Chapter 439 Cow

Chaos is born, and speech is regarded as the order.

If the monarch does not keep secrets, he will lose his ministers, if his ministers do not keep secrets, he will lose his body, and if secret affairs are not kept secret, he will suffer.

Therefore, a gentleman is careful but does not come out.

Confucius said that confidentiality has always been a very important thing.

Everyone is a courtier, and it might be easy to lose their dignity. A gentleman should be careful so that he won't come out so easily.

Regardless of the family or the country, if the secrecy work is not done well, it is easy to cause major troubles.

For example, if a man is on a business trip and accidentally calls the phone with the small card inserted under the door, does he need to confess when he returns home?

Don't you need it?

Really don't need it.

Otherwise, the family is in trouble.

Thinking that the red flag at home is not down, and the red flag is fluttering outside, unless there is a mine at home, the guy at home knows and pretends not to know, just like Lin Fengjiao treated Fang Shilong and Xu Fan treated Feng Xiaogang.

The woman in the house doesn't care, but other people's women can't help it.

Moreover, the phone number on the small card under the door is really not easy to call. If the person who comes is wrong, don’t tell me.

Today, Shen Guanglin's laboratory is implementing a confidentiality system.

One of the ways to enforce the confidentiality system is to sign a non-disclosure agreement.

Signing a non-disclosure agreement is the first habitual action of later generations of migrant workers after entering the company.

Moreover, in many stylish companies, signing a non-disclosure agreement is also paid for.

Shen Guanglin also asked everyone in his laboratory to sign a non-disclosure agreement, and there was also a non-disclosure fee, which was almost equal to the salary.

Isn't confidentiality an obligation? Why do you have to pay?

I'm afraid it's not a salary increase in disguise.

Boss Shen is really nice.

Of course, Boss Shen is very nice. Before winter comes, he has already spoken. We will travel together again this year during Chinese New Year. This time we will continue to go to West Guangxi, and we will go to Beihai to avoid the cold.

As a well-known scenic tourist attraction, how can it be said that it does not benefit its employees.

The construction of the new factory in West Guixi has been working overtime. Zhang Peng reported that they directly purchased the guest house of the municipal government as an office location for the time being, and they can indeed receive the employees to travel in batches.

Beihai is good, maybe I can bring a Vietnamese sister back.

However, it is still early before Chinese New Year, and what is being discussed now is still confidential.

Of course, there is no need to keep the matter of insect-resistant cotton secret. It has been publicized for more than half a year, and there is nothing that needs to be kept secret.

What really needs to be kept secret is another project, which also belongs to Dou Wei's biological group—for example, cloning cows.

Some time ago, the Great Wall Biotechnology Company purchased a large number of adult heifers, all of which were healthy, well-proportioned and well-proportioned.

This incident was very sensational at the time, and the scene was huge, and Jizhou cows were expensive for a while.

Anyway, they had money, and the cattle were quickly bought back. They raised some in the capital and some in the suburbs of Beijing.

Most of you don't know what these cows are used for, and think they are used for frozen embryo transfer.

The separation and transplantation of frozen embryos is indeed a good project. In fact, the difficulty of transplantation is not high, but it is a problem to improve the survival rate.

Moreover, frozen embryo transfer is also very helpful to increase the population of rare species. Great Wall Biological Company has carried out this activity for several years, with mediocre results.

Now, if large-scale promotion and experimentation are carried out, it is not impossible.

The biological group of Shen Guanglin's laboratory does have a parallel frozen embryo transfer project, but it is not the key point. Shen Guanglin and Dou Wei also use it as a cover.

The so-called plank road is repaired in the open, and Chen Cang is kept in the dark.

The gestation cycle of a cow is generally about 8 months, and it has only been more than half a year since the project of cloning a cow was started. If a cloned cow is born now, the cow himself would not believe it.

Unless someone goes to perform supernatural powers to induce ripening.

It is more reliable to blow on the cow's buttocks.

Now, for Shen Guanglin's laboratory, the issue of insect-resistant cotton has come to an end.

The TV is still reporting the scene of cotton blooming like snowflakes, and the government is also doing various work reports.

Even Dou Wei himself has to report his work progress to the leader from time to time.

China's national conditions are different from those of foreign countries. Shen Guanglin is the head of the laboratory, but at least half of the honor of researching insect-resistant cotton has been transferred to Dou Wei.

All the work of showing the publicity was given to him.

Of course, Dou Wei is also very grateful to Shen Guanglin, saying words of thanks on different occasions.

No thanks, his new experiments still cost money, and without Boss Shen's great support, many experimental projects would not have been able to be carried out at all.

Counting on state funding, it is estimated that we should wait another 20 years.

Although everyone was busy, Shen Guanglin asked Dou Wei about the progress of the cow cloning project.

That's the project he really cares about.

After all, this cow cloning project has cost a lot of money. Whether it is buying equipment, training people, or even raw materials, these all require money, and how many more heifers can be bought with this money.

For a cloned cow, the money Shen Guanglin spent was already enough for everyone in the capital to have a sumptuous beef meal, and there was still some left over.

However, Dou Wei reported that the experimental results were not very satisfactory.

what happened?

It may be that the technique is not in place, or there may be damage during the process of nuclear transfer, or there may be some problems in the culture process.

In short, everyone was full of confidence at the beginning, and more than 300 egg cells with changed nuclei were transplanted in one go.

So far, more than 200 cows have been aborted, and less than 100 are in normal pregnancy.

Without these 100 cows to support the facade, then this cloning experiment can be declared a failure.

Moreover, there are still several months before the birth of the cow. In the next few months, it is not known how many cows will have problems.

Is the chance of cloning failure so high?
If human cloning is real, how many women would have to be recruited to complete this experiment?

