Chapter 438 Success
After going out this trip, Shen Guanglin finally returned to Beijing after tossing and tossing for a long time.

If he doesn't come back, 1986 will be here.

During this trip, I visited many places, such as Baihai, Nanning, Guilin, Beihai, Aocheng, Zhuhai, Xiangjiang, Shencheng, and Jinling.

It can be regarded as traveling around half of China, eating delicious food everywhere, and seeing beauties from all over the place.

When he came back this trip, he also had a lot of things waiting for him, so he couldn't be free.

The Great Wall Company is also fine, with his nephew and son-in-law Huang Guangyi watching over him, so don't bother him if it's not a big deal.

However, there are really many things in the laboratory.

Because Shen Guanglin's laboratory has several groups of people, divided into several majors, everyone needs to report to the person in charge whether the progress of the project is smooth or not.

For example, Shen Guanglin and Takeda Co., Ltd. jointly launched a football rare product for the market. The first product is anti-aging cosmetics.

The price is of course extremely expensive, but there are still some people who try and use it bravely.

The effect is really good, and the price is also expensive.

If it weren't for the fact that Shen Guanglin's women were still young, they would have been able to use it.

Immortal fairies, they can do it too.

But this is not the most important thing at present. At present, the most important and attracting attention is the matter of insect-resistant cotton.

It is the early autumn season, and the cotton just begins to bear peaches at this point in time, and it is also the time when the cotton bollworm is most rampant.

A cotton peach, if a hole is drilled by the cotton bollworm, then the cotton peach will be destroyed, and it will wither and fall to the ground within a few days.

Since this year, everyone has been paying attention to the original high-tech achievement of Huaxia, the fight against insect cotton.

If there is no report for a few days, everyone will panic.

Now, the cotton has finally produced peaches, and there are no bollworms, so a bumper harvest is almost certain.

There are many reasons why everyone pays so much attention to it, and it is also inseparable from the continuous reports of CCTV.

The higher-ups are also very concerned about it, and the TV media also go over to collect stories every now and then, almost catching up with the live broadcast.

Everyone is very concerned about every step of the development of the fight against insect cotton. Huaxia has been weak for too long, and it really needs exciting results.

The result of insect-resistant cotton is not only exciting, but also has practical value.

Now is the most photogenic time for insect-resistant cotton. Every cotton tree is densely covered with cotton peaches. Only at this time can everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

It's about to have a bumper harvest, and it's almost a success!

There are no cotton bollworms on the cotton, how much more cotton will be harvested?

In fact, in summer, we can see that there are no cotton bollworms growing on the cotton leaves. Everyone already feels that this is definitely possible.

Looking back now, the dust has basically settled.

But there is still one last step left.

The next thing to do is probably to collect and re-cultivate the cotton seeds.

After all, the cost of asexual reproduction is still too high. It is okay for them to cultivate regardless of cost in the first year, but it will not work in the future. This is not the norm.

Propagation by seed, and the ability of the seed to maintain this trait, is the key to success.

However, during this period of time, the people in the insect-resistant cotton experiment group were not idle, and they also conducted various experiments.

For example, they would pick cotton leaves and feed them to cattle and sheep on purpose. They ate them for several months, but the cattle and sheep had nothing to do with it.

This shows that insect-resistant cotton is non-toxic.

As long as it is non-toxic.

Now that Shen Guanglin has finally returned from going out, everyone has their backbone.

Now, let alone an ordinary person, even Rhubarb misses him a little bit, and he also misses Rhubarb a little bit.

This dog is so fat, he can't hold it.

Rhubarb has grown really well since it was castrated, and it has no other thoughts but to eat.

Now, it must be a big pot full of stews, and at least a Bayin pot can hold it.

Yin as a unit of measurement does not exist in textbooks, and Shen Guanglin only learned that the unit of pot was "yin" after traveling through time.

A seal is probably a slap in the face.

Didn't Shen Guanglin eat dog meat when he went to the west of Guangxi?
Of course it is impossible.

There are only a few places in the country that are famous for eating dog meat. When you come to such a holy place in western Guangxi, dog lovers like Shen Guanglin are simply indispensable.

On the next trip, Shen Guanglin is going to Liu Bang's hometown. He can sing while eating, and the wind is blowing and the clouds are flying.

However, everything is good outside, everything is best at home.

At least, there is ready-made food every day.

Now that Fuyuanmen is suddenly free, the old Li and his wife live here, the aunt and the old lady have gone to open a small restaurant, and they are making a lot of money, so they don't have time to come back on weekdays.

The restaurant is diligent and cannot be delayed for a moment. Even during the holidays, you must stick to what you should stick to.

Moreover, the slaughterhouse regularly sends pork to the Great Wall Company, and by the way, some pigs will also be sent to the water. The price is cheap and the quality is good.

Therefore, my aunt's restaurant business is very good, and many people outside the factory also want to eat, but they can't get in.

However, Shen Guanglin's favorite food is the famous Lu cuisine - Jiuzhuan Dachang.

It's a pity that the taste of Lu Cuisine in Beijing is not authentic, and the heat is not well controlled. If you really want to eat something better, you have to go to Quancheng.

Qianlong saw Ziwei and said, I invite you to eat pig intestines.

Ziwei smiled and said, okay.

When the north wind blows overnight, thousands of peach blossoms bloom.

As the weather turns colder, cotton peaches are finally about to bloom.

Of course, it is not appropriate or appropriate to talk about flowering at this point in time. It should be that the cotton seeds are about to mature, so the snow-white cotton velvet is exposed.

In this situation, in a few more days, when the lint continues to dry, the first wave of harvest can be completed.

Shen Guanglin is from the south and has never grown cotton before. He is very happy to see the harvest.

In order to witness this historical moment, he couldn't help but go fishing in Huairou Reservoir for several days until the first crop of cotton was successfully picked.

The picking process was so lively. The TV station recorded the whole process. After the picking was completed, everyone weighed it. It was not bad. The first time I collected a few thousand catties.

The picking of cotton is only the first step. The next step is to see if the cottonseed can be used to breed the next generation, and whether the next generation is resistant to insects.

If so, it is a complete success.

With professionals around, this is not difficult.

The cottonseeds are peeled off, added with culture medium, and under the right temperature and humidity, they really germinate, and then a few leaves grow.

After testing, the newly produced seedlings are also resistant to insects.

(End of this chapter)

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