Start with a college teacher

Chapter 436 Chapter Township

Chapter 436
Afterwards, Teacher Xiaoyu came to invite Shen Guanglin to dance again.

Mr. Shen is not going, can I give you two yuan, you go by yourself.

You thought you were sending a beggar, hum!
However, two yuan is a lot of money after all, if Mr. Shen is willing to sponsor, he would be embarrassed not to.

After all, although Xiaoyu is an aborigine, his salary is not high, and the salary he pays also buys cosmetics, clothes and snacks, which is not enough at all.

Perhaps, this is how the naked strip loan of later generations came about.

Even though Mr. Shen doesn't have a serious job, he spends money quite generously, and knows romance, even knows how to drink coffee.

If he is not a foreigner, if he has a good job, it is not impossible to really consider finding such a partner.

In this way, the two became friends.

When she is free, she will also help him wash his clothes and cook.

Shen Guanglin's clothes are all new, not to mention suits, T-shirts have a big bag, and it is rare to wash them if they are dirty, so just change another one.

That's not how money is made.

of course not.

When staying in a hotel, someone still helped him wash his clothes.

Now that he has moved out by himself, he plans to save enough piles and let people wash them together, or just wash them with a washing machine.

Wash it by hand?
What is the invention tool used for? Is it used as a small electric motor for mining? Be careful of water seepage.

Shen Guanglin has so many assistants, both work assistants and life assistants, aren't they just taking care of his daily life.

If you can't solve the problem, the boss will come to solve you.

It's just that when they arrived in Shencheng recently, Shen Guanglin didn't let them follow, otherwise how could he understand the people's sentiments.

In this way, Shen Guanglin spent several days in Shencheng boringly, and finally waited for his uncle to come over.

If he doesn't come, he will make a mistake.

Now, Miss Xiao Yu even started to wash his underwear, and asked him if he was in good health, otherwise, other people's clothes would have dried marks, why didn't he.

You are a girl, do you want to be so knowledgeable?

Shen Guanglin was defeated.

It seems that the uncle should have educated his cousin when he came this time. After all, it took so long to come to Shencheng.

Boss Shen's uncle came over, and the welcome banquet was naturally indispensable.

Come on, let's play music and dance.

The uncle also sighed straight at the banquet, this little bastard is too worrying, fortunately there is a cousin in charge like you, otherwise I don't know what to do next.

Even without Shen Guanglin, Shen Houdao may not have his own path to go.

However, Shen Guanglin couldn't explain this to his uncle in detail, he could only say, in a few days, I will go back to Jinling with you.

Uncle also meant the same thing.

It's good to go back to my hometown to discuss it together. In addition to the uncle, there are still some elders in the family, and their opinions should be listened to.

Uncle came to Xiangjiang this time, and the time of leave is indeed a bit long. Even seeing that Xiangjiang's business is doing so well, he is a little bit thinking of resigning and running a shop.

Shen Guanglin was really loyal, and he was a real relative. The shops he helped them choose were all in excellent locations. With the rent alone, the two of them could live comfortably.

Moreover, Xiangjiang and Shencheng are very close after all, no matter Su Youpeng or Da Liu would go over to be a guest from time to time, no one thought that Shen Houdao, this little bastard, would walk ahead of everyone and have a child first.

When they came over, they would not give money, but they took a lot of good things from mountains and seas.

My aunt planted a lot of fresh vegetables around the mosaic villa, and she would pack some for them before leaving. She thought her vegetables were very popular.

Only Shen Guanglin talks about the preciousness of organic vegetables every day, and others have not yet established this concept.

Everyone scrambled for it, more to give Shen Guanglin face, resulting in a situation where it was hard to find a dish.

Hearing that my uncle wanted to resign, Shen Guanglin was very surprised, and quickly asked, isn't it good to be a cadre?
It's not bad, it's just that he is considered a cadre in the Industrial Bureau.

