Chapter 440 Eating
The whole story is this.

Wasn't he still traveling in Guilin at that time? Shen Guanglin took Zhang Cheng as an example of their laboratory's high income.

Then, some girls really expressed their affection for Zhang Cheng.

It doesn't matter if a man is old and ugly, what matters is that he is talented, and Zhang Cheng is especially talented.

Women chasing men, interlayer yarn.

The relationship between the two quickly warmed up, and they hadn't returned from Guilin yet. It was just a night after drinking, and some indescribable stories happened between the two.

What's more, it's not in the room, but a pair of wild mandarin ducks, really wild enough.

Perhaps, this kind of thing between men and women is already familiar to Zhang Cheng, after all, he has experience in this field.

The girl was also inattentive for a while, and he took advantage of it to sneak in.

However, with Zhang Cheng, the matter probably ended like this.

Zhang Cheng is really a bit dull, and he hasn't dated anyone since he came back from West Guangxi.

The girl is also angry, you have already taken her body, why don't you express anything else.


How can a woman have fun in scientific research?

And so some time passed.

The two can't be said to be a cold war, after all, they haven't formally established a relationship, but they really don't have much contact.

If it's over like this, the girl is a little bit unwilling, after all, her colleagues are all in love, and she is the only one who can't be up or down.

The same is true for Zhang Cheng. The girls from the family have also come to the laboratory to look for him several times. They came with colleagues and found Zhang Cheng, but they went back alone that day.

Zhang Cheng is really too busy.

No wonder I don't have much hair and I work too hard.

Until one day, the girl found that her aunt, who was originally very regular, did not come.

There is no need to wait until the stage of nausea and retching.

When should my monthly letter come, and if I don't come for a week or two, I should worry about whether I have been recruited.

I'm really pregnant, what should I do?
What else can I do?Then apply for marriage.

This time, Zhang Cheng came to find Shen Guanglin, just to report to him the wrong thing he committed some time ago.

However, he also said that it did not affect work.

This fool, he even asked Mr. Shen if he had any good suggestions.

No advice at all.

It's a good thing to have a child, let's give birth sooner.

Young man, you are "overtaking on a curve"!

Overtaking on a curve is a new term. Shen Guanglin would occasionally bring in some popular words from later generations when speaking. Many people thought it was quite amusing and would follow suit.

As a result, they have already used Internet hot words that will appear in later generations decades in advance.

What cloud, what Ollie, what cool, all appear in everyone's daily vocabulary.

"Curve overtaking" is obviously an ancient vocabulary, but it is also a new trendy word when used here.

After discussing with each other, the two had already decided to give birth to the child. He came here this time to invite Shen Guanglin to have dinner with him.

Thanks matchmaker matchmaker.

Let's have dinner together in the evening, he will bring the girl with him, and her family will also come over, Zhang Cheng is a little bit lacking in confidence.

This is the root cause.

Otherwise, you still know how to treat guests to dinner. It seems that the sun is coming out from the west.

Zhang Cheng invited him to dinner, Shen Guanglin readily attended the appointment, and called Li Rong.

It's a good thing that Zhang Cheng is enlightened. Although women can easily affect the speed of his sword swing, if someone can give him a child, Wu Xiaoyun, who is far away in Germany, will definitely have no chance.

Shen Guanglin's teaching assistant told Shen Guanglin that the woman wrote to Zhang Cheng from time to time, on the one hand to inquire about his scientific research projects and progress, and on the other hand to mobilize him to go to West Germany for development.

Still haven't given up yet.

It's a pity that Zhang Cheng didn't want to go at all.

As for whether Zhang Cheng disclosed the scientific research progress of their laboratory in his reply letter?

not at all.

Because, in this era, most of the overseas letters need to be manually disassembled. Only after manual inspection and confirmation that there are no problems, will they be sent out for you.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin is not a voyeur, but from the feedback from the side, we can know that Zhang Cheng is still trustworthy.

This day, before the off-duty time came, Zhang Cheng had already yelled and left in advance.

Shen Guanglin was not in a hurry, he even went to the bathroom to wash his face before going out, and helped Zhang Cheng to dress up by the way.

There are two people in the mirror, and he is still heroic. This black hair is really annoying, and every time he gets a haircut, the master has to thin it out on purpose.

When going to dinner this time, Shen Guanglin and Zhang Cheng each drove a car.

