Start with a college teacher

Chapter 452 Shilong vs. Shihu

Chapter 452 Shilong vs. Shihu

Shen Guanglin feels that he is a mascot, and everyone has to come to pay his respects and play with it.

Everyone obviously came to see the cow, but it is also annoying to come to see him after seeing the cow.

It was agreed that Dou Weichong was ahead.

Everyone still thinks he is the most important person.

After all, the name of the laboratory is Shen Guanglin Laboratory.

He really can’t shirk some people. If others want to see him, he will offend them if he doesn’t see him. However, how can scientific research be carried out if he engages in receptions every day?
Of course, Shen has never been so active in scientific research, mainly because he wants to sleep late.

Not free, he is not happy.

Shen Guanglin also came out this time in hiding. He came out alone with his assistants, without Li Rong.

During this period of time, too many people wanted to see him, whether they were discussing academics or wanting to live forever, they all came to him for advice.

Who made him not only produce anti-aging football milk, but also clone cattle.

In the future, can organ necrosis be directly cultivated by this method?

Shen Guanglin gave an affirmative answer.

Many people are very excited when they think about it. This really benefits all mankind.

However, Shen Guanglin did not say that this is a game only rich people can play.

How much will it cost to really go for organ culture?
In order to avoid ethical and legal issues, many scientists have grown human organs on animals.

However, overall, this progress is not great.

Decades have passed, and it has not yet been fully put into practical use.

Perhaps, some super-rich people are already using it. In fact, the lowest cost is to clone a complete person and let them provide organs. This is the donor that perfectly meets the needs, but the general public does not know it.

This time, Shen Guanglin's laboratory has received a large wave of donations from wealthy people around the world.

Of course, their purpose is not that simple, it is estimated that they want to let the laboratory do further research.

It is certain that the laboratory maintains a high-cold attitude, and we resolutely do not accept propositional essays!

However, it is still necessary to do things to meet the needs of the gold owners as much as possible. No one has trouble with money.

Not to mention others, even Shen Guanglin himself has the need for longevity.

Although he is not yet 30 years old, he already feels that his body is going downhill. If he can't live a long life, what will he do with so much money.

There is a rich man in China who donates one billion US dollars in one go, and it is still in the direction of biological sciences. What is he doing for it?
Is it because of boredom?

Shen Guanglin did not block the path of biological science either. He would never study human cloning. He gave the biology team another task: that is to study the secret of human longevity.

As soon as this topic was listed, everyone immediately went crazy.

I knew that his ambition was beyond that!
Professor Shen is finally going to formally get involved in the subject of human longevity!

With him, can we really live forever?

Everyone's confidence was even stronger than Shen Guanglin's.

Some foreign foundations have said that as long as there is progress, their funding will not be capped.

A problem that can be solved with money is not a problem.

After traveling for so long, Shen Guanglin didn't do nothing.

He really could be called a biologist now.

Therefore, for scientists, sticking to one major and one topic has no future, and cross-discipline is the norm.

Shen Guanglin also consults various materials and periodicals every day, which is his key work.

Because the whole laboratory depends on him to determine the direction of discovery. If Shen Guanglin's thinking is not clear, the people below will not be able to do things.

The study of longevity is naturally inseparable from telomeres and telomerase, which are also closely related to tumors.

Then, Shen Guanglin was stunned. There are so many oncologists in the world, but no one mentioned telomeres.

What are you doing?
This era is indeed a barren age for scientific research.

Shen Guanglin also asked his assistants to collect and sort out the data to find out: in this era, it has not been found that telomeres are the root cause of limiting human life span.

Shen Guanglin did not know that the importance of telomeres was not discovered by scientists until 1990.

What Shen Guanglin took for granted had not been discovered in this era.

As a prophet, he was really lonely.

In order to avoid detours for the people in the laboratory, Shen Guanglin gave the answer directly, and then asked the staff to find the reason and working mechanism.

Shen Guanglin believes that there is an object at both ends of DNA, which can be regarded as telomeres. Every time DNA is replicated, it is consumed. After it is consumed, DNA can no longer be replicated.

This is how life came to an end.

So the next step for the lab is to find telomeres and, in tumor cells, why they don't work.

At the end, he also said a word, "Shilong and Shihu have a hidden treasure of ten thousand and five thousand dollars. Whoever can see through it will buy out the Chengdu mansion."

As for what it means, it's up to everyone to guess.

After explaining this, Shen Guanglin came to Beihai again.

Several months have passed, and there are still some changes in Beihai.

Among them, his Great Wall Industrial Park has changed a lot, and it is working overtime on construction.

It's better to be in the south.

Outdoor engineering projects in the north have long been shut down.

After all, it’s minus [-] degrees, and there’s really nothing you can do.The south is different. Production and construction can be done all year round, and rice can be grown three times in Beihai.

However, if you want to come here, the traffic is really inconvenient. The biggest inconvenience is that there is no airport.

If you want to go to Shencheng, just fly there. Yangcheng is very close to Shencheng, and it is even closer from Xiangjiang to Shencheng.

Now, Shencheng is also preparing to build an airport. After it is completed, it will be called Huangtian Airport. Because the local accent is similar to Huangquan Airport, which is unlucky, it will be renamed Baoan Airport.

But Beihai is not good enough, it is far away from Nanning and Guilin, and there is not no airport nearby, it is used by the military.

Sure enough, Zhang Peng is still suitable for officialdom.

In the past few months, he has become familiar with all departments up and down.

Everyone is also full of confidence in the Great Wall Group. For nothing else, they put advertisements on TV every day, which is a symbol of strength.

Moreover, the place where the cloned cattle are bred is Great Wall Biotechnology Co., Ltd., which is also a subsidiary of the Great Wall Group.

Shen Guanglin didn't come here to engage in business, he was hiding for leisure. He didn't expect that there would be people chasing him to ask about the cloned cow in Beihai.

(End of this chapter)

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