Now various departments are clamoring to attract investment every day, Jinling is not Suzhou and Hangzhou, and the conditions are also average, so it is not so easy to attract investment.

However, the leader heard that Lao Shen's nephew had some relationship with the Great Wall Group, so he had been thinking about whether he could introduce him.

This is probably Lao Shen's political mission. He can ask for leave so freely, he is very useful, and this is one of the reasons.

There really is no impenetrable wall in the world.

It is no secret that Shen Guanglin is not only a university professor, but also the chief scientist of the Great Wall Group.

It is understandable and understandable for some people to do their work to their relatives and friends.

It's not impossible to invest in Jinling, but Shen Guanglin doesn't know what he can do when he comes here. Will he also build a TV production factory, or engage in Yunjin textile?
However, you can think about the investment slowly. Now that you finally have to pack your things and leave Shencheng, Miss Xiaoyu is very reluctant.

After all, the two of them have known each other these days, and she can go dancing whenever she is free, which is fun to say.

Teacher Shen is also generous, treat guests to dinner, coffee, dance, everything is easy, it is really a very good mobile wallet.

Before leaving, Xiaoyu was still a little bit sorry, "Why don't I teach you how to dance, so you won't be embarrassed next time you go to the dance hall."

"No need." Shen Guanglin declined.

"It's okay, it's very simple." Xiao Yu persisted needlessly.

"no need"

"I have a very beautiful girlfriend, really beautiful, I will take her with me."

"okay then"

It's really hard to be generous.

This is Shen Guanglin's second visit to the dance hall.

I went earlier this time, and Miss Xiaoyu kept her word, and she really brought a pretty girl with her.

Yes, it looks a bit like a milk tea girl.

However, when facing beautiful women, Shen Guanglin just looked at them.

Any good-looking girl has a bunch of licking dogs behind her back. If anyone really wants to lick them, they must spend countless energy and money.

The current era is not pure at all. In later generations, as long as you have money, you can even have a one-yuan airborne in some places, as long as you are lucky.

While the three of them were talking, the song and dance hall arrived. This time, Xiao Yu paid for the treat, and it was rare for her to be generous.

The time is indeed still there now, it's not dark yet, and there are not many people in the ballroom.

Seeing beautiful girls coming in, many people surrounded the cage and invited them to dance.

Of course, there are also special teaching places here, and everyone can learn without paying.

"Dancing friendship dance is actually very simple, you just need to master the rhythm, the key is tacit understanding, and the tacit understanding between two people needs time to develop." Miss Xiao Yu taught very carefully, she really thinks that Shen Guanglin is a friend.

You are right, the key is that Shen Guanglin doesn't want to learn.

However, Xiao Yu's beautiful best friend is also there, and he feels that it is not his style to not show his hands.

In front of beautiful women, men can't help showing their good side.

Today, let them see that they can dance the national standard in sports shoes.

It doesn't matter if there is no music with a suitable rhythm. Shen Guanglin has taken dance training classes since he was a child.

When he got up, Shen Guanglin moved sharply, and his gestures were not sloppy at all.

The people around were dumbfounded, even the dance teacher is not so professional.

Shen Guanglin took the time to look at Miss Xiaoyu, as if to say, this is the dance, what you danced before was a kind of radio gymnastics.

Even after a short dance, Shen Guanglin improvised a mechanical dance and a space walk.

In this era, Michael Jackson's mechanical dance was not so enthusiastic, but now Shen Guanglin danced it ahead of time.

It's too sassy!
Everyone was shocked.

Many people have to teach on the spot.

Shen Guanglin also gave everyone a simple back slide action.

After performing the talent show, Xiao Yu was really reluctant to let Shen Guanglin go. Teacher Shen is really hiding his secrets.

Unfortunately, she woke up too late.

Shen Guanglin finally pretended to be there today.

After enduring for so many days, he finally left his mysterious legend in the dance hall.

