Chapter 447

The first snow in 1985 was later than before.

As the weather turned out to be colder, Shen Guanglin became more and more lazy, it was really hard to go out!
Not to mention Shen Guanglin, even Rhubarb was a little reluctant to go out.

It's really too cold outside, and it doesn't have a beautiful bitch, what is it doing out there?
Is it to look for the solid traces left by human activities?
It’s okay when the weather is warm, and when Professor Shen is not paying attention, he can sneak a bite or two, and rub it on his trouser leg when he turns around, it’s perfect!

It’s no longer possible, it’s been frozen harder than a rock, and the weather has sealed the smell, so it’s hard to find, even if you find it, you can’t eat it.

Thinking of this, it was very angry. Since the house had a flush toilet, it could only smell the smell and not see the shadow.

There is no residue left after being washed by water every time.

Every time, Rhubarb rushed over happily, but the smell was still there, but nothing was found, and he screamed angrily.

There is a saying that dogs can't change eating S.

This is nature, no matter how noble the dog breed is, it is like an addict who can't bear this smell no matter what.

Many rural families don't have to wipe their children's buttocks in summer since they have dogs. The dog licks them cleaner than anything else. The children are comfortable and so are the dogs.

Rhubarb is not willing to go out now, it’s not because of lack of food or clothing, in fact, it’s all due to Shen’s surname, he wants to do what he wants to do when he’s free and has nothing to do. Live happily.

No wonder the cruelty of castration is second only to capital punishment.

It's cold, don't go anywhere!
Shen Guanglin is the same way, there is a woman in the room, there is a heater, and a humidifier, what are you doing outside?Do you suffer from the cold?

It's just that Li Rong has to get up early to go to work every morning, and he can't sleep in a whole lot. It's not as good as when she was studying. The two of them can hug each other and sleep until they wake up naturally.

When you wake up in the morning, you can also take advantage of the opportunity to do a warm-up exercise to prolong your life.

Of course, it is said that Shen Guanglin should also go to work. At least, since your people are already in the capital, you still have to deal with the classes you should attend.

Shen Guanglin didn't have such an awareness. Anyway, he had a teaching assistant, so he was always in the middle of the class.

Even if you go to the laboratory, it’s the same. When you want to go, you can go for a walk. If you don’t want to go, you can stay at home and watch TV, or drink tea and chat with Lao Li and talk about state affairs.

Of course, Shen Guanglin occasionally went back to find another old Li to drink tea and chat.

The old man was bored even after he retired. He was still very satisfied with Shen Guanglin's work.

In particular, this year his laboratory produced insect-resistant cotton, which is a great thing for the country and the people.

Every time the old man meets his old friends, he always brags that he has a successor, and those old guys are not convinced. His surname is Shen, and your surname is Li. Even if your granddaughter has a child, his surname will still be Shen.

You are envious and jealous.

The word "envy, envy, hate" was learned by the old man, Shen Guanglin's influence is really everywhere.

For the old man, no major physical discovery is as important as the discovery of the successful development of insect-resistant cotton. Only when everyone can eat and wear warm can they think about more trivial matters.

Another heavy snowfall came, and the weather became colder.

An ice pick more than a foot long was hung on the eaves. If it fell accidentally, it might poke someone to death.

To be honest, in such cold weather, it’s okay to get up every day, there is heating, and it’s not cold, but going out is a kind of torment.

No matter how thick the clothes are, as long as there is bare skin outside, when a small wind blows, it will hurt more than being cut by a knife.

The weather in this era is not as warm as that of later generations. It is not said that dripping water turns into ice outside, but it is no problem to drive a Mercedes-Benz on the Qingshui River.

It was cold, and Shen Guanglin couldn't even hold the steering wheel with one hand when he woke up in the morning.

It's really a full man who doesn't know how hungry a man is hungry!
Others riding bicycles didn't feel cold, and he was a little reluctant to drive a car with heating.

However, no matter how cold the weather is, sometimes you still have to go out when you should go out.

Because, early this morning, he received a call from Dou Wei himself: Great Wall Biotechnology Company's cattle were about to be produced.

This is no ordinary cow, this is a special cow.

The Biological Group has two major events this year, one of which is insect-resistant cotton, and the matter of insect-resistant cotton has come to an end.

Even the national media is saying that next year will be a big year for cotton farming.

This year, according to statistics, a total of about 8000 mu of insect-resistant cotton has been planted throughout the year. Because of the meticulous care and the use of various fertilizers, the yield per mu has reached 400 kg.

This is 400 kilograms!Not 400 catties.

In the past cotton cultivation, even in the best fields, the cotton yield was only about 100 kilograms, which is already a high yield.

Unexpectedly, in the first year of trying to grow insect-resistant cotton, the output reached 400 kilograms.

Here, cotton can resist cotton bollworm is one aspect, and their large-scale introduction of urea and diamine is another aspect.

The domestic production of urea is not high. The urea is imported from Fusang. The bag is very strong. It says Japan on the front and urea on the back. The crotch also says: Nitrogen content 73%.

Under various factors, everyone is full of confidence in next year.

This is a math problem. This year, 8000 mu of land has been won, with an average yield of 400 kg of cotton per mu. Each kg of cotton yields 1 catty and 2 taels of seeds. The question is: how many fields can be planted next year.

If you can answer this question, it means that you have graduated from primary school.

In short, Shen Guanglin's laboratory at Capital University will have a part in all the awards and awards at the end of this year.

Today, another scientific research result led by the biology group of Shen Guanglin's laboratory is about to be released: the cloned cow is finally going to be produced.

Shen Guanglin thought to himself, it would be a pity if he did not witness this historical moment.

He asked Li Rong if she wanted to watch the cows give birth, she didn't go, she didn't go down, she went by herself.

These days, Dou Wei eats and lives in the cowshed, because there is the healthiest cow here, and the B-ultrasound shows that the calf in the cow's stomach is the healthiest.

Now, Dou Wei is already a tasteful researcher.

This is a historic moment. There were several cows waiting to give birth, but they are in average condition. Now it depends on which cow can give birth to a healthy calf first.

The whole process is videotaped, just choose the most suitable one when it is announced in the future, it is not a live broadcast anyway.

In order to welcome this historic moment, Dou Wei also specially invited the most powerful veterinary professor from the Agricultural University to come for consultation in person, just in case of any accident.

By the time Shen Guanglin came over, the production of the calf had already ended.

too fast!

Moreover, in order to keep the calf warm, a heater was specially blown in the closed cowshed.

As soon as Shen Guanglin came in, it was full of cow dung smell, and there were some hot eyes.

However, none of this can stop everyone's enthusiasm. Seeing Shen Guanglin coming, everyone shouted excitedly:
"Professor Shen, it's born, it's born!"

Shen Guanglin asked subconsciously: "What is born?"

"It's a cow."

Isn't this nonsense, if the somatic cells taken from the cow give birth to a bull, there will be a real problem.

(End of this chapter)

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