Start with a college teacher

Chapter 44 Returning

Chapter 44 Returning
The investment negotiation went so smoothly, no wonder there were so many scammers at the beginning of the reform and opening up.

Everyone is groping to cross the river, and everything has to pay tuition fees.

However, the enthusiasm of the staff is really high.

Perhaps, the speed of the deep city is like this.

Shen Guanglin and Su Youpeng signed the letter of intent for investment on behalf of the company.

The company that has actually landed is a newly established shell company under the Shen's Group, whose name is "Youyi Garment Manufacturing Co., Ltd.".

The temporary production site is a workshop like a warehouse.

In the future, when the new factory building is completed, it is estimated that it will only be used as a warehouse, which can be referred to as a "Uniqlo" library, a logistics and delivery platform with a fitting room.

The original main body of Shencheng City was Bao'an County. Only the old county town was more prosperous. Nanshan was just a barren land by the sea. It was rare that anyone would like to see it here.

The Shenzhen city government approved two plots of land for their company, both in Nanshan.

One of the pieces of land is the old factory that they are optimistic about. After the establishment of the special zone, this enterprise moved to the outside of the customs, also to make room for overseas investors.

The other piece of land is brand new farmland, which is actually a village, with mountains and rivers, with a total area of ​​about [-] to [-] mu. The government of this land promised to make three connections and one leveling first, and then Shen Guanglin and the others would invest in the construction.

Government workers also patted their chests, and must complete the most basic basic package within three months.

To this end, Shen Guanglin paid an additional deposit of HK$[-].

This can be considered the most basic gambling.

In this era, Hong Kong dollar is equivalent to foreign currency.

Foreign currency is hard currency!

To a large extent, the purpose of attracting investment is to earn foreign exchange. The Hong Kong dollar that Shen Guanglin offered was indeed more exciting than the 20 RMB, which increased everyone's confidence.

So far, all the work that needs to be coordinated has basically ended.

Words that people like to use when blessing others are "all the best", "all the best" and the like.

Today, Shen Guanglin's trip to Xiangjiang and Shencheng can really be described as "smooth sailing", and they did not encounter any difficulties and setbacks.

The old factory building was already in hand. On the day of handover, the three of them packed out two rooms and moved in.

It's not that you can't live in a hotel, but the traffic near the factory is particularly inconvenient, and it's a bit far to come here at any time when you live in a hotel.

And living in the factory, euphemistically, in order to resume production earlier, in fact, they just want to have a closer contact with their own industry.

Very strong entrepreneurial spirit.

Of course, the rent here certainly doesn't cost 20, or even money.

If you have money, you can't squander it. There are many places to spend money.

The government is also generous. The old factory only needs to pay the water and electricity bills and promise to recruit local workers.

Even on the side of the new factory, the land is almost free of money, as long as it can generate taxes and foreign exchange.

This condition is simply too good.

No wonder there are so many foreigners in the special zone going through it. After all kinds of policies are put in place, how can others not come to invest.

In fact, what Shen Guanglin is doing is imitating the behavior of Lao Guo who built a factory in Longhua a few years later.

He has seen the interview, whether it is the party or the staff, Lao Guo's routine is easy to say.

At that time, Lao Guo didn't have a lot of money, but he first made an appearance that he was not bad and had a lot of orders, and then a bank chased him for a loan.

Shen Guanglin also thought about it. During the summer vacation, he would also go abroad to go to Fusang, and go to Citigroup to pull some orders back.

By the way, you can also find suitable projects and build some other types of factories. If the product line is too single, the competitiveness will be insufficient.

The next 20 years will be the golden time for the development of the clothing industry.

The cotton and raw materials in the Western Regions are so good and the conditions are unique, why not use it.

Of course, the most urgent task now is not to obtain loans, nor to find raw materials for production, but to send the goods in the warehouse to the capital, and quickly exchange more money.

Otherwise, taking such a large piece of land, if there is no money to operate it, it will be ugly.

Shen Guanglin was about to pack up and go back.

The three of them did a brief division of labor, Shen Guanglin took the goods back by himself, and Erlen and Su Youpeng stayed behind to "build" the factory.

The work efficiency of the future boss of Xiangjiang, Da Liu, is still very high. On the fourth day Shen Guanglin and the others arrived in Shencheng, the things that Shen Guanglin purchased have been packaged and shipped.

The production equipment is delivered together with raw materials and various finished and semi-finished products.

Whether those things are finished products, semi-finished products or raw materials, they are all carefully packaged, and the same is true for a large package, including equipment.

Da Liu is a very particular person.

Moreover, the young man named Ye Jihuan also came along, saying that he came to support for a month, and then returned to Xiangjiang after their production equipment was turned on.

This is a good thing.

No need for Shen Guanglin to pay the salary, because Da Liu has already paid it.

However, one can't be too stingy when it comes to being a person and doing things. Shen Guanglin still paid him a month's salary.

Xiaoye expressed that she would accept Shen Guanglin's affection and would recognize Shen Guanglin as a friend in the future.

Of course, Shen Guanglin didn't show a discriminatory smile, but seriously expressed that there are multiple friends and multiple paths.

Just for the trivial matter of factory relocation, the government staff of Shencheng also held a ceremony to move in equipment.

It's only 1980, and the term "deep city speed" has not been coined for three days and one floor, but Shen Guanglin and the others are really fast. It only took four days from setting up the workshop to moving in the equipment.

On the day the equipment arrived, the staff also pulled up a banner, which was still handwritten in English, called MOVE-IN.

Shen Guanglin is also good at being a man, and he also created a precedent for carriage and horse fees.

