Chapter 435 Prom
Hearing the news that his uncle was about to arrive in Xiangjiang, Shen Guanglin chose to avoid for a short time.

It is not good to witness the scene of father and son killing each other.

In particular, this secret was reported by Shen Guanglin himself.

Shen Guanglin still had other things to do in Shencheng, and he even put aside the matter of getting to know Nie Xiaoqian in depth.

Many people say that Nie Xiaoqian is a childhood idol, and when Shen Guanglin grows up, Nie Xiaoqian will not grow old.

It's not getting old, but the taste has changed.

Moreover, judging from the wind reviews, oops, I can't watch it.

As long as people look good, don't worry about it so much.

There are many beautiful women in Xiangjiang, and there are also many women who want to be women. Sometimes they can be equated.

Or don't go hunting for stories here just yet, an accident is about to happen.

The day before my uncle's arrival in Hong Kong, Shen Guanglin hurried back to Shencheng.

Shencheng is still a busy scene.

There are construction sites everywhere, and there are people everywhere.

Of course, every time I come to Shencheng, I will have a different experience.

The changes here are so fast that it is simply dizzying.

I don't know how many people from all over the country come here to look for the future.

An industry that has not yet developed in Guancheng took the lead in developing in Shencheng. Some car drivers in Xiangjiang even had mistresses in a grandiose way. All these things have reached the ears of the big leaders.


If the economy wants to develop, all kinds of situations will be encountered.

Among all the enterprises in Shenzhen, the Great Wall Group is one of the best. Its status is somewhat similar to the future Foxconn, even more important than it.

Because the Great Wall Group is so good at making money. Although it has left a lot of foreign exchange for itself, they still bring enough foreign exchange to the Shenzhen City Government every year.

At the end of the year, if the municipal government's foreign exchange earning task has not been completed, the Great Wall Group will also pay a sum of money in advance, which can be regarded as helping each other.

Hello, he is good, and so am I.

For this reason, the Great Wall Group also enjoys different treatment in Shencheng. Other companies have a shortage of materials, but Great Wall Company does not. Even if the price is a little higher, various raw materials still guarantee the progress of production.

Now, in addition to doing OEM for foreign orders, Great Wall Group is also producing various products for its other companies.

For example, the Apple Handheld and the Apple Learning Computer have only been on the market for about a year, and their profits have already exceeded the income of doing electrical OEMs.

Of course, the refrigerators, washing machines, and TVs produced by Great Wall Electric are not completely OEMs, because they mainly supply their own sales channels.

Up to now, the air conditioner production line of Great Wall Electric has finally been established. The number of air conditioners they produce every year is not too much, but the domestic market is only so big now, and it is impossible for them to be in short supply like TV sets.

Great Wall Electric has established its own TV production line no matter in Jinmen or Shencheng, and the core components such as picture tubes are all produced by themselves.

Now, they are finally getting into glass production.

This is also a good thing. The production of glass does not necessarily have to be the production of ordinary architectural window glass. It can be TV mobile phone screens or automotive glass.

If it can occupy the super-large market of glass in the future, it will be a very powerful thing.

Therefore, investing [-] million U.S. dollars in Guangxi this time is really not a lot.

In particular, they are still building some foundries over there, which is also counted in the [-] million investment quota.

This time when he arrived in Shencheng, Shen Guanglin didn't plan to return to Beijing immediately. He wanted to wait for his uncle to educate his cousin before reuniting and going to Jinling together.

There is really something important to discuss, which is about his marriage to Li Rong.

After all, Shen Guanglin was not an orphan, apart from his unreliable cousin, his uncle was his closest relative.

When they were in Xiangjiang, Shen Guanglin told his aunt about their certificate collection, and the aunt was very happy, which is why my uncle came to Xiangjiang so easily.

Marriage is a major event, and the family always has to discuss it.

Although Shen Guanglin can decide many things by himself, but after all, it is a major event in life. Without an elder to preside over the overall situation, he always feels that something is missing.

Anyway, there is still plenty of time, Shen Guanglin lived in Shencheng for many days, and he had a thorough understanding of this dull city.

Moreover, in his spare time, Professor Shen also attended the economic forum organized by the local government. As the chief scientist of the Great Wall Group and a well-known professor of Beijing University, he published important opinions that could be published in local newspapers.

As for the point of view, the newspaper didn't say it, and everyone didn't know and didn't care.

Because, in this era, Shencheng only believes in hard work and does not believe in authority, especially the authority of economic research. University professors are not popular here.

There wasn't much to do next, Shen Guanglin didn't intervene in the specific management of the Great Wall Company, and went to the beach for a walk when he was bored, and occasionally took a shower in the sea.

The temperature of the sea water in early autumn is not low. Shencheng is a subtropical zone, and it is warm like summer all year round, and it is always full of salty and humid atmosphere.

This is the smell of sea breeze.

In Shencheng, Shen Guanglin did not live in a villa either.

Su Youpeng and the others did build some villas in Shencheng, but he didn't like to live in them, and neither did Shen Guanglin.

Su Youpeng took the factory as his home and gave up enjoyment for the sake of his career. Shen Guanglin felt bored, so he went out and rented a house by himself.

It is more comfortable to live in the city, and there are fireworks.

There are also old towns in Shencheng, and the rent is not cheap, but Shen Guanglin still rented a unit with a yard for himself alone, and he wanted to experience the feeling of quietness in the middle of a few days of hustle and bustle.

The plan is very good, drink herbal tea every day, eat rice rolls, order roasted duck rice, and make some char siu buns every day. It's a good life.

However, the neighbors couldn't stand it.

