Chapter 446

Amidst everyone's envy, jealousy and hatred, Zhang Cheng's wedding ended successfully.

This wedding was indeed very successful, but it also made it more difficult for the later generations. Anyone can prepare such a wedding?
Some rich people are really eager to try, and there is no shortage of rich people in Beijing at any time.

Even in the most hungry and cold years, there are still people who are feasting on fish and meat.

It's just that other aspects are fine, but identical cars are more difficult to obtain, and most people can only envy them in vain.

The wedding is over, and the family has transferred from the hotel to the new house. There are still many things to do, counting the gifts, and arranging follow-up matters.

Both the man and the woman were very satisfied with the wedding. Originally, the woman's family was dissatisfied with Zhang Cheng's family, but because Zhang Cheng had a good teacher, they followed suit.

Shen Guanglin is also very satisfied with his masterpiece, and he has successfully practiced it.

After the excitement, calm returned, and everyone left one after another, leaving only the familiar and unfamiliar newlyweds looking at each other.

What are you going to do next?
Today, a bridal chamber is impossible, and for the sake of future generations, we can't do this kind of thing regardless, right?

As a result, on the wedding night, the two sat on the bedside and chatted about Shen Guanglin and Li Rong, and it wasn't like there was nothing to talk about.

Professor Shen is a good teacher, and Li Rong is also a good teacher.

In fact, Zhang Cheng was not particularly keen on these matters between men and women, and soon, he returned to his busy scientific research life.

Or research is more fun.

Because Boss Shen has already been asking, why hasn't GaN been researched yet?
According to Shen's judgment: Using this kind of semiconductor as a light-emitting diode will definitely yield different results.

Zhang Cheng believed it when he heard it, and immediately organized his staff to study the technology of nitrogen doping in gallium with all his strength, and he must win this peak as soon as possible.

A scholar dies for a confidant, and a woman tolerates a person who pleases her.

Professor Shen has worked so hard for his marriage, and he can't give nothing in return, right?

The difficulty that Zhang Cheng wants to overcome is really not small, and it seems that the hair will be reduced again.

If it wasn't for the cold weather, Shen Guanglin would probably suggest that he keep his head bald, and there is nothing wrong with being like Xu Zheng.

In fact, Shen Guanglin himself didn't know how to make gallium nitride, so he could only let them use their brains to figure out a way.

In the face of difficulties, Zhang Cheng is not afraid at all, but full of confidence.

Since the teacher said that it can be done, it must be able to be done. As for the goal that has not been achieved yet, it is because they have not found the right way.

The existence of Shen Guanglin is the biggest source of confidence for the research team. The reason why there are no results is because the level of hard work is not enough.

Zhang Chengcheng is such a person who likes to do scientific research the most. This is his hobby, just like some people like big health care, and he can't hold it back.

Shen Guanglin couldn't do it anymore, he couldn't sit still in the laboratory at all, and wanted to go out for a stroll from time to time.

In particular, the weather has been cold recently, and he really can't sit still anymore. He has long wanted to go to the south to avoid the cold, so he can make a stop for the employees on vacation.

People are different, and everyone has their own attitude towards life.

As a newly married person, Zhang Cheng's daily life has not changed much, and Xiaohui's life has not changed much, except that her living place has moved from Shen Guanglin's laboratory to the dormitory area of ​​the new material factory.

I still have to take the commuter car to and from get off work every day, and I still have to laugh and play with a group of girls every day.

Everyone is a colleague of the same unit, and everyone's targets are also colleagues of the same unit.

It's just that Xiaohui is at the forefront of everyone.

Of course, among this group of girls, the eldest sister is still Li Rong, she is the hidden leader, who made her man the leader?

These girls are also very smart, no one thinks of offending Li Rong at all, not to mention flattery, it is certain to please in disguise.

I offended the proprietress, and my whole year was in vain.

However, Li Rong is not arrogant and domineering. She is still low-key in her work unit. After all, she is not new to the workplace. Her last job was as a staff member of the Public Security Bureau, and she has already accumulated some experience in dealing with people.

Everyone entered into a happy atmosphere again.

Zhang Cheng's own living conditions have not changed, but the living conditions of Zhang Cheng's family have changed.

There is a saying that one person attains the Tao, immortals and chickens and dogs.

If you really want to keep a talent, you have to think carefully, and it is best to start with his family members.

In this regard, Shen's unit has done a good job.

Because Great Wall Electric and Great Wall New Material Company are recruiting people, someone Shen suggested that Zhang Cheng's brother and sister-in-law can come to work, which is better than farming at home.

Even the old man Zhang and his wife are also useful. The cattle raised by the Great Wall Biological Company also need someone to take care of them. Would you like to come over?
In this era, workers are much more popular than farmers, and many people spend money to buy a non-agricultural household registration, just for the convenience of recruiting workers in cities in the future.

Of course, it is also possible that it is just to follow the trend, and regret it for a lifetime when it is demolished afterwards.

Since Zhang Cheng does not object to his family members coming to Beijing, let them all stay.

Controlling food, housing, and pension, my nephew will be able to study in the capital in the future.

Is there such a good thing?

Of course you can.

Both Great Wall New Materials and Great Wall Biotechnology Company do not lack places to live, but the conditions are not as good as Zhang Cheng's new home, which is just an ordinary dormitory for singles.

Even such conditions are already very good. Such conditions are better than most people living in the capital, so don't be dissatisfied.

At least, old man Zhang was very satisfied, he let go, if Zhang Cheng didn't do a good job, his three legs would be broken!

Professor Shen is really benevolent. To meet such a good leader is really a blessing that has been cultivated for several lifetimes.

The recruitment principle of Great Wall Company is the employee recommendation system, and the family members of its own employees are given priority.

Not only Zhang Cheng's family members can enjoy this preferential treatment, but also other people in the laboratory.

Even, as long as you are in love, your partner's family members can come here to work first.

The Great Wall Group is famous for its good benefits, but how much money the Great Wall Group can make is something that no one can guess.

Gold is everywhere in this era, as long as you have money, why not make more money.

As long as you have an idea, you can make money in running a business.

There is no shortage of talents in the country. Even if you don't have much management experience, you will have it after a year or two of exploration.

If you really don’t know it, you can still learn it. No one is born with it.

However, the reason why many state-owned units are facing difficulties in operation is that they lack not only funds for technical transformation, but also the vision of sustainable development and the lack of autonomy in business operation.

The Great Wall Group is different, they are full of vigor and prosperity.

The end of the year is approaching, and these companies under the Great Wall Group are waiting for the annual financial report with simmering fire, just to see whose report will look better.

(End of this chapter)

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