No wonder others argue that there are ethical issues.

There are many aspects of ethical performance, for example, what should I do if a deformed child is born?
If the cloned animals are animals, they can be killed or euthanized on the spot, but what about people?Can it be the same.

Deformed children are people too.

Fortunately, the cows are now in a plateau.

It can also be judged by B-ultrasound that not most of the calves are in good condition, and they should be able to give birth to a few healthy calves.

In the next few months, as long as they are taken care of carefully, the chances of miscarriage should not be too high.

However, through the same B-ultrasound, they have also discovered that some calves still have deformities of varying degrees. It is really possible that the cytoplasm was lost or the nucleus was damaged during the transplantation process.

When doing anything, Shen Guanglin knows that things are often not so optimistic or pessimistic.

For example, in the Eagle Kingdom in another time and space, when Dolly the lamb was born, there were many other lambs with her, but most of them died.

However, Shen Guanglin firmly believes that as long as one healthy calf is born, it is useless if there are too many calves, and food is wasted for no reason.

Dolly is the most publicized by Eagle Country scientists. Like Dolly, there are other sheep born together, but they are just a foil.

Where did the first domestic institution for cloning mammals come from?

After thinking hard, Shen Guanglin finally remembered: it is an agricultural university.

It seems to be a local college called Laiyang Agricultural College. The clones are also cows, but they are just cloning experiments with purchased embryos.

Shen Guanglin really went to check the information of this school. Laiyang Agricultural College is a very inconspicuous agricultural university in Qilu Province. Later, it moved to Qindao and changed its name to Qindao Agricultural University. It is also unknown.

Moreover, Laiyang itself is a small place, and the most famous local specialty is Laiyang pear.

Qilu is really a good place, known as one of the three largest orchards in the world, the unique temperature and humidity conditions and fertile soil make it rich in fruits and vegetables.

Green onions, garlic, apples, flat peaches, there are too many tricks.

Of course, tall beauties abound here too.

In fact, the girls in the capital are not short, such as Shen Guanglin's daughter-in-law Li Rong.

Li Rong needs to have good looks and a good figure, not to mention good looks. His family background is good, so I don't blame others for worrying about it.

Shen is a person who never hates overnight.

The Organization Department of the Central Committee finally tasted the consequences of offending Shen Guanglin.

Didn't their unit organize a magpie bridge meeting for young people's blind dates, but in the end they lost their wives and soldiers.

In the past two years, there were not many girls who had newly joined the unit, and even fewer were good-looking, and they were all abducted by the Capital University at once. You say it is irritating or not.

Moreover, the girls are all from the Organization Department of the Central Committee, and the men are all from the Shen Guanglin Laboratory of Beijing University.

In this way, everyone has become sister-in-law and brother-in-law.

It was the first time they traveled together this summer. At that time, many people were embarrassed to talk, and Shen Guanglin didn't carry out any serious ice-breaking activities.

He just inadvertently showed the benefits of Shen Guanglin's laboratory, and the ice broke naturally.

Of course, it wasn't just the ice that broke, but other things too.

It's only been a few months, and many people have entered the period of passionate love.

The accommodation conditions in Shen Guanglin's laboratory are indeed very good, and many people have already started to live together.

This kind of thing must be supported, at least, breakfast and dinner are free.

No, the weather is about to get cold. Shen Guanglin asked his unit to buy a medium-sized van, which he used for commuting every day.

However, the commuting route is very strange. In the morning, I commute from the laboratory to the Central Organization Department before going to get off work, and in the afternoon, I commute back to the laboratory after the Central Organization Department gets off work.

Li Rong also frequents this commuter car from time to time, and everyone enjoys it tacitly.

A seed was planted in the summer and finally some people are starting to germinate and bear fruit.

So, they began to report to the unit to apply for marriage.

That's right, in this day and age, marriages also need to be reported, and if the superiors don't approve, it will probably take a lot of trouble.

Shen Guanglin was very pleased when he looked at the two application forms for the marriage report.

Sure enough, I didn't do any useless work.

The two employees who applied for marriage are both talented students who graduated from Peking University. One of them is a master's student who graduated the year before last, and the other is the bald Zhang Cheng.

Shen Guanglin's laboratory is haunted by his own people, and there are many graduate students who have graduated or are currently studying for graduate students.

Some students are still waiting for Shen Guanglin to lead doctoral students to continue his doctoral studies.

However, Shen Guanglin's professional title and qualifications are still not enough. If he can be elected as a member of the academic department, he may be able to lead a doctoral student.

After all, he is still too young now, and Capital University also has to bear the pressure, and it is not easy to be promoted too quickly.

Facing the marriage application of the two, Shen Guanglin agreed with a stroke of his pen!

The houses in Tiangong No. [-] will definitely not be distributed outside, but the houses newly built in the new material base can still be claimed.

You are going to get married, right? Each of you will get a set first.

Everyone, hurry up, as long as you get married, you can get the house.

The new house in the new material base is not considered rough, but it has not been designed and decorated by Shen Guanglin.

It is nothing more than installing lights, sockets, toilets, and stoves, and you can live in it if you buy a bed.

In this day and age, the walls are white and the ground is hard, that's enough.

Even, most people think that such a house is already very good and can be moved in long ago.

The family dormitories of New Material Company are all built according to this standard, which is fast and low cost.

As for whether to redecorate, it is necessary to give employees a chance to improve and room for improvement.

Shen Guanglin was complacent, and his right-hand man, the bald Zhang Cheng, came to report work again.

It's not that scientific research has made new progress, but that he confessed to his boss the reason for his marriage.

Because, he only stayed with that girl for one night, and in the end, he got killed.


(End of this chapter)

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