Chapter 437
After returning from Shencheng, Shen Guanglin stayed in his hometown for many days.

Who doesn't say that my hometown is good.

Everywhere in the house is a treasure.

It would be even better if there were no officials who came to visit in an endless stream.

However, Shen Guanglin couldn't turn his back on them.

After all, this is the parent official in his hometown.

After all, my uncle still has to hang around here.

Even if they don't hit the smiling face, their purpose of visiting is also varied. Some of them are purely looking up to Professor Shen, to see if he has one nose and two eyes.

However, more, I want to find someone from Shen to attract investment, and it is best to be able to invest in building a factory.

Wherever the people of the Great Wall Company went, there would always be such appeals from the locality, and Shen Guanglin was used to it.

Even though the Great Wall Company has such a large scale in Shencheng, the local area is still encouraging them to expand reproduction.

However, investing in this matter requires caution.

However, Shen Guanglin still decided to spend some money in Jinling, not for himself, of course, but for the development of the local economy, which can be regarded as his dedication.

Investment attraction has already started a few years before the reform and opening up, and this upsurge will continue until after 2000.

In principle, Jinling belongs to the inland cities and is not among the [-] open coastal cities.

However, they are provincial capitals after all, and they also have heavy pressure to earn foreign exchange, and they also have heavy task requirements for attracting investment.

In particular, the Great Wall Company represented by Shen Guanglin is a well-known patriotic Hong Kong capital. They have no problem investing in any city in the country.

The circle of the government is very small, and they have long known the operation of Great Wall Company from various information that should be kept secret, such as how much foreign exchange and taxes Great Wall Company will pay in a year.

Because there are corresponding tax exemption policies in various places, the actual taxes and fees they pay may not be a lot.

However, the foreign exchange they turned in was really too much.

This is a well-known foreign exchange earner, especially their game consoles are selling well in Citigroup, and all they bring is foreign exchange.

Even if some enterprises produce all the products for domestic sale, they can still use foreign exchange to purchase supplies and raw materials, which is also a very cost-effective deal.

Of course, the Great Wall Company is not at a disadvantage. Of course, they do not buy things at the market price. Everyone has automatically converted it into the exchange rate that the market should have.

The current exchange rate system is deceiving. Even the children of the leaders go to the black market to exchange for foreign exchange at a rate of 1:10 when they go abroad to study. There may be unavoidable difficulties in sticking to the 1:3 exchange rate.

It is indeed no problem for Shen Guanglin to let Great Wall Company invest, and it is also no problem to introduce other foreign businessmen to invest. It is nothing more than a change of shell. He is familiar with this business.

However, he needs advice from the local government. He really took the money, so what can he do?

You can't use money to do good deeds.

What is the pillar industry of Jinling?
steel and chemicals.

Later generations may also add electronics and mechanical manufacturing.

Shen Guanglin has money, and he can bring in money. He also told everyone very clearly that if we want us to invest without any problems, it depends on what conditions the place can provide, so he can tell others.

The position Professor Shen designed for himself is very detached, he can attack when he advances, and he can defend when he retreats.

When you want to agree, you can make the decision. When you don’t want to agree, you can shirk and say that you are just a chief scientist with limited power. As for who the boss is, it’s hard to say.

After all, Jinling is not Guangxi. Although Guangxi is poor, it has rich mineral resources.

What does Jinling have?
There are thirteen beauties in Jinling.

Jinling also has the Qinhuai River, the Presidential Palace, and the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum.

As Yangzhou in ancient times, it also has its own prosperity.

Since they want to attract investment, the local government still has a way. They can engage in joint ventures. The petrochemical or steel plants in Jinling are fine. Depending on your wishes, you can choose any industry.

Are these companies already losing money?
Of course no money was lost.

However, attracting investment is the current top priority after all. As long as you invest enough funds, you can talk about anything.

In recent years, have many high-quality domestic brands disappeared like this?
Shen Guanglin found the answer here.

Due to the local government's preference for foreign investment and the need to attract investment, foreign companies generally developed smoothly in the early stages of China's reform and opening up.

Shen Guanglin realized this as soon as he returned to Jinling for negotiations. He did not expect that one day, he would also be able to experience a sense of superiority as a foreign investor.

As long as you have money, you can buy whoever you want, and whoever blocks it is regardless of the overall situation.

However, Shen Guanglin believes in the golden mean now.

He may also be afraid that the local government will settle accounts in the future, and he does not want to bear the notoriety of embezzling state-owned assets, so he is not prepared to take advantage of this.

Shen Guanglin thought for a while, so let's take the textile industry as a pilot first. If the cooperation is happy, more investment can be added.

There is a very large-scale textile factory in Jinling, which occupies a large area, which can be used just right.

After all, he already has talent in someone's pocket.

In Hangzhou, Li Gang and his wife did very well.

Now let them go to Jinling to start a second business, Shen Guanglin believes that they will definitely do it.

Shen Guanglin really wants to enter the petrochemical and steel industry, but he has no one in his hands, and in this era, the policy does not allow it.

If you don't know how to enter rashly, you may be harming others and yourself after entering.

The textile industry is different. Great Wall clothing itself requires a lot of raw materials.

No matter how many things are produced in Jinling, the big deal is to reduce some quotas when purchasing from other companies.

"Boss, long time no see."

