Start with a college teacher

Chapter 454 Island Master

Chapter 454 Island Master
Shen Guanglin never treats himself badly.

He never forgot to consider his own merits when discussing meritorious deeds.

Even if there is no reason, find a reason and find a way to reward yourself. This is the daily operation of someone Shen.

How can a person who is bad to himself be good to others.

As soon as he arrived in Beihai, someone from Shen called the cruise ship that the little Saudi prince sent him back.

On such a blue sea, how can there be no cruise ships to help out?

The blue sea, blue sky, sandy beach, and cruise ship will be more perfect if they are accompanied by beauties in bikinis.

Hey, I am tired of being famous. I can obviously be a young model in the club, but now I can only fish for fun.

However, this boat is idle anyway, instead of renting it out at the pier in Xiangjiang to let those who pretend to be rich, it is better to go fishing in the North Sea, at least let someone Shen enjoy the salty sea breeze Well.

Not to mention, the Beibu Gulf is rich in fishing products, and Shen Guanglin has really gained a lot from fishing.

The wild grouper produced here is very delicious. The grouper is known as the chicken in the sea. The most suitable way to eat it is to steam it and then dip it in light soy sauce. It is very flavorful.

However, if you really want to go out to sea, you still have to pay attention to pirates.

In particular, South Vietnamese devils sometimes pretend to be pirates to haunt here.

The government also said, try not to cross the border or get close to the border, just sail on your own side, they are not so courageous.

Shen Guanglin himself didn't think about going on an adventure, it wasn't his original intention to come here.

Although Beihai was one of the starting points of the ancient Silk Road, there should be a lot of ancient merchant ships sunk along the coast. However, antiques and antiques in this era are not very valuable. Let’s talk about it when we have a chance.

Shen Guanglin didn't need to salvage to enrich his collection, he just planned to go to some islands for fun.

Are there any interesting islands near Beihai?
The person in charge of the local reception said that although there are not many islands near the Beibu Gulf, there are indeed, and the largest of them is Weizhou Island.

Weizhou Island?
This was another place that Shen Guanglin had never been to in his previous life.

Before crossing, he has been to many places, but there are many places he has not been to.

He had never even heard of Weizhou Island.

For example, he really wanted to visit Sansha, but he never made it.

If there is a chance in this life, I must realize this wish. It would be even better if I could buy one or two islands and be the owner of the island myself.

Don't think so much now, let's go to Weizhou Island first.

Accompanied by local people, Shen Guanglin was not timid, and soon a group of people landed on the island.

In this era, Weizhou Island has not been developed yet, and still maintains its original ecology.

However, it doesn't need to be developed at all.

The uncanny workmanship of nature has made its natural scenery very good, and its original beauty is already breathtaking, just like the original fisherman's girl.

Weizhou Island is a volcanic island in the ocean far away from the land, covering a large area.

Residents have always settled on the island. Since the Tang Dynasty, there have been administrative agencies to manage it, especially in modern times.

Hearing that this place is good, Shen Guanglin quickly brought people over to inspect the island, euphemistically calling it a place for the company's colleagues to inspect and take vacations.

Then, he, Shen, began to miss leaving on the island.

The scenery on this island is indeed really good. There is still a church left over from the French colonial period on it. The Gothic style is very characteristic. The church is also very large and can accommodate 1500 people praying at the same time. It is very spectacular. .

Today, there are still many Gothic-style buildings in China, the most famous of which is the old railway station in Quancheng.

Quancheng Railway Station is known as the No. [-] Railway Station in the Far East. It is magnificent and has a distinctive style. Devils are not willing to bomb it when they come.

As for what happened next, I leave it to history to judge.

This is similar to those who blew up the Bamiyan Buddha. They all have a high-sounding reason to convince themselves, but they completely ignore the voices of opposition from the outside world.

Now that Shen Guanglin has money and influence, he is thinking about whether to pay for this train station.

The big deal is the acquisition in the name of foreign investment, the conditions can be negotiated, he wants nothing else but this train station.

If you think about this kind of thing, you should discuss it early, and leave enough room for them to choose the location of the new railway station.

If this building could really be left behind, Shen Guanglin felt that it would be worthwhile for him to travel back.

Thinking of this, Shen Guanglin immediately wanted to make a call, but when the situation came to an end, he didn't know who to call.

The relationship between him and Qilu seems to be that he has been there once, and he still seeks talents.

The old Confucius in his laboratory is from Quancheng, his ancestral home is Qufu, and he seems to be the grandson of Confucius for several generations.

That's all.

There's no rush for this matter, but there's also no time for delay. You have to hurry to do it after the annual meeting is over, or you'll have to forget about it, and when you think about it again, they may have already dismantled it.

Shen Guanglin lived on the island like this.

Weizhou Island is really good. The island is really big, with a lot of farmland on it, which is rural and idyllic.

The life of the islanders in this era is not rich, but the transportation and infrastructure here are not lacking, and the roads on the island are also well repaired, which is very strange.

Shen Guanglin asked carefully, and then he realized that during the Anti-Japanese War, the devils used this place as a naval and air force base, constantly harassing our rear, so there are airports and roads built here.

Of course, the airport is gone now, but the foundation of the road is still there and can continue to be used.

Spring County is still hot, and the sea in Gaozhou seems cool.

The earth tilted and turned sideways, and the sky entered the sky.

Even without the company of beauties, Shen felt that it was still fun to be on this island, at least he didn't have to answer so many calls.

If you want to contact me, you can send a telegram.

Moreover, there are quite a lot of permanent residents on this island. There are four towns, namely Weidong, Weixi, Weibei, and Nanwan. In terms of probability, they will also produce some good-looking girls.

Eating seafood every day and looking at the sea view, Shen Guanglin even felt that he might have gout soon.

Of course, he is not idle every day, and he still has some things to do.

For example, in order to entertain the company's elite staff, Shen Guanglin directly spent money to buy some residential houses.

After a little remodeling, and some living facilities and supplies brought in from the mainland, this place can be used as a long-term resort.

If you have money, of course you can do whatever you want.

Shen Guanglin has been in Beihai for some time, and the heads of various companies of the Great Wall Group have also arrived here one after another.

Different from Shen Guanglin's leisure, they are very busy, busy with settling accounts.

It is actually superficial to say that the accounts are calculated. They are busy calculating profits, output value, summary of work in the past period of time, and work plans for the next year.

Anyway, everyone is very busy.

In fact, the annual meeting should have started a long time ago. Shen Guanglin himself was lazy and had never organized it. This time, everyone was a little too busy to organize it this time.

Regardless of you, I will be my island owner. If you do not do your job well, you will throw it into the sea to feed the fish.

(End of this chapter)

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