today, and he sent me back."

Teacher Liu said while taking off his pants.

"You're really hardworking. You've played field battles, and your knees are worn out. You're ready to go." Sister Feng couldn't do without Xiasanlu, which is her professional habit.

"What, I went to Taiping Mountain today, the road was too steep, I fell, and I fell." Teacher Liu explained, and she also knew that Sister Feng was just joking.

"How is your business today? How many orders have you taken? Are there any high-profile customers?"

It is rare for a teacher and a Lou Feng to become friends.

"Don't mention it, a guy today will piss off my old lady. He won't be paid after playing, insisting that he didn't play."

Sister Feng cursed and talked about what happened today, and then asked: "You went to the rich man's house today, did you gain anything?"

"Hey, the harvest is here, just a bunch of eggplants and cucumbers."

Teacher Liu pointed to the bags on the ground while rubbing safflower oil on his knees.

"What is this? This is, hey, cucumber. It's quite fresh, with thorns on top."

"Then you can use it. There are also bitter melon and sweet potato."

The medicine is finished.

It was only when Teacher Liu lifted his pants that he realized that today was really a big loss.

This pile of vegetables is indeed fresh, but they can't even earn back the oil money.

Rich people are cheapskates!

"What is this?" Sister Feng took a little of every vegetable, enough for herself to eat for several days. Finally, she pointed to the snakeskin bag containing urea.

The bag was tightly bound, and it was a urea bag imported from Fusang. It first went to the mainland and then to Xiangjiang.

"I don't know, maybe it's some rags. I didn't expect such a rich man to be so stingy. I won't talk about not keeping food, so I sent some rags here."

"These vegetables are so fresh, how can they be tattered. Let me see what other tatters are there, not potatoes. I heard that life in the interior is hard, and people who can eat fresh vegetables are already rich. Don't be dissatisfied... Oops, what is this?"

Wow, Sister Feng poured out the contents of the snakeskin bag, it was all lipstick.

There are about three or five brands, and each brand may have tens or hundreds of sticks.

It's all lipstick!
Of course Teacher Liu saw it too.

"It's not a fake, it doesn't even have a box."

Sister Feng doesn't know the goods, but Teacher Liu does.

When she is free, she often visits cosmetics shops in Central. She is familiar with these things, but she is just reluctant to buy them.

"This is a series of lipsticks. Each lipstick has a different color number. It is impossible to cheat." Teacher Liu explained, and hurriedly put away the lipsticks by category, not to mention sending one or two to Sister Feng.

It turns out that this is the correct way to open the Regal!


On the other side, Shen Houdao came back from school and was picked up by the driver.

Facing his dear cousin, Shen Guanglin didn't say anything, but chatted enthusiastically with him about daily life.

He didn't even mention the matter of booking a plane ticket for his uncle.

The family happily had a reunion dinner, and then Shen Guanglin went out to inspect his kingdom.

In fact, there is nothing to inspect, he made a special trip to find his good friend Zhang Guorong.

Now, Zhang Guorong is the director of Great Wall Entertainment, and he also owns a part of the shares, so he is the boss.

On the contrary, Meimei didn't get anything. Some people thought that the company had something to do with her, but it didn't.

When Shen Guanglin arrived at the company, he bumped into a tall but pretty girl.

This woman is so strong, she overturned Shen Guanglin at once.

It was really like in a soap opera, she fell into Shen Guanglin's arms.

This woman looks good!
She looks familiar too, what's her name.

For a while, I really couldn't name it.

The girl looked young, a little shy, got up and ran away, and even forgot to ask who Shen Guanglin was.

There was still warmth in Shen Guanglin's hand, he didn't touch the mountain, but the valley, it was indeed an embarrassing moment.

Can do it, but can't say it.

As soon as Shen Guanglin turned his head, he saw Gu Xiaotian in the corner. He was now Shen Guanglin's bodyguard.

This bodyguard is a bit too handsome, it has nothing to do with mediocrity.

It is said that Brother Xiaoming also had such an experience, and then he fired the bodyguard.

Shen Guanglin couldn't do such a thing, so he still asked: "What's the name of that girl, she looks so tall."

"Her name is Wang Zuxian, and she is a crooked person. She used to practice sports, but now she is an actress. But because she is tall, she hasn't had any good roles."

Ah, this is Nie Xiaoqian.

(End of this chapter)

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