Chapter 441

As a boss, the most taboo thing is someone poaching his corner.

Co-author, you come to eat for this purpose.

For a moment, Shen Guanglin thought about why state-owned enterprises like to withhold people's files and refuse to give them.

It's impossible not to deduct it, the talents I have cultivated so hard are just poached by others, so where can I justify it?

"How about it, Professor Shen, do you support it?"

"not support!"

Shen Guanglin answered firmly.

"Twisted melons are not sweet. This matter depends on Zhang Cheng's opinion. If he is determined to leave, as his teacher, I will naturally bless him, but I don't think he is suitable for an official career. Or the road of scientific research is more suitable for him.”


Zhang Cheng felt that he had met a confidant, so he nodded vigorously. He just likes to do scientific research, especially when the funds are not limited.

No one supervises him, but he can still soak in the laboratory for more than ten hours in a row. No one else understands this kind of fun.

Seeing that the middle-aged man was unhappy, Xiao Hui immediately pulled Zhang Cheng's arm, which meant to let him talk less.

How can you talk less? Didn't you see that he has to change his career? How can he bear it?
Shen Guanglin also signaled him to be safe and not to be impatient, he has his own decision, so don't be afraid.

Shen Guanglin poured a glass of wine, drank it with the middle-aged man, and ate some vegetables. This sauced beef is not good.

The lotus root slices are not bad, and the mustard flavor is very strong.

After suppressing the alcohol, he said:

"Brother, I presumptuously call you big brother, children and grandchildren have their own blessings, young people's affairs, let them decide for themselves.

Xiao Zhang is really nice, with a high IQ. He was the number one student in the college entrance examination back then, and now he is very good at scientific research, and his annual income is also very considerable. Have you seen the car outside? Our laboratory provides it.

He is now a civil servant, what can he do?It's not that it's eaten by people, and there's not even scum left. "

"How is it possible? Talented students who graduated from Beijing University will not have a low starting point." The middle-aged man still did not give up. The reason why he did not object to this marriage was because Zhang Cheng graduated from Beijing University. important.

"Professor Shen, you don't know that there are two children in my family. The eldest went into business, and this is the only daughter who is going to be an official. I thought that while I was still in office, if he was a civil servant, I would still be able to help him. Well, as for the money, it's all outside the body, his elder brother has already made enough money, not bad for that."

It turned out that Xiaohui's eldest brother was a broker who resold approval documents, and he was indeed not short of money.

"You're wrong. It's not that easy to be a good civil servant. You have to be hardworking yourself. People like me are not suitable to be civil servants. Li Rong's grandfather also wanted me to do it, and I refused. No matter how powerful you are, can you be as powerful as her grandfather?"

This hurts.

Indeed, Xiaohui's family really didn't know what Li Rong's family was doing. Li Rong was also low-key. They thought she was an ordinary cadre's family.

"You haven't asked yet?"

"This is my partner, Li Rong, and Xiaohui should know her. Her father will not be mentioned. He is just an ordinary scientific researcher, probably at the deputy ministerial level. He has no future, and her grandfather is amazing. Well, the old man is the old leader of the Gu Committee..."

Isn't the deputy minister level not good enough?Shen Guanglin looked down on it.

However, Professor Shen's status is very high, and there are many higher-level leaders who usually come and go. He has a lot of knowledge, so there is nothing he can do.

"Professor Shen, are you saying that no one in her family is in politics now? Such a good family, isn't that a pity?"

If he has such a family, his achievements will definitely not be comparable, and it is not necessarily true. The deputy ministerial level is also difficult.

"It's not a pity. It's not that scientific researchers have no status. If you don't talk about others now, even if Zhang Cheng says something casually, many big leaders will listen carefully. Status is not reflected in official positions, but in contributions. .”

"Can doing scientific research support my family?"

"Of course I can. I'll show you later. The treatment in our unit is definitely the envy of most people."

The dinner ended smoothly, and in the evening Zhang Guo took Xiaohui's family to see the new residence assigned to him by the laboratory, a brand new four-bedroom and one living room.

Is this really a unit assigned house?


Moreover, there is a single dormitory in the laboratory. He usually lives there, but he didn't live in this house after he got it.

The house with four bedrooms and one living room was really nice, and they immediately felt that it was not impossible to work in Shen Guanglin's laboratory. Living in such a house was more comfortable than their old family quarters.

Especially Xiaohui, who is pregnant, really wants to have a complete home. With such a house, whether it is bringing children or receiving relatives, it is very honorable.

The matter was settled like this, now Xiaohui has been pregnant for several months, if she doesn't get married early, it will be bad if she becomes pregnant.

Because they are colleagues in the same unit, the relationship between Li Rong and Xiaohui has also become closer. She no longer shy away from driving, and even said that this is Xiaohui's special car.

Where did Qin Shuhui get the special car?
Her man's car, her man is the leader of a certain laboratory, this is a special car assigned by the unit, or imported from Germany.

Is she already married?
I got the certificate, the wedding will be held this week at the Beijing Hotel.

Marriage is a big event, and it is also a big event in Shen Guanglin's laboratory.

All those who have no scientific research tasks are busy, booking hotels, and inviting relatives. In short, Shen Guanglin instructed that they must be at home.

This wedding can also be regarded as a warm-up for Shen's wedding. With this experience, he won't be numb next time.

Zhang Cheng's hometown is from eastern Henan, and his hometown didn't have a phone call, so he sent a telegram to his family.

In this era, the telegraph was still an essential means of information exchange.

There are still many years to wait for the telegraph to withdraw from the stage of history. Even after 2020, there will still be telegraph services in some remote areas.

Zhang Cheng is getting married!

The family members who received the telegram were very happy, and the old Zhang family finally had a son again!

That's right, Zhang Cheng's younger brother has been married for several years and has children. Zhang Cheng is indeed late in marriage and late in childbearing.

The family has been doing well these years, and the only thing missing is a grandson.

In fact, since Zhang Cheng entered university, the living conditions of the old Zhang family have begun to improve.

Because, in this era, there are subsidies for studying, and Zhang Cheng has to mail the saved food stamps and money home every month, so that the family will not starve or suffer from cold.

Later, Zhang Cheng went to Shen Guanglin's laboratory as an assistant experimenter, and received a huge sum of money every month, and the family's living standard immediately went up to a higher level.

Later, after he graduated, he mailed the bonus of a few thousand yuan home in one go, and the family was completely on the road to a well-off life.

Now, a new house has been built in my hometown, and the two brothers each have a courtyard, so they no longer need to be crowded together.

The eldest brother is getting married, so the old man Zhang decided to go to the city to have a look.

(End of this chapter)

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