All the guests gave a wallet. In fact, these are the last orders for foreign trade produced in the Da Liu factory. Shen Guanglin also prepared some for himself that he planned to bring back to the capital and distribute to his colleagues and students.

The wallet may not be genuine leather, but it looks beautiful, and that's enough.

Everyone was not mentally prepared, and everyone was stunned when they suddenly received the gift.

Of course, the staff strongly refused, but only reluctantly accepted it after Shen Guanglin's strong insistence.

We really can't wait for the workers to enter the factory to organize production. They have already negotiated the supply method of raw materials, and with the coordination of government units, they can first owe the loan on credit, and then wait for the foreign exchange earned after producing the product to repay the debt.

Shen Guanglin is really going to go back, otherwise the students will not be able to keep up with their studies, and it is not his style to let other teachers substitute for class every day.

Several people sorted out the goods that needed to be sent to the capital.

The quantity is a bit large. There are 100 pieces of clothes in a package, which is more than 70 bags, which is enough for a truck to pull a car.

It is impossible for so many goods to be carried and transported manually, and can only be transported by land or train.

It's time to unblock the rail transit system.

To clear the relationship, think about giving gifts.

During the Chinese New Year, there are a lot of people queuing up to give gifts.

Shen Guanglin also prepared to use gifts to clear the way.

It can be seen that the gift cannot be neglected.

I've been busy for so many days, I'm ready to go back, I haven't calmed down to go shopping.

On the fifth day, the three of them came back from the factory and went directly to Zhongying Street to purchase supplies.

There are still a lot of people in Zhongying Street. Are so many people qualified to enter here in this era?
Shen Guanglin still has experience in shopping, first of all, he bought three women's bags in one go.

And it's a different package.What Li Li prepared was a backpack, which is more suitable for students; Li Rong's is a shoulder bag, which is suitable for any use; and then he also bought an exquisite handbag, which was prepared for Lao Wang's fiancee. The daughter of the great leader.

So what do you buy yourself?
I really don't know what I'm missing.

He felt that he really lacked everything, and if he lacked anything, he could go directly to the Friendship Store to buy it.

However, seeing that Toyo's perfumes are good and the price is close to the people, he bought a few more bottles.

Of course I didn't buy this for myself.

There is also talk of buying perfume.

For example, giving Li Li is the "Encounter", "Sweet Lover" series.

And for Li Rong, it is "warm as spring" and "breezy and pleasant" type.

The things in Zhongying Street are really complete and all-inclusive, and they sell almost everything.

The three of them walked together, of course, it wasn't just Shen Guanglin who was shopping alone.

Su Youpeng still has "human nature". He bought gifts for his mother and sister, not just a very "precious" watch for his girlfriend.

Er Leng didn't really care. Seeing that Mr. Li bought a lighter, he also bought one for himself. He didn't go back to the capital, so he didn't plan to buy anything.

Later, he couldn't resist the persuasion of Mr. Shen and Brother Youpeng, so he changed some Hong Kong dollar coins and prepared to bring them back to his friends to open their eyes. This is foreign money.

Shen Guanglin corrected him, Xiangjiang is an inseparable part of the motherland, not a foreign country.

In the end, Shen Guanglin thought that he still had a group of lovely students and colleagues, and he was not good enough not to bring them other gifts. He could only use a snakeskin bag to buy a bunch of gadgets such as pens and belts, and he was considered a thief. Don't go empty.

Shen Guanglin first rushed to Yangcheng alone to handle the matter of entrusting Lao Wang to coordinate a carriage.

"We can pay, as long as we can use it, and even better if it can be used for a long time."

This matter is not difficult, it is nothing more than a letter, without the need for a big leader to come forward, Lao Wang himself can help Shen Guanglin get a wagon.

Money matters are easy to negotiate, just follow the charging standards for the transportation of goods in state-owned factories.

Now things are completely simple, and the next step is to organize transportation.

Don't look at more than 70 pieces of goods. In fact, there is no half of the wagon. It's a pity that the carriage is empty. You can only temporarily add other goods.

There is no need to buy real Hong Kong goods. Now there are electronics factories in Shencheng. It is also a good choice to buy some electronic watches and pirated tapes.

Soon, things are not full, and there is not enough money.

Shen Guanglin asked Lao Wang if he wanted to become a shareholder. As long as he paid the money, the goods were shipped to the capital, and the profits were divided into three or seven points, or even half.

Is that okay?

Lao Wang immediately asked his fiancée to discuss for help. She still had energy. Anyway, before the departure, the contents of the wagon were full.

After the goods were loaded, Lao Wang served as the host, Shen Guanglin treated the guests, and everyone had another meal together.

Lao Wang has run out of money, and he also risked his "life" for a ride this time.

Unlike Shen Guanglin, who on the surface is a university teacher, in fact, he has never lost money.

No matter how hard you are, you can't suffer yourself.

On the second day before departure, Shen Guanglin gave Su Youpeng the final explanation: "Be bold in production, the overseas sales channel has already been given by Liu, don't cut off contact, the government's desire for foreign exchange is very strong at this stage, we still have to do our best. It is possible to export the product, and only in this way, the support we receive will be stronger and stronger.”


"Don't worry about your mother and sister, I will take care of them." Shen Guanglin promised.

"Mr. Shen, if only you were my brother-in-law, I would definitely feel more at ease." Su Youpeng kept thinking about letting Shen Guanglin be his brother-in-law.

"Fuck off, you'd better take care of yourself first, go to less messy places, and don't get sick."

Su Youpeng suddenly thought of another question: "What about my Jingjing?"

"Or I'll let her come to Shencheng to find you."

"This line."

(End of this chapter)

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