Chapter 445-Light

The early winter in the capital has a different kind of coldness.

If there is no wind and sand, there is often fog and frost.

The white dew is frost, and the reeds are green.

Shen Guanglin still insists on running every day. If he does not have good physical fitness, he will not be able to take the initiative on the battlefield.

For example, Da Qiangzi was born in a rural area. Due to lack of exercise, even after drinking, he is only excited for 2 minutes.

Regret for not doing it at the beginning, this is the end of poor physical fitness.

On such a slightly misty morning, the welcoming team set off with great enthusiasm.

The specific itinerary is arranged as follows: First go to the woman's home to meet the bride, and then welcome the bride to Zhang Cheng's new home. After the relatives and friends of the two parties meet, a brief ceremony will be held at home, and then a formal wedding will be held at the hotel.

Shen Guanglin has never eaten pork, but he has seen pigs run many times.

Any of the vulgar wedding procedures of later generations would be innovations now.

This time, it was Shen Guanglin who personally set the marriage process for Zhang Cheng. After listening to it, everyone felt that it was very reasonable and impeccable.

This is a Chinese and Western wedding. It is very fashionable. There is even a link of exchanging rings. Everyone thinks it is very romantic. Professor Shen is really amazing.

Li Rong also asked curiously, how do you know so well?

Shen Guanglin replied, because he had been thinking about their own wedding.

Li Rong was a little moved after hearing this, and said that she must comfort Teacher Shen a lot in the evening and give him a full meal.

There were tears in the corners of Mr. Shen's joyful eyes, and he looked at Rhubarb with a sense of guilt. If this continues, he, Mr. Shen, will feel sorry for this old friend.

Rhubarb didn't know it yet, still wagging his tail with an optimistic look.

Zhang Cheng's new home is all relatives and friends of the woman. Seeing such a nice house, they couldn't help but envy Xiaohui's good fortune in finding such an excellent husband.

Some people also said sourly, marrying an old man, what a good show.

Where is it, the groom is a few months younger than Xiaohui, so he is the same age.


Never mind that it might not be possible, the two are finally getting married.

It's also popular in this era to make bridal chambers, but it's a pity that Xiaohui is pregnant, so it's not suitable for big moves.

Not to mention others, even Zhang Cheng has never had any intimate actions.

After returning from Guilin, the two of them never slept together.

I'm going to get married now, and I feel a little panicked when I think about it.

Zhang Cheng's wedding was really extravagant, and it was actually held at the Beijing Hotel, how much would it cost.

If only I could be here when I get married.

It was impossible in a short time. Shen Guanglin paid foreign exchange, so they agreed to hold their wedding here.

However, the specifications did go up.

In the future, this is the first wedding at the Capital Hotel, and even the media is ready to report it.

The place to eat is high-end and classy, ​​and the wedding reception is also cool.

Six identical Mercedes-Benz cars, in this era of capital, it is very difficult to get together.

No matter how envious everyone is, there is nothing they can do. Even Shen Guanglin has to deploy some cars from New Material Company and Great Wall Electric.

These license plates are all consecutive numbers, and this string of numbers also shows the strength of the owner.

As the convoy passed by, there was a big happy letter on the leading car. Everyone knew that someone was getting married.

Who is this going to get married and make such a big show?

Soon, everyone knew that it was Professor Shen Guanglin's closed-door disciple who was getting married, and this was the teacher trying to save face for the students.

Is Teacher Shen married?

It seems not yet.

Professor Shen devoted himself to the cause of scientific research and had no time to consider his personal situation.

It's so rare.

How about we help him find some good-looking girls?

No need, they have someone.

The welcoming team went smoothly, and the bride was received very quickly. No one stopped to ask for money along the way, only a boy who picked up the curtain needed to ask for a red envelope.

Shen Guanglin and Li Rong stayed in the hotel to preside over the overall situation, they didn't follow along to have fun.

Fortunately, there are no traffic jams in this era, and firecrackers are allowed to be set off, so the excitement is still very lively.

The guests basically don't need to go to Zhang Cheng's new home, as the invitation said, just go directly to the restaurant.

The wedding ceremony was presided over by the master of ceremonies, but the process was designed by Shen Guanglin, and everyone was very satisfied.

The meals are even more satisfying, most of them are meat dishes, which are full and enough.

After dinner, most of the people went back home, and relatives and friends who had a good relationship would also visit the man's house.

I don’t know, I’m scared.

Such a nice house is really magnificent.

This is all thanks to my wife Li Rong.

Li Rong arranged for someone to decorate Zhang Cheng's new house, and everyone was very satisfied and even pleasantly surprised.

Only Shen Guanglin felt that there were imperfections, and the most dissatisfied part was that the lighting arrangement was not good, to be precise, the light source was not good enough.

That light is not bright enough.

There is a line in "Crazy Stone": bright under high lights.

The incandescent light is a bit yellowish, and it is really uncomfortable to illuminate.

It's time to initiate a revolution in the lighting industry.

It has been more than 100 years since the electric light was invented.

To be precise, it was not Edison who first invented the electric light, but Henry Goebbels.

As early as 1854, Henri Goebbels used a carbonized bamboo wire, placed it under a vacuum glass bottle, and energized it to emit light.

His invention is seen today as the first practical incandescent light bulb.

The light bulb he tested at that time could maintain lighting for 400 hours of continuous work, but he did not apply for a design patent, nor did he conduct commercial promotion.

Edison had missed it.

This man is not a scientist, this is a mercenary businessman.

Without Edison, Tesla's achievements may not stop there.

Tesla is really a bit powerful, maybe he is as awesome as Shen Guanglin.

Some people think that Professor Shen is comparable to Tesla or Da Vinci.

Only he himself does not feel so.

Let's talk about lighting.

In this day and age, the development of lamps has actually been various. Fluorescent lamps are better used as lighting in workplaces, and Shen Guanglin's laboratory has used them in large quantities.

The change that Shen Guanglin thought of was going to start here.

At present, the more mainstream fluorescent lamps are 26mm T8 lamps, and the 16mm T5 lamps have not been invented yet.

Shen Guanglin didn't want this history to continue. He wanted to interrupt this historical process and directly develop LED-type white light sources.

Shen Guang's laboratory still has some accumulation in the research of LED.

He has proposed this direction for some time, but has not yet achieved a breakthrough.

Semiconductors are permeable. Shen Guanglin invested in Guixi to a large extent to obtain gallium metal. The light-emitting substrate of the second blue light semiconductor is gallium nitride.

Shuji Nakamura won the Nobel Prize for this discovery.

If Shen Guanglin is the first to successfully research the "high-brightness blue light-emitting diode", his chances of winning the Nobel Prize will be a little higher.

(End of this chapter)

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