Chapter 444 Mansion
Zhang Cheng's uncle expressed firm disbelief.

It's not that he hasn't seen the conditions of scientific research workers. They are all miserable, and it is difficult to support their families.

Many scientific research institutes wait for the state to allocate funds, and once the salary is paid, there will be no extra money for scientific research.

Do you think they have no results?
Under such conditions, the results were not so good.

Even if someone has achieved results, those who have not achieved results will feel resentful. You are the only one with a big head, right?You thought you were Lei Jiayin.

After all, their Capital University is a famous school, maybe the situation can be better, but how much better can it be?

Open your mouth, tens of millions at every turn, I'm afraid it's not Vietnamese dong.

In this era, there is no mobile phone, and there is no way to show the balance of Alipay, and you can't show him the bank statement. This kind of money is not so easy for Lu Bai.

However, hearing is believing, seeing is believing.

Shen Guanglin looked at the confused boy, and asked a question: "Little comrade, what kind of transportation did you take to come here for dinner?"

This professor Shen is also a bit annoying, he is not much older than himself, and he still calls himself a little comrade.

However, he has a high status. From Zhang Cheng's point of view, he is really an elder. There is no way to refute him by calling himself a little comrade.

"Today we came here as a family. Of course we took a taxi. I usually have a motorcycle. It's a brand new Yamaha. It's very fast. I was nicknamed Erhuan Shisanlang."

"Then your knee doesn't hurt?" Shen Guanglin asked curiously.

"What?" The uncle didn't understand.

"I said if you ride a motorcycle like this, don't your knees hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt! Why does the knee hurt?"

"You are still young, but you must also pay attention to protection. The knees are very fragile, and you are prone to rheumatic bone pain. In the future, if you have the conditions, try to change to a car that can shelter from the wind and rain."

Mr. Shen really had good intentions. After riding the motorcycle for a long time, especially in such cold weather, it is easy to fall into trouble.

"You're talking about the Jeep 212, right? It's not as expensive as a motorcycle, or it's more fashionable. Young people should have a fashionable attitude towards life."

It seems that this road is a bit blocked, this aspect is not perfect, Shen Guanglin changed the subject: "Do you know what kind of car Zhang Cheng is driving?"

"He still has a car? I'm afraid it's not a bicycle. If he really has a bicycle, he can be considered a wealthy family."

Shen Guanglin smiled, just waiting for your words, just like you have a car, why can't he have it?
"Did you see the two cars parked outside when you entered?"

The uncle thought about it, and said suspiciously: "Yes, black, it seems to be made in West Germany, the logo looks like a steering wheel, and the paint is quite bright."

It seems that he has really looked at those two cars seriously, man, just a little hobby, times will change, but men will not change.

"If I say that one of them belongs to Zhang Cheng, will you be jealous?" Shen Guanglin continued to ask with a smile.

"Joke, I will be jealous of him, I..., you said the car is his? Impossible! I don't believe it!"

There is nothing to believe.

Shen Guanglin said to Zhang Cheng, "Take out the car keys and show him."

"This is a special car allocated to Zhang Cheng by our unit, and he can use it as he wants."

Zhang Guo took out a car key from his pocket. The workmanship of the key was very good. In Shen Guanglin's eyes, it was very simple, but in this era, it was like an exquisite handicraft.

Although Zhang Cheng doesn't drive often, he keeps the car keys in his hands all the time. Man, there is no one who doesn't like cars.

Of course, there is also a car key in the office of the laboratory. The daily work in their office is to maintain the car, wash the car, and refuel it.

As a leader, just drive well, don't worry about anything else, life is very comfortable.

"Why do you have so many luxury cars in your unit? It's impossible! Is it really yours?"

This is nothing impossible, Zhang Cheng said, Mr. Shen can buy four of these cars in one class, and their laboratory has never worried about funding since its establishment. What everyone is worried about is why there is no result yet. .

There is a lot of pressure, and there is more money to spend.

The country treats you so favorably?

The money is not from the state. The money for the lab is raised by Mr. Shen himself, from foreign companies, from the Great Wall Group, and even the appearance fees that he himself will go out to give lectures. These are the sources of funding for the lab.

As for the funds allocated by the state, the laboratory has never received it, and even if it did, it was allocated by the college itself.

Shen Guanglin's detached status is largely due to the fact that he can get funds from the state every year, but the money is distributed to other laboratories, Shen Dashan.

That's right, everyone knows that it's not easy for Professor Shen to make money.

Teacher Shen said that making money is not so easy. This year, their laboratory only received more than 2000 million yuan from the Great Wall Group, because a lot of budget was not spent last year, and it is the same this year.

Scientific research, really need to strengthen the progress.

In fact, Shen Guanglin's laboratory still saves money and avoids many detours. Sometimes, a word from Professor Shen is like a guiding light, which can save the laboratory hundreds of thousands of millions of dollars.

Zhang Cheng admired his scientific research talent.

Uncle was completely speechless.

He made things difficult for Zhang Cheng, which actually represented the opinion of Xiaohui's parents. They didn't quite believe that the financial situation of Shen Guanglin's laboratory would be so good. Moreover, they were unhappy that their daughter married Zhang Cheng.

If it's just a simple comparison of who is richer, Shen Guanglin has never been wrong in this matter.

It's not enough to pretend to be a person by himself, and he has to help his apprentice to maintain his face, which is considered complete.

The conversation at the dinner ended when Professor Shen could earn $5 for a class.

How much is $5?

No wonder they had to arrange room and board at the Capital Hotel. It really wasn't a swollen face to pretend to be fat, he was really rich.

Shen Guanglin also said that Zhang Cheng is his most valued student, and he can also be said to be the second in command of the laboratory. His talent is extremely high, and it is only a mere improvement in material conditions. It is the most boring thing to say.

