Chapter 455 Destiny
Even if your fate is up and down, even if your fate is twists and turns, even if your fate frightens you, it is no fun to be a human being, don't shed tears and feel sad, let alone give up...

Fate is a wonderful thing.

Since the Great Wall Group came to invest in Beihai, the fate of many people began to change.

Some people began to work on the construction site. Although they were small workers and very tiring, they still had a lot of income if they took care of food and housing every day.

Moreover, in a place very close to the Great Wall Company, economically minded people surrounded a house with simple wooden boards and started a small shop.

Even if it's just selling some ice cream soda, even if it's just selling some dry cigarettes and matches, it's a kind of business, and it's a kind of livelihood.

Of course, there are also people who have even started shopping without capital. For example, some people steal things, and some people steal people.

Recently, Beihai people have discovered that there have been some changes that did not appear before. For example, there are more foreigners coming to the beach for no reason.

Moreover, these people have a good image and temperament, and they also speak Mandarin, which is very eye-catching.

Some people even speak the capital dialect.

At least, even those who have a bad image have a good temperament, and they seem to be doing something.

Moreover, there are quite a few such people, and I don't know what they are here for. Could it be that they are also from the Great Wall Group?

Their guess was not wrong at all. These people are indeed members of the Great Wall Group, and they are the backbone of the Great Wall Company who came to hold the annual meeting.

Shen Guanglin continued to stay on Weizhou Island and did not come back, but more and more people arrived in Beihai one after another.

They settled in the Great Wall Guest House collectively, waiting for the start of the annual meeting.

Of course, staying in a hotel is not going to jail, and they can also arrange their itinerary freely.

For example, it is also allowed to go to the beach when you have nothing to do.

Even if it is surrounded by spectators, it is not uncommon.

All the people living in the same hostel are our own people. Although we don't know each other, we all feel very friendly.

Where are you from, which company do you belong to, and how many years have you been working here?

Great Wall Group's benefits are actually confidential.

However, just like all companies in later generations, there are a few companies that can really keep this secret, and they are not stealing the bell.

Some people who are keen on socializing are running around, chatting enthusiastically about what they have learned from different places.

Soon, everyone discovered the difference.

Because, there are actually quite a few Xiangjiang people living in the same guest house, and even some familiar Xiangjiang stars.

Oops, big star!
What are they here for?
Of course, I also came to attend the annual meeting, and I was also a colleague of their company, I didn't expect it.

Great Wall Entertainment is also an industry under the Great Wall Group, and they are signed artists of Great Wall Entertainment.

Although the Great Wall Entertainment Company has not been established for a long time, under the leadership of Hu Xuyong, their company has signed many well-known artists.

Hu Xuyong has a background in the society, and now he is a good man, but his influence is still there.

The current Xiangjiang entertainment industry is very irregular. If he can join the Great Wall Entertainment Company, at least he can guarantee that he will not be harassed by gangsters and his personal safety can also be guaranteed.

Moreover, Great Wall Entertainment is rich and has a good vision for investing in movies. The artist's commission is not considered bad, and the proportion of the commission is also considered appropriate.

With such convenient conditions, the staff of Great Wall Company grew rapidly.

They don't even accept unknown artists.

Even TVB has started to have opinions.

If old man Shao and Shen Guanglin hadn't had a good relationship, and both of them donated a lot of money to charity, TVB would have thought it was deliberately targeting them.

Actually, no, Boss Shen didn't even know about it.

Old man Shao probably knew that Boss Shen didn't know about it.

Because Boss Shen is working on cloning cows, he is very busy, so he doesn't have the mood to compete for fame and fortune.

Moreover, old man Shao also wants to donate to Shen Guanglin's laboratory. If he can research the subject of human longevity as soon as possible, I can give him a nod.

Old man Shao was indeed able to do it, but the charter king couldn't take it anymore, and his health began to deteriorate. Shen Guanglin also expressed his greetings.

However, birth, old age, sickness and death are the normal state of life, and Shen Guanglin has no choice.

TVB has nothing to do with Great Wall Entertainment now, and it is an inevitable choice for those artists to choose Great Wall Entertainment.

Why did you TVB be so stingy, you only pay a fixed salary every month, it is not bad to be able to support a family, some people can't even support their families.

Old Shao's charity is charity, but his company is really harsh on its employees.

Shen Guanglin is different. His company is young and his employees are full of vigor.

Moreover, as long as you can create benefits, that opportunity will be left to you.

Therefore, the companies in Xiangjiang, such as the investment company managed by Da Liu, or the entertainment company under the charge of Hu Xuyong, have developed at a very good speed.

The people finally arrived almost, and Shen Guanglin reluctantly left Weizhou Island.

Meetings also need an agenda, and there must be some sense of ceremony.

The first thing everyone gathered was to collectively visit the new base, which is the Great Wall Industrial Park.

The construction of the Great Wall Beihai Company is still in progress, but it has already reached a considerable scale.

Moreover, the toy companies with the fastest results have already started production.

Anyway, it's all OEM. As long as there is an order from the factory, the machinery and equipment can be brought over to produce.

Other factories are still under construction. This is a capital and technology-intensive industry, and construction needs a cycle, so there is no rush.

Today, their company has surrounded a large piece of land, which should have been a village, but now there are farmlands everywhere, but the people inside have moved away, but the rice is still there.

Shen Guanglin also asked seriously, "Who does this rice belong to, does it belong to our company or to the local villagers?"

Shen Guanglin is very kind to the farmland, whether in the capital or in Xiangjiang, his residence is always indispensable to the vegetable garden.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin is now preparing to build and produce photovoltaic panels. After the product is off the assembly line, Shen Guanglin will do building-integrated photovoltaics and use photovoltaic panels to build a sun room, which can generate electricity and insulate heat. This is an idea beyond the times.

Zhang Peng knew about these things, and when he heard the boss questioning, he quickly replied

"The land belongs to us, but the rice still belongs to the villagers, and the villagers will still come to cut it. This year it's still theirs, but next year it won't be."

Now, the villagers here basically have no farmland. They have received part of the money and have the opportunity to work in the factory.

Actually, there's nothing wrong with that.

In this day and age, in rural areas, most of the people who get rich first are those who go out to work.

How many people can actually make money by doing business?Where does the capital come from?What can you do to make money?How many people have vision beyond the times?

It's still good to work part-time.

Migrant workers, migrant souls, and migrant workers are all masters.

If workers' wages rise in a few years, these people will have the money to go home and build new houses, and they will also be able to afford their children's education.

Changing destiny starts from this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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