Start with a college teacher

Chapter 453 New Year's Day

Chapter 453 New Year's Day
1985 has finally come to an end, and 1986 is quietly in sight.

At the time of the year-end inventory, many major events have happened this year, some of which have far-reaching effects, and some that were originally thought to be major events are actually a past.

You are snowing heavily in the bright sun in the south, and I am like spring in the cold nights in the north.

It is indeed the season of heavy snow in the capital, but the sun is still shining brightly in the south.

There is no snow in Beihai all the year round, only the reflective sandy beach, which is called Silver Beach.

Silver Beach is actually high-quality quartz sand, and it should be good for burning glass, but the Great Wall Company has found a better quartz mine, so there is no shortage of this.

Beihai is rich in fruits and sugar cane, but not rich in beauties.

This is what Shen Guanglin found out when he came to Beihai again. There were too many beauties traveling with them last time. Yingying, Yanyan, and Yanhuan were too fat and thin to look at, so they didn't pay much attention to them.

At that time, I really wanted to fantasize about some things, but a lot of girls couldn't fantasize about it, and my own tigress was by my side, so I didn't have the energy to do other tricks.

Men are like this. Even if there is a beautiful woman at home, they will still miss the wild flowers and weeds outside. For example, there is a director surnamed Wang who obviously has such a beautiful wife, but he still wants to go out to play, and then he is reported by Chaoyang people Alright.

It is a man's nature to love game, and the Prince of Music is no exception.

It's a pity that the girls here are dark and thin, and they really can't be said to be pretty.

Moreover, this is the Zhuang Autonomous Region, with ethnic minorities as the main body. Even the local Han people in western Guangxi have exotic features, a bit similar to the Malays in Thailand and Southeast Asia.

It can also be seen from this that the Han nationality is actually a multi-ethnic fusion nation with different origins, and there are many differences between southerners and northerners.

In history, many ethnic groups disappeared, some of them really disappeared, and some of them actively integrated into the Han nationality.

Why XJ is called XJ, because it was originally the territory of Zhungeer Mongolia. The war between the Manchu Qing government and Zhungeer Mongolia lasted for hundreds of years, and finally Zhungeer was completely wiped out in the middle of Qianlong. This land became The new territory, so also known as XJ.

However, in history, more nationalities actively integrated into the Han nationality.

For example, the famous Xianbei people in history were able to unify northern China when they were strong, but now they have completely disappeared in the long river of history.

In addition, the Di nationality, the nation that established the former Qin Dynasty under the leadership of Fu Jian, has also fully integrated into the Han nationality.

Let’s just talk about the Manchus. During the Republic of China, after many Manchus changed their Han surnames, their ethnicity became Han, and they were no longer considered Manchus.

After Shen Guanglin arrived in Beihai, he thought that he could finally relax. Taking advantage of Li Rong's absence, he could unblock his tendons a little, activate his muscles and bones, and do some health care, but he didn't expect that he was still very busy.

There are still various things to find him every day.

This was the first large-scale annual meeting organized by Shen Guanglin after he traveled here, and the whole company paid special attention to it.

Shen Guanglin's company is said to be a multinational conglomerate, but in fact it operates independently, more like a loose business group.

There is nothing wrong with saying that they are multinational, because they also have industries in Singapore, but it is not really a group to say that it is a group.

Great Wall Electric, Great Wall Apparel, Great Wall Biology, Great Wall New Materials, and even Apple Appliances are not affiliated with each other.

Even in the company managed by Su Youpeng, there is no intersection between the two different industries.

It is because they do not belong to each other that it is difficult to coordinate resources, and there may even be internal competition.

For example, the Great Wall Electric of Shencheng and the Great Wall Electric of Jinmen cannot be regarded as the same company. The types of products between them are not the same, and the sales area is also bounded by the Huaihe River.

Now the relationship between the two companies is finally better, because under the attention of Shen Guanglin, Great Wall Electric has established a comprehensive research and development center.

After that, both electrical companies in the south and those in the north need to acquire advanced production technology.

Therefore, they are more closely united. At least, the advertisements are shared and can bring benefits to both. However, they still secretly compete in various aspects.

The most important thing is that Huang Guangyi put a lot of pressure on Alec Su.

This young man is a bit cruel.

Although Su Youpeng still manages Great Wall Clothing, the asset scale is larger.

However, the industrial output value of the Great Wall Group in Shencheng as a whole is comparable to that of Jinmen's Great Wall Company, and Jinmen obviously started later and has a single type, but it is developing fast.

Great Wall Electric in Jinmen is developing so fast that the factory is recruiting people every day, and has even opened a branch factory in Jiaozhou, East Shandong.

Huang Guangyi's ability is really a bit strong. Since he was in charge of the Great Wall Electric Jinmen Company, he finally has enough space to show his personal talent.

Therefore, Jinmen Company not only has strong production capacity, but also strong sales capacity.

Now, in terms of export volume alone, Jinmen Great Wall Electric has surpassed Shencheng Great Wall Electric. If Great Wall Clothing hadn’t been engaged in foreign trade, Jinmen Company would have earned the most foreign exchange.

Shen Guanglin didn't value money that much, so they were satisfied with their work, but he also had his own ideas.

Shen Guanglin's idea was to integrate resources, which would facilitate management and avoid waste of resources.

This is what Shen Guanglin has been thinking for a while, and it has been brewing in his heart for a long time.

The last time I went to Xiangjiang, everyone rushed to report to him, and he felt that every company was very rich, but they were not well utilized.

From that time on, Shen felt that it was time to formally establish a group company.

Alternatively, form a group for each industry.

The reason why the annual meeting was held with great fanfare this time is an opportunity.

Shen Guanglin's assistants were responsible for the preparation of the annual meeting, but Shen Guanglin still gave advice and procedures.

Since it is an annual meeting, the first thing is to have a suitable place to hold the meeting;
Secondly, there must be a singing and dancing party;
Finally, there will be a lottery session. Houses, cars, and various electrical appliances can all be used as prizes.

The meeting place is easy to talk about. Zhang Peng is in charge of the construction of the Guixi base. He bought the Beihai government guest house directly. The hardware and software conditions here are the best in the local area, which can be used for reception.

Moreover, this meeting does not require all members to attend, it is enough for the backbone and elites to come.

Even so, there are still some people who can't come, don't be afraid, number them, don't forget the lottery draw, just come back next year.

In fact, the notification of this annual meeting was a bit late, and the employees were a little rushed in preparing for the show, and everyone responded that it was too late to prepare the show.

It's okay, Great Wall Entertainment has people, they are professionals.

Just call a group of people directly from Xiangjiang.

The Four Heavenly Kings are very popular, aren't they?Come and perform on the stage of our annual meeting.

Moreover, the relationship between Shen Guanglin and old man Shao is also good. The two of them have done a lot of charity together, and the relationship is at the stage of close relationship.

Shen Guanglin is also lazy, you old man Shao donated to build the Shaw Building, then I, Shen, will also donate to build a Shenlou, so that we can stand together and reflect each other.

They set up a foundation, each of them contributes half of the foundation's money, and half of the members are from each faction. For charity, everyone should do their best.

Money is a bastard, we can make money if we don't have it.

(End of this chapter)

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