Start with a college teacher

Chapter 451 Annual Meeting

Chapter 451 Annual Meeting
A documentary cannot be shot in a day.

Even, their film crew specially filmed the production process of the calf.

It's amazing, all of them are cows.

However, the name of the reborn calf is no longer Cui Hua, it is another cloned calf.

Now, there are several healthy cloned cows in their base, all of which look exactly the same.

However, Cuihua is the most famous one.

The calves born later also have names, namely Dongmei, Haiyan, Qiuxiang, and Osmanthus. Anyway, it’s just a code name.

Being close to the water, the little girl really got to know Researcher Dou.

However, Researcher Dou and Zhang Cheng are of the same nature, busy with work every day, and have no time for love at all.

However, unlike Zhang Cheng, Dou Wei is from the capital city, and his father is a member of the academic department. He has no shortage of partners at all, nor does he lack others to introduce him to a partner. He is just not married yet.

He likes to be alone.

This is simply a scumbag.

He doesn't refuse anyone who introduces him to someone. He really doesn't take the initiative, refuse or take responsibility.

Someone introduced him to a partner, and he said yes.

The girl had been with him for a while and said, let's get married, but he refused.

Getting married is too much trouble. If you feel lonely, let's just have a baby.

The girl pretended to leave, but he didn't try to keep her.

Such a person is not a good match.

Scientists are not all good people.

It is said that Professor Shen is not married yet, do we still have a chance?
You have to ask Li Rong about this. Everyone knows that she is the proprietress. If she agrees, maybe Shen Guanglin can take in some second and third bedrooms.

The success of cloning cattle caused a sensation all over the world in a very short period of time.

Shen Guanglin knew that the impact of this incident was far-reaching and would be recorded in history.

This is the biggest event in the history of technology.

It is estimated that when future generations take inventory, this event was the most influential in 1985.

Although Cuihua is just an inconspicuous heifer, the influence of Cuihua will be long-lasting.

In the recent period of time, there has been an endless stream of people visiting the biological base, and many of them are bigwigs from all walks of life.

Not all come here to be surprised.

Even, because there are other cloned calves in the laboratory, many people proposed to buy one to go back to do scientific research.

Of course, it is impossible to sell it, but it can be given away.

As long as you donate money to the laboratory, you can take a cloned calf back for careful study.

Even the tissue cells of the original cow can be taken back for comparison.

Although there is no PCR technology now, many top biological laboratories have the ability to manipulate genes.

After all, as Yang Rui said, PCR is just a scientific research idea, and it is not difficult to realize.

It's just that Shen Guanglin didn't study biology at all, and he never ran electrophoresis, so he didn't understand the principle of PCR equipment and how it was manufactured.

It's a pity that such a good scientific research tool has not been developed by him.

Or, take this idea to the biological team to see if it is possible for them to make it?
The top priority now is still the matter of cloning cattle, what to do next.

Cloning technology has finally entered a new level in Shen Guanglin's laboratory, but that's it.

Shen Guanglin was like this. He opened the door to the world of scientific research, and that was enough. As for anyone who wanted to enter, he would not stop him.

For example, he also opened the door to high-temperature superconducting materials;
For example, he also opened the door to quantum communication;
For example, he also opened the door to nanomaterials;
Shen Guanglin just likes to open the door. This time, Shen Guanglin did not cherish himself. They announced the technical principle of cloning, and the journal published it immediately.

After the results of Shen Guanglin's laboratory came out, his laboratory received a large number of donations one after another.

Not to mention domestic companies, they are not rich enough.

And many foreign institutions and funds flock to them, regardless of whether they want to donate money.

And what about this good thing?
Regardless of the purpose, as long as you dare to give money, we dare to accept it.

Shen Guanglin repeatedly emphasized that we have always accepted donations, but we do not accept purposeful donations, and our laboratory does not accept supervision on the use of funds.

have opinions?
Then don't come here, Shen Guanglin's laboratory has not been subject to control since its establishment, he wants absolute autonomy.

In short, in a word, his laboratory is determined not to conduct targeted research, but the scientific research progress of their laboratory is open to the outside world.

If you are interested in this scientific research field, you can donate more money, but scientific research is only my decision, and I may not spend this money on this project.

It's so pissy.

What's next?
In the next step, the research focus of their laboratory is no longer cloning mammals, and the research focus of their laboratory will return to physical research.

Of course, Cuihua's follow-up research will still be carried out, and observing her growth will be a long process, but that's it.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin also specifically said in an internal meeting that their next plan is to prepare for breakthroughs in semiconductor research.

Zhang Cheng knows this matter best. He has been very troubled by gallium nitride recently.

However, the craze for cloning cows has not yet passed. Many people are asking, since cows can be copied, can people be far behind?
The cloned cow was indeed made, but everyone in Shen Guanglin's laboratory, including Shen Guanglin himself, would say when faced with inquiries from the outside world: They are firmly opposed to human cloning!

This is their attitude.

It is now and it will be in the future.

Shen Guanglin also said that although this technology is very difficult, the cloning of mammals is actually just a layer of window paper.

It's just an ingenious design, and if someone else thought of it, maybe someone else did it decades ago.

It does make sense.

But sometimes, it is the most difficult thing to have a groundbreaking idea, otherwise, why would everyone not think of it.

For example, with the discovery of artemisinin, it was Mr. Tu who first thought of the technology of extracting artemisinin by low-temperature distillation with ether, which was not thought of by others.

Therefore, there is no dispute abroad that Mr. Tu has the right to discover artemisinin. Only those people in China are unwilling to be alone and have to put on an ugly face.

However, to be able to design such an experiment and realize the cloning of mammals first, Shen Guanglin is really an out-and-out genius.

Now, the genius Shen left the capital, and he went to Beihai again, this time to prepare for the annual meeting.

(End of this chapter)

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