Chapter 442
It is not far from the east of Henan to the capital, but it is not close either.

The old man Zhang made a decision that his big family went to the city together, and it was the capital city. This was the first time in his life.

Zhang Cheng's wedding date is actually very close. If he really wants to get married, every day is an auspicious day.

Xiaohui's belly is getting bigger day by day, and she can't delay it.

These days, everyone has helped together, and there are still some busy results.

For example, the master of ceremonies has been found, the hotel has been booked, and Shen Guanglin is going to be the witness of the wedding himself. After all, it is a major event in the laboratory, and all conditions are fully prepared, and the one-stop service of food, accommodation and transportation is provided.

Everything is ready, it just owes a ceremony.

Before leaving, old man Zhang went to the commune to write a letter of introduction to Beijing. The other party asked him why he was going, and he happily replied: "My younger brother and I are getting married, and I want to go to Beijing!"

"Small" is the local dialect and means son.

After finishing speaking, he also grabbed a large handful of low-quality fruit candies and shared some with everyone he saw.

"Awesome! Is your child developing in the capital? What kind of work do you do?" The cadres in the village asked casually, after all, it is the capital.

"Well, yes, he was assigned there after graduating from university, and now his household registration is also there. From now on, my grandson will be a native of the capital. As for what he will do, I don't know."

However, Lao Zhang's proud emotions are palpable, and there is no need to hide them at all. No matter how far away the baby is, it is also his seed. The hard work of sowing early and late, finally did not live up to the land of youth.

"It's really not easy to stay in the capital after graduation. Which school did he graduate from? He can still be assigned to the capital."

The village cadres are knowledgeable, so they are even more curious, because college students are usually assigned jobs back to their hometowns after graduation, and those who can stay in the capital are rare.

However, old man Zhang had been waiting for his words for a long time, if he didn't ask, he wouldn't be able to say it directly.

"Capital University!"

Old man Zhang's voice was indeed much louder.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, then you are the bald old Zhang from Xiazhangzhuang, right? Your child is the first champion in our ten miles and eight towns. It's like a Wenqu star descending to earth."

He doesn't like the title of bald old Zhang.

However, seeing that the township cadres had no malice, Lao Zhang decided not to care about it.

On weekdays, if anyone dared to call him bald old Zhang, he would be annoyed.

"Bald old Zhang" is the old man Zhang's nickname, and Zhang Cheng's hair is not much, so it really is a family tradition passed down in one continuous line.

This time they went to the capital together with their whole family. Apart from the old man Zhang and his wife, there were also three members of Zhang Cheng's younger brother Zhang Guo's family. So, Zhang Cheng lagged behind, and his nephew was three or four years old.

It is really not easy for farmers to go to the city. They brought several big packages, including towels and quilts prepared by relatives, as well as some brown sugar and red dates.

Fortunately, it's not the New Year's Eve, so it's still easy to squeeze onto the train. They bought hard seats, and there is still room.

A hard seat is enough, after all, it is not a wealthy family, and it is only a few hours to sit on a sleeper, that is not a disease of the brain.

Now the speed of the train is indeed very slow, it takes a long time to go on and on, and the speed of the car pushed by the old man is faster than it.

However, they won't feel tired taking this kind of train, because they are excited.

Moreover, what they are most concerned about now is probably how good-looking Zhang Cheng's wife is.

The daughter-in-law in the capital must be a fairy descending to earth, otherwise how could she be worthy of our family's Wenquxing.

It's just that the daughter-in-law in the capital thinks highly of us country people, no, don't make a fool of yourself.

Along the way, they were reluctant to eat the food sold on the train, and they didn't know that it was not delicious. They boiled a lot of free-range eggs by themselves, and when they were hungry, they ate an egg and drank some brown sugar water to moisten them.

All the way laughing and joking, with high enthusiasm, all kinds of emotions gathered, and finally arrived at the Beijing Railway Station.

On this day, Zhang Cheng and Shen Guanglin happened to have something to do temporarily, and they had to report to the ministry, so Li Rong had to take someone to pick them up.

Xiaohui is a pregnant woman, and the two of them are not yet married, so it is not suitable for her to show her face to her in-laws by herself.

Li Rong didn't care a little bit, she was the mistress, that is, the teacher's wife, and Zhang Cheng was her children.

Although they were about the same age, they were a generation behind in seniority, so it was appropriate for Li Rong to pick up old man Zhang.

No, she took two students and stood at the exit, holding up a big sign that said: Zhang Weihan.

Sure enough, he was a bald old man with the word "Han" in his name.

Zhang Cheng's younger brother, Zhang Guoda, saw the sign and Li Rong from afar, "Daddy, that's my sister-in-law, she's so handsome."

Indeed, in the early winter season, Li Rong wore a long bright yellow down jacket and pencil jeans. Her legs were straight, her figure was tall and her face was exquisite, and she was indeed conspicuous.

There are a lot of people picking up people at the gate of the train station, but there are really not many people as good-looking as Li Rong.

Old man Zhang squeezed over with his family of five,

"Girl, are you picking me up? I am Zhang Weihan, Zhang Cheng's father."

He didn't use the word "I" very often, and it was a sentence that he had been thinking about for a long time.

For such a good-looking girl, it really takes courage to strike up a conversation, so Zhang Guo didn't dare to speak, feeling ashamed.

When Li Rong saw the bald old man, she immediately felt that she was right, he was really a father and son, she hurriedly said with a smile, "Yes, Uncle Zhang, I'm here to pick you up, it's cold, let's talk while walking in the car. "

The two students quickly helped with the luggage, and a group of people followed Li Rong to the parking place.

The minibus has a wide space, but old man Zhang didn't let other relatives come because he was afraid of wasting money.

"Girl, what's your last name? How did you meet Zhang Cheng?"

There was nothing to talk about along the way, and Zhang Cheng's mother started talking to Li Rong.

It seems that they have misunderstood.

"My surname is Li, and my name is Li Rong. I met Zhang Cheng of your family through my partner."

what's the situation?

She is married twice?

"Why don't I understand?"

"How should I put it? My husband is Zhang Cheng's teacher. They work in the same unit now. Your daughter-in-law is pregnant and it's not easy to go out. I came out to pick you up."

"Oh, I got the wrong person! I'm sorry girl, what kind of person is my daughter-in-law?"

It's difficult for Li Rong to answer this question. They are colleagues, but they don't know each other that well. As for what kind of person Xiaohui is, it's hard to say.

"How about your daughter-in-law, you have to find out by yourself. Children and grandchildren have their own blessings."

"Congratulations, you don't have a daughter-in-law yet, but you already have a grandson."

(End of this chapter)

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