Zhang Cheng is the leader of the physics team, and Shen Guanglin has provided him with a car. Although he doesn't drive much, it's also exciting to drive out.

When going out this time, Shen Guanglin deliberately let him drive a car alone.

Not for anything else, but for style.

When the Central Organization Department arrived, Shen Guanglin went to pick up Li Rong alone.

Although that girl's work unit is also in the Organization Department of the Central Committee, she has her own Prince Charming to pick her up, so she doesn't need to be courteous.

The two received someone respectively, and Shen Guanglin followed Zhang Cheng's car unhurriedly. It didn't take long for the two cars to stop at the door of a newly opened restaurant one after another.

Deshunfa Hotel.

The name is very vulgar, but it seems to be very powerful.

The signboard is well done, and the light bulbs illuminate it.

It is also convenient to park nearby. The most important thing is that most people do not have cars in this era. Except for these two cars, all the others are bicycles at the entrance of the hotel.

They're still a bit of a maverick.

Shen Guanglin had never been to this restaurant before, and he was not familiar with the capital city. Although it was convenient to go everywhere with a car, he still mostly wandered around the school.

The main reason is that he is a little lazy, and he doesn't want to go out at all if there is nothing to do.

After entering the door, this restaurant is not bad, at least it is relatively clean, unlike other common restaurants, there is oil everywhere, dipping steamed buns can make a meal.

This girl, Shen Guanglin, has met before, but she can't name her. This time, she got to know her again, and her name is Shuhui, which is really a good name.

What's her last name?
No one said it.

As soon as they entered the door, they saw someone waving to them, "Xiaohui, what's here".

The table they selected in advance was next to the wall window, and a middle-aged man and a middle-aged woman sat on one side of the Eight Immortals table.

It seems that they saw them parked alone, and this effect is what they want.

The woman has curly hair and is well maintained. It can be seen that the family is very good.

The man is also dressed as a cadre, wearing a Chinese tunic suit, with a pedantic temperament.

Zhang Cheng followed Miss Shuhui and sat down obediently, not daring to speak.

Shen Guanglin could only smile and say, "Hello, Xiaohui's father and Xiaohui's mother, I am Shen Guanglin, Zhang Cheng's leader."

They had heard of Shen Guanglin and knew that he was a professor in the laboratory, but they didn't expect him to be so young. It would be great if their daughter's partner was this person.

However, just think about it, if he brings a female companion, he already has a partner.

"Hello, Professor Shen, I've heard of your name a long time ago. Recently, the insect-resistant cotton in your laboratory has been broadcasting on TV every day. It's very powerful."

Shen Guanglin could only say modestly, "It's really good. They did have a little achievement in the biology group, but, you know, Xiao Zhang is also very good. He is the leader of our physics group, at the same level as Dou Wei. "

The middle-aged couple glanced at Zhang Cheng again, and Zhang Cheng smiled flatteringly.

Seeing that the scene was about to be cold again, Shen Guanglin pulled Li Rong to sit down, and then said to Li Rong, "I haven't ordered any food. Let me have some hard dishes. I will drink with my uncle and aunt today."

Ordering food is a science. Li Rong is good at cooking and ordering food. Practice makes perfect.

In recent years, Shen Guanglin also often eats out, and Li Rong orders food. She has practiced this skill very well.

After Li Rong finished ordering, Shen Guanglin asked Shen Guanglin to add a few more dishes at will. Obviously he couldn't finish it, but in order to take care of Zhang Cheng's face, he didn't think it was extravagant.

The waiter quickly asked, "Is the food served?"


After a few glasses of wine, everyone became enthusiastic.

The middle-aged man pondered for a moment, and then said, "You already know about Xiao Zhang and Xiao Hui, right? We invited you here today to discuss this matter. Unfortunately, our family!"

It is indeed a scandal to spread the word about getting pregnant out of wedlock.

However, Shen Guanglin is an enlightened leader, and he immediately continued the topic: "I want to congratulate them on this matter, the future of the motherland has been established so soon, and Zhang Cheng is the pillar of our laboratory. More time to do other things."

Shen Guanglin couldn't be more satisfied with Zhang Cheng. It's best to have a dozen of such employees.

However, the middle-aged man continued to say something, which made Shen Guanglin a little uncomfortable.

He said, can Xiao Zhang change careers to become a civil servant, so that the couple can take care of each other.

(End of this chapter)

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