Li Rong also added a word, just for Xiaohui, their laboratory bought a minibus specially, so that the female colleagues in their unit could go to the laboratory for reunion after get off work.

"Could it be that my sister will wash and cook for you? She doesn't touch the sun at home."

Old man Zhang didn't like to hear these words. Isn't marrying a daughter-in-law just washing, cooking and having children? Otherwise, what's the use of them.

However, it was the first meeting after all, so he didn't say a lot of words. He knew that, regardless of his young age, Mr. Shen really made things up for them.

He was very grateful to meet such a teacher.

Sure enough, Shen Guanglin said, "How can pregnant women cook every day? Our laboratory has a 24-hour cafeteria. The food may not be good, but there is enough meat and there will be no shortage of nutrition."

Teacher Shen is humble, he hired a chef in his laboratory, can the food not be delicious?

Xiaohui also said that the food in their laboratory is very good, better than restaurants, and the family members used to eat for free.

It looks really good.

However, Shen Guanglin still felt that this trip was not satisfactory: "Don't put making money first, it won't take long, and Zhang Cheng will also achieve the goal of 5 US dollars per class. $5 is more important.”

And money is the most boring thing.

Falling in the eyes of money every day, the whole person becomes vulgar.

Although Professor Shen can earn 5 US dollars for a class, he is still not interested in money. He doesn't like money. His happiest days are the days when he just worked for a month and just got paid.

Zhang Cheng nodded quickly, and so did I.

Sure enough, they are in the same line, both master and apprentice, and father and son.

The dinner didn't break up badly at the end, and everyone still maintained basic courtesy.

Before the banquet was completely over, he took the keys and went to see the car.

A car with automatic transmission can also play tapes, has a record function, and has air conditioning, which is amazing.

Old man Zhang didn’t say much during the dinner, but when everyone said goodbye at the end, he was very stubborn: Don’t stay in this hotel, and go to their dormitory to see. Didn’t you say you have a house to live in? .


Don't be afraid of the cold weather, they will go out to dig the river every year, and the weather is even colder, isn't it also coming year after year.

It's too expensive to live in such a hotel, they can't afford it, and they can't spend it like this if they have money.

Although Teacher Shen paid for it, they must be sensible and not shameless.

Shen Guanglin respected the question of consumption concept.

With so many people, two cars couldn't fit in them.

Li Rong called a minibus to come over, and let's go to Zhang Cheng's new house together to have a look, the decoration has been completed.

Zhang Cheng's new home is not in Tiangong No. [-], but in the new material company, not far from Shen Guanglin's laboratory, so it is more convenient to commute to and from get off work.

Although this is not an elevator room, Shen Guanglin designed a lot of parking spaces in advance when planning the residential area. The living facilities are more complete, and it must be comfortable to live in.

The new house is on the third floor, with four bedrooms and one living room, which is very large.

After everyone went up, except for Shen Guanglin and Li Rong, everyone who entered the door was stunned.

The quality of the house does not lie in the hard decoration, but in the soft decoration.

In fact, Xiaohui and Zhang Cheng had been to this house before, but at that time the whole house was larger, basically Mao Pei, and everywhere was empty.

In the past few days, Zhang Cheng was busy with work, and Li Rong's commander was basically helping them arrange the wedding room. He didn't come over for a few days, and it really changed a lot.

Li Shiniang is a qualified home designer.

Now, all the furniture in this house is in place, and all the necessary electrical appliances are in place.

There are even microwave ovens newly developed by the company that have not been launched yet.

The walls are still white, but the ground is covered with a solid wood floor, which is particularly pleasant to walk on.

Moreover, the chandelier is no longer the kind of incandescent bulb, but replaced by a crystal chandelier, which is very shiny and bright.

It's too luxurious.

Not only the old man Zhang's family, but also Xiaohui's family were stunned.

Are we going to live in a house like this from now on?
Xiaohui took the initiative to hold Zhang Cheng's arm. Although the two had children, they had never been so close in front of outsiders.

Zhang Cheng was also sadly reminded, he was caught off guard, and he didn't even have a chance to savor the happy time with Xiaohui carefully.

After all, it is his duty to protect pregnant women.

Shen Guanglin took the initiative to break the silence: "This is our wedding gift to Zhang Cheng. There is really nothing to give. After all, the money is too vulgar. Help him decorate his new home. This is the heart of Rongrong and I."

Old man Zhang woke up from the shock, and shouted at Zhang Cheng, "Kneel down!"

Zhang Cheng was dumbfounded, "What's wrong?"

"I want you to kneel!"

If the father wants the son to kneel, the son has to kneel.

Zhang Cheng knelt down facing old man Zhang.

"What are you kneeling on me for? You kneel down to Teacher Shen. Meeting such a good teacher is the blessing of our old Zhang family for several generations."

Shen Guanglin hastily declined, speaking too seriously.

However, he didn't continue to toss with them, and took his wife home.

If you want to live in a new home, you can also live in a new home. The bedding is complete, but the laboratory also has a special room for visitors. As the leader of the physics team, Zhang Cheng can arrange these.

Teacher Shen is gone, and Zhang Cheng has a child, so he should work hard.

He can experience the happiness without barriers several times a month.

In the past few years, Shen Guanglin and Li Rong's small days have been calculated clearly, and they have formed the habit of when to wear raincoats and when not to, and they have a good understanding.

Even with just one look, the other party will know what it means, change the posture that should be changed, and the halftime that should be intermission.

In the future, just let nature take its course, so there is no need to make special calculations.

Early the next morning, Shen Guanglin took Rhubarb for a run with heavy steps.

People still need to exercise more, so as not to be disgusted by others.

(End of this chapter)

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