Hearing the boss' call, Li Gang went from Hangzhou to Jinling immediately.

The distance between the two places is indeed not far. The company provided Li Gang with a small car, which he liked very much and drove it everywhere.

This time, he also came directly by car.

"Old Li, it's been a long time. You've done a good job during this period of time. Now the local government in Jinling wants me to take over the Yunjin Textile Factory. I thought of you immediately."

"Thank you boss, I will live up to your expectations."

When Li Gang heard that he was going to take over Yunjin, his expression lifted.

What Shen Guanglin is going to take over is the largest textile factory in Jinling --- Jinling Yunjin Textile Factory.

Rather than a factory, it can actually be regarded as a large textile group.

Starting from spinning or cotton spinning, there are bleaching and dyeing factories, weaving factories, and garment factories. It can be regarded as a one-stop service from top to bottom.

Shen Guanglin hasn't enjoyed one-stop service for a long time.

Only when I went to Xiangjiang this time did I realize that there is a lot of money in the accounts of the various subsidiaries of the Great Wall Group, and it is completely harmless to transfer some foreign exchange.

Seeing that the foreign exchange was in place, the local government quickly assisted in handling the matter.

In the matter of asset appraisal, Shen Guanglin only let people follow him, and he did not participate in it himself. The government will pay as much as it says, and give the place enough face.

The local government also tried its best to cooperate, and all kinds of thorns should be transferred away, and those who should be exiled should be exiled.

In short, no one can destroy the excellent situation of the joint venture.

However, even so, the joint venture is still not going well.

Li Gang is about to take over as the new factory director.

However, even with the presence of experts, such a factory still has a lot of trouble.

There are many process workshops in the factory, including sizing, weaving, bleaching and dyeing, printing and dyeing, weaving, and garment production. All of them are production workshops, and there are human relationships everywhere.

How to cut the mess quickly is a science.

Shen Guanglin couldn't stay in Jinling for a long time, he was going back soon, before leaving, Shen Guanglin asked Li Gang what he needed.

There is no other demand, just to ask if it is possible to lay off staff.

I heard that Xiangjiang's company can lay off employees, and he has long wanted to try it.

Why would there be such a thought?

Li Gang breathed out, "This old state-owned enterprise, in order to meet the employment needs of urban residents, put several radishes in one pit, and sent two or three workers to each job. The redundancy is too great."

Shen Guanglin understood.

In the past, everyone’s earning more or less was determined by the higher-ups, and wages were also allocated by the finance department. No one knew or cared whether the company was making money.

In recent years, the entry threshold for textile factories is very low, so countless small factories have sprung up around Jinling, and the large factories that produce through one-stop production like them are a bit unable to make ends meet.

Moreover, this Yunjin factory is an old factory with a history of decades. There are thousands of retired workers and cadres alone. How can a company afford the old-age care and medical treatment for these people?

This is really a problem.

In this era, enterprises have assumed too many social responsibilities.

Using enterprises to run society is not uncommon in large state-owned enterprises.

Whether it is hospitals, schools or various welfare facilities, companies need to pay for it, even housing and other expenses are all borne by state-owned enterprises, and the burden is really heavy.

Why did the state-owned enterprises of later generations develop again? It is because these burdens have been thrown away, and a de facto industrial monopoly has been formed. They don't have to worry about the pressure of funds. Of course, it is very easy to develop.

For a state-owned enterprise, if it owes a lot of money to the bank, it's okay, just cancel the account.

Can private companies do it?
Deposit the money in the bank, and I will transfer it to you. You have given someone else a loan guarantee.

I do not have!
You have because you received higher than usual interest.

It is impossible for an enterprise to run a society. Shen Guanglin already had such experience when he bought a factory in Jinmen.

All the debts and employees of the enterprise can be taken over. It doesn't matter how many people there are, just expand the scale of production.

However, as for those old workers and cadres who have retired, they will not take over. This matter can only be taken over by the government.

To say that they are glowing and hot, they cannot grow old and have nothing to support.

Then there is no way to talk about this matter. Running a business is not doing charity. In this case, it is better to build a new factory.

Shen Guanglin is willing to persuade the Great Wall Company to take over such a mess, that is, for the sake of the people in his hometown, otherwise, who would want such a money-losing enterprise.

There are profitable companies in Jinling.

Let's save the money for now, the Great Wall Company can't take advantage of it. He, Shen, is making contributions to the local area, so he can't let people from his hometown poke his back.

Oh, it makes sense anyway.

It's okay, the government will hand over the affairs of the retired veteran cadres, but the factory workers cannot be dismissed.

No problem, no dismissal, transfer at worst, you have to cooperate.

Shen Guanglin was about to leave and set a development strategy for the company.

First, take money to solve the problem of workers' accommodation.

The family area should no longer be such bungalows. All buildings should be built with tall buildings, so that residents can live happily and comfortably.

Then, assign positions and numbers to all the employees. You can invite human resources experts from Shencheng to assist in the work. Don’t be afraid if there are redundant workers, just spend money to build a new factory.

In short, Shen Guanglin didn't invest in his hometown to make money, but he couldn't lose money either.

In principle, the development of local enterprises must use local funds. After spending the money in hand, if the enterprise has not yet developed, it is necessary to consider whether it is necessary for the enterprise to exist.

In a word, their company does not support idlers.

(End of this chapter)

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