Many years later, Xiao Yu and her best friend were married to other women. When I recalled that man back then, I couldn't help but still tremble in my legs.

Shen Guanglin really left.

This time they returned to Jinling from Shencheng, they took the train back.

It is boring to fly every day. If you are not in a hurry, it is still comfortable to take the train, and you can see the scenery and life along the way.

Recently, Shen Guanglin's state of mind has changed a bit. It's not that he hurts the spring and the autumn, but that he wants to be down-to-earth.

In this day and age, being too rich doesn't necessarily mean being happy, and being aloof is not the state of life he wants.

The real happiness is the happiness found in the common people who hide in the city.

Sometimes, showing a little talent in a low-key way is the most memorable.

Amidst the rattling of the train, Shen Guanglin returned to Jinling, a familiar yet unfamiliar city.

Coming back this time, Jinling has changed a lot, and is one step closer to modernization.

However, some of its old buildings are still there, and the general orientation has not changed.

After time-traveling, every time Shen Guanglin came here, he felt a melancholy feeling close to his hometown.

Now, the Jinling Hotel is open. This is the most high-end hotel in Jinling, the tallest building, and the tallest building in the country.

Shen Guanglin said at the time that he wanted to have a big drink on a good occasion.

In this day and age, being able to hold a wedding banquet here is indeed quite a face.

The first time he arrived in Jinling, Shen Guanglin opened two rooms. Anyway, my uncle is alone, so he doesn't live where he lives.

However, Old Shen was still a little bit reluctant. Living here for one day was equivalent to his one-month salary, which was beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Shen Guanglin can only say, you can live boldly, anyway, I am not paying for it, it is reimbursed by the Great Wall Group.

That's okay, your unit benefits are really good.

The next day, Shen Guanglin asked Old Shen to invite his relatives from his hometown to have a meal together, and opened several tables at the Jinling Restaurant, all of which were decent Jinling people and decent Jinling dishes.

In this day and age, people don't have much food in their stomachs. Anyone who can have a big meal and is qualified to come has come.

Not to mention, there are really quite a few of their old Shen family members. If they really wanted to set up banquets to gather people, they would definitely be able to gather quite a few tables.

That's good, Shen Guanglin really decided to hold a banquet in Jinling one day in the future.

Only when there are many people is it lively.

However, we still have to discuss with Li Rong about holding the wedding, so there's no rush, since it's not a marriage with a son anyway.

Before doing the wedding, Shen Guanglin thought of doing another thing first, which is to donate money to charity.

What are the donations for, building factories?road?Build a school?


Shen Guanglin also said that he is the chief scientist of the Great Wall Group, and the Great Wall Group has a support fund, so he can just apply for it.

In this way, the Great Wall Group contributed a part, and he personally contributed a part to improve the lives of the people in his hometown.

This is called leading everyone to get rich together.

It's okay to build a factory, but Shen Guanglin doesn't plan to build a new house for all the people in the village.

However, he decided to donate to the village to build a new primary and secondary school, which is great!

Moreover, after the school is completed, the teaching staff must keep up with it. A special fund is set up to provide some living allowances for the teachers and children studying in the school. This is something he can do.

Most of the elementary school teachers in this era are privately run, which is too hard.

Shen Guanglin felt that it was not too much for him to pay for some excellent teachers.

Moreover, some children from poor families can't afford to read or eat, so it's reasonable to take care of their hometown by themselves.

When Shen Guanglin came here last time, he had paid some money to repair the family's ancestral hall. This time, he decided to spend more money to repair it more grandly, so that he can have a good place to comfort his ancestors when he gets married.

Everything costs money, and in the 80s, money was really worth a lot.

Shen Guanglin has nothing but money.

Of course, he didn't stay in the hotel for a long time. After arranging these things, he went home with his uncle, Old Shen.

After all, my ancestral house is not bad, and it has been carefully repaired over the years, and it is even more magnificent.

(End of this chapter)

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