Chapter 456 Bank
As the former government guest house, the Great Wall Hotel naturally has meeting rooms.

Moreover, the hardware conditions and service standards are very good, and the waitresses are also beautiful.

Beautiful waiters, everyone can be pleasing to the eye, so that they can have a good mood to go to the meeting.

It is indeed more suitable for holding an annual meeting here, and the temperature is neither too hot nor too cold, which is very comfortable.

Therefore, the preparatory meeting before the annual meeting of the whole staff started first.

This is a closed-door discussion, and the heads of each branch will take turns to report on their work.

It wasn't until this time that Shen Guanglin realized that his business empire was already so huge.

He, Shen Guanglin, was similar to Zhang Zongchang, a warlord of the Republic of China. He didn't know how much money he had and how many guns he had, but he, Shen, knew how many concubines he had.

Shen Guanglin sighed every day that he didn't have talents in his hands, but in fact he didn't have any talents he knew.

In fact, there are still many talents in his company, and he just doesn't know them.

Each branch has many talents that he doesn't know, and these talents can be regarded as the backbone and elite of his company.

Since Su Youpeng, Huang Guangyi and others can be the heads of a company, everyone is not stupid. In order to maintain their own rule, they have to promote talents, right?

Therefore, many grass-roots and middle-level talents emerged in this way, and everyone worked together to achieve the long-term development of the company.

It is true that there are only so many people in Boss Shen's pocket, but there are also many people in his pocket. The combination of these people constitutes a huge business map.

The meeting started.

Shen Guanglin sat in the middle, but he basically didn't speak. It was the heads of the branches who went up to report on their work.

He's the one listening to the report.

Looking at the energetic group of people, Shen Guanglin also expressed the same sigh as Li Shimin: All the talents in the world are in my pocket.

Shen Guanglin didn't know these people under his command. Of course, these people didn't know that Shen was actually the big boss.

They respect Shen Guanglin because he is the group's chief scientist, the pride of the group, and it is said that he also holds a part of the company's shares.

More, we don't know.

What the Great Wall Group is like and who is the major shareholder of the group has always been a mystery.

Shen Guanglin also figured it out, let's keep this mystery.

The headquarters does not need to set up a group company, but each branch company can set up another group company.

For example, Great Wall Electric can set up Great Wall Electric Group, and then open branches across the country.

The same is true for Apple Electronics. They can still set up their own game console department or other new product research and development departments, and they can also set up a group company.

Including the clothing company, they now have three bases in Hangzhou, Jinling, and Shencheng, and they plan to set up a branch in the XJ Construction Corps in the future.

So many things, if we don't set up a group company, it's really hard to manage.

Shen Guanglin made a decision: set up a group company for each industry they are involved in, and everyone competes fully without vicious competition. Shen Guanglin basically does not intervene in their operations.

This is a great era, they have a very high starting point, standing on the cusp, everyone can fly.

When this decision was made, everyone was very excited.

Some people even plan to design the organizational structure overnight and start business activities.

Of course, no matter how anxious you are, the meeting will continue on this day.

The financial leaders of each company have reported their own company's financial situation, and the overall situation is positive.

Each company is very profitable and liquid, and is in a very healthy state.

Moreover, due to Mr. Shen's conservative management, all branches, whether it is the textile group, the electrical appliance group or other industries, are operating with purely self-owned funds and do not owe any money to outsiders.

The only ones who have borrowed from the bank are the asset investment company that Liu is in charge of, they.

Da Liu often laments that he was already a rich man, why he became a wage earner for no reason, but he still enjoys it.

In fact, he was a little impressed and moved. Since he was operating real estate, Mr. Shen actually ordered all the companies in the group not to operate real estate projects.

This is how much trust and protection you have for yourself.

A scholar dies for a confidant.

Liu has really regarded Shen Guanglin as his leader. This is a kind of subtle influence, which is also part of Shen Guanglin's outstanding military achievements.

Except for the new sector that Zhang Peng was in charge of, the other companies were very rich, and this internal meeting quickly turned into a show off.

Everyone is showing off their achievements and honors, and declaring how rich they are.

Of course, this meeting is also rewarding, and the biggest harvest is that the same industry will be integrated into a group.

In the end, they invited the chief scientist to speak on stage. In front of his own people, Shen Guanglin still had to pretend.

You are all rich, right? How much money can you have?

As long as I, Shen, start a research project, countless rich people from all over the world will come and donate.

Everyone thought about it, really, I really have nothing to be proud of. The thing I am most proud of is that the group has scientists like Shen Guanglin.

However, even now, various enterprises are not without problems.

Since each industry is independent, although they bear the name of the Great Wall Group Company, they enjoy the opportunities brought by the good reputation of the Great Wall Company.

However, when they develop, they will also be subject to various restrictions.

For example, if you want to expand the production scale and introduce advanced production lines, but your own funds are not enough, what should you do?
It is absolutely not allowed to borrow from the bank, and it is more troublesome to go through the procedures for borrowing from a brother company.

Do you have any good suggestions?Prizes are given for constructive suggestions.

At this time, a young man with non-standard Mandarin stood up and said, "I have a suggestion! Here is my proposal. I propose to set up a bank."


However, neither Shen Guanglin nor the others had run a bank before, so they rushed into this industry without accumulation, and everyone had no idea.

Seeing everyone looking at each other, the man with glasses smiled and said very confidently: "The bank I'm talking about is not the kind of bank operated by outsiders, but an internal bank of the group."

The so-called enterprise internal bank is a method of introducing the credit and settlement functions and methods of commercial banks into the enterprise to enrich and improve the internal economic accounting of the enterprise.

Under the explanation of the man with glasses, Shen Guanglin and the others finally understood.

This method is really good. It integrates "enterprise management", "financial credit" and "financial management" in the application and development of the basic functions of responsibility accounting, which is indeed much more convenient.

Indeed, it is possible to collect money from various branches, and it is easy to do big things. It is also more convenient for brother companies to lend and settle accounts, and it also avoids many legal disputes.

"Young man, what's your name?" Shen Guanglin's love for talents rose again.

"My name is Lin Anan, from Xiangjiang. I work as an investment manager in Liu Sheng's investment company. I have studied finance in both university and postgraduate level, and I have ten years of financial work experience."

Go, return Versailles here.

There are quite a few managers present who are not too educated, and they are not happy to hear this, but Shen Guanglin himself is a university professor, and they cannot speak ill of intellectuals.

Shen Guanglin doesn't care what other people think, it's good for young people to be ambitious.

"The plan is very good. It is indeed a talent. Then let me ask you, according to the situation of our group, do you think it is necessary to establish an external bank?"

(End of this chapter)

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