Seeing Shen Guanglin's gentleness, but doing nothing every day, they were also worried about him.

Finally one day, an elderly old man couldn't help but asked: "Young man, you are also a newcomer, right? If you have money, you should save it. Don't spend it like this. The days are still long."

Indeed, Shen Guanglin does not go to work every day, and brings all kinds of fruits back every day, which is a bit extravagant:

"I just came to Shencheng. I used to be King of the Sea. Now I haven't entered the sea. I have already landed."

Shen Guanglin said something that the old man didn't understand, and took a guava for the old man to eat.

He is not a stingy person, he gave everyone he knew yesterday a salty pig's hand.

In Shencheng, the pig's feet and pig's hands are strictly separated, the front hoof is the hand, and the back hoof is the foot.

"Young man, what did you do before? What are you doing now when you come here?"

Old people are curious.

"I used to be a teacher, and now I come here to do some research work in the economic field."

Saying this is tantamount to not saying it, but the old man doesn't mind, it is enough to know that Shen Guanglin used to be a teacher.

"I've seen it for a long time. These days, people who come to Shencheng to venture into the world are not only civil servants but also teachers."

Shen Guanglin smiled and did not refute.

He can't say that he is the chief scientist of the Great Wall Group, he has enough money, and he doesn't need to do business at all.

However, the old man was kind after all, and Shen Guanglin also expressed his gratitude.

Afterwards, the old man went on to say, "Looking at your situation, you are not married yet, and the girl Xiaoyu in the yard opposite me is not married either. She is also a teacher, and she is our local. You must have common topics. She also likes Shanxi every day. Ya, Haiya keeps talking, let me introduce you to each other?"

Shen Guanglin quickly shied away and said no.

But the old man said, "Well, let's get acquainted. I can treat you badly. Anyway, if something happens, you are the one who takes advantage."

Makes sense, then...experience?
Miss Xiaoyu's profession is indeed a teacher, and she is also a young woman in literature and art.

On the same day, under the arrangement of the old man, the two met alone in Shen Guanglin's courtyard.

Shen Guanglin is not good at cooking, but there are cooked food in Shencheng, and some pork head meat and sauced beef are a good way to entertain guests.

Hearing that Teacher Shen came from the capital, Xiao Yu was also very curious, and immediately asked him if he knew a poet named Cha Haisheng, and she especially liked his "Asian Copper".

Shen Guanglin said that he really knows this person, and he is now working as an editor of the school newspaper at the University of Political Science and Law.

"Really, how did you meet?"

"He used to be my student."

"You know how to brag, so why don't you write a poem for me?"

"I can't write poetry. If I show too much talent, people won't be able to find me handsome."

"Tch, who will believe it, then can you dance?"

I will.

Of course, Shen Guanglin can dance, and he is a professional. As a former nightclub prince, if he can't dance, it will be too exhausting.

The two chatted happily in detail, and Miss Xiao Yu also said, I will take you to dance some other day, and see you.

Shen Guanglin agreed.

In the next few days, the days were considered calm, Xiaoyu had serious work to do, and Shen Guanglin was also doing various collections.

In this era, various dance parties have long been popular, and there are even dedicated dance halls.

As the forefront of the trend, Shencheng is close to Xiangjiang, so these are naturally indispensable.

Every night, restless men and women can't help it. They come to a ballroom dance, not to mention how happy they are.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin also knew that his Great Wall company would also hold dance parties from time to time, and each group had its own dance circle.

This day, just after dinner, Shen Guanglin wanted to take out his big cattail fan to enjoy the shade, and Teacher Xiaoyu really came to him.

I really want to dance. It's dark and windy this month, so I'm not afraid that something will happen.

Different from the simple dress during the day, Miss Xiaoyu changed into a dress and flat shoes at night, everything fits the fashion of this era.

Shen Guanglin didn't know what kind of clothes to change into. Fortunately, he attended an economic forum some time ago and got a new suit from Great Wall Company, which just matched.

"Your clothes are nice."

"Well, it is produced by the Great Wall, it must be a high-quality product."

When they rushed to the dance hall, the dance had already started, there were many people inside, and the sound of the stereo was also very loud.

The men are basically wearing suits and shirts with the same hairstyle, and the women are basically wearing skirts and black leather shoes, with serious expressions, and they are looking at each other with their hands together.

They danced a ballroom dance, which was the most popular dance in the 80s.

However, Shen Guanglin can't do this kind of dance.

Professionally speaking, Shen Guanglin knows Latin dance, national standard, and he is not proficient in this dance in the venue.

Moreover, it costs money to enter such a place, two yuan per person, both men and women.

Shen Guanglin was very skeptical that Miss Xiaoyu brought him here to pay for the tickets.

Because, after entering the arena, she found her familiar dance partner, and then danced on her own.

Shen Guanglin was a little surprised, and sat bored on the chair next to him, and bought himself a glass of low-quality soda that cost 5 cents.

In fact, this kind of soda mixed with saccharin, if you really want to buy it outside, it costs a few cents a cup at most, and now the price has increased by a full 10 times.

This is the KTV and nightclub of the future.

Of course, Shen Guanglin was not without gains. A pretty girl came over generously and invited him to dance. Shen Guanglin hurriedly said sorry, he really didn't know how to dance this kind of dance.

precisely?Rumba?Thinking about Da Qiangzi who was in prison, Shen Guanglin felt that he should be more honest, just take a look.

However, just after being modest, Shen Guanglin heard other people's complaints clearly, "Why do you dress so formally if you can't dance, you're fishing."

Yay, insightful!

(End of this chapter)

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