Chapter 457
Poor Ye Banxue front seat,

Don't ask the common people and ask the ghosts and gods.

The man with glasses is not Jia Yi, and Shen Guanglin is not Han Wendi, but Shen Guanglin is also thirsty for talents.

The value of talent lies in being discovered.

Seeing that Professor Shen valued him very much, Lin Anan was still a little dazed. He thought he would meet the boss in this meeting, but so far, he still didn't know who the real boss was.

However, this is not important. Professor Shen's words are very important. He said that an internal bank should be established, and no one else objected. That's enough.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin directly appointed Su Youpeng to be the president of the internal bank, and Lin Anan was in charge of the specific work, so the matter was settled.

The idea of ​​the internal bank is very good. Although it was not their first initiative, at least Shen Guanglin and the others did not think of it.

You can't cherish yourself with a broom, you still have to speak out.

Sometimes, the idea is very good, but it is not so easy to implement, and professional people are still required to do professional things.

For example, Shen Guanglin had known for a long time that the Fuso currency would appreciate after the Plaza Accord, and he also raised a sum of money for foreign exchange operations.

However, even so, they still didn't make a lot of money, because everyone knows that the Fuso currency appreciates, and if they can make money, then it's not a mess.

Of course, compared to the financing cost, it is still cost-effective.

No useless work was done.

In some novels, the whole world can be harvested with a single message, but Shen Guanglin really failed to do so.

There are not many opportunities for him to get rich overnight.

If he doesn't go to get rich again, he will really get rich through industrial accumulation.

The wealth accumulated through hard work is not so easy to use, nor is it so generous.

This is also the reason why Shen Guanglin's laboratory wants to solicit donations from the outside world.

Spend your own money, reluctant.

Spending other people's money, the results of research are indeed your own, this is really awesome.

For example, when the laboratory has produced results and wants to transform these results, they have to pay for it themselves, so that they can perfectly avoid the research and development stage and directly plunder their own scientific research results.

If you have any opinions, you don’t have to donate. Our laboratory is a public welfare laboratory, and the source and whereabouts of the funds are clearly explained, which can stand doubt.

If you are not convinced, you can also spend the same amount of money to complete the same research. We spent less money to complete more important research, and we still have spare time to do more research on other content, so why not do it.

The establishment of an in-house bank is a settled matter.

As for whether to set up a bank for foreign business, this matter is not a big problem.

Just buy one from Xiangjiang.

As the world's three major financial centers, Xiangjiang has a lot of banks.

Some smaller banks even have only three or five counters, and have almost no anti-risk ability, so they are easy to acquire.

Don't think too much about idle things, it's more important to hold the annual meeting.

The internal meeting is over, and the next step is the real content of the annual meeting.

For this reason, Great Wall Entertainment also specially organized a film crew, not to mention treating it as a movie, at least as a documentary, there is no problem at all.

There is even a dedicated director for this annual meeting.

The actors include ordinary employees and stars from Xiangjiang.

We live in the same guest house, so it is inevitable to be seen during the rehearsal.

With the help of stars, everyone is full of expectations for this annual meeting.

Some people commented that this annual meeting of the Great Wall Group will be a gathering of talents and wonderful events.

When Shen Guanglin heard the word "gathering of heroes", he suddenly thought of another word: meeting with radish.

That sketch was so deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Aunt Zhao, where are you?

Aunt Zhao Lirong should be more than 50 years old this year, she is probably still singing, and has not yet started her sketch performance career.

Moreover, Aunt Zhao should be starring in Journey to the West now - Queen Che Chi.

"Journey to the West" has been filming for several years, and the casting of the cast is vigorous. Shen Guanglin has heard about it a long time ago, but he has no chance to visit the set.

He is too busy.

Moreover, the film crew of Journey to the West traveled all over the country, and it was normal that they couldn't get together by chance.

Even "A Dream of Red Mansions" is the same, it is said that filming is also underway.

In the middle of the year, they were still selecting sites for the Old Summer Palace and the Summer Palace. Shen Guanglin also heard about it, but he didn't go to witness it.

There are too many historical events happening, and he can't even witness them.

The annual meeting is finally about to begin.

Gifts are placed on site, both inside and outside the venue.

The reason why some gifts are placed outside the venue is because they are too large to fit inside.

Moreover, the Great Wall Group has really spent a lot of money for this annual meeting. It has prepared several Mercedes-Benz cars alone.

One side of the stage is also full of gifts, including various electrical appliances, silk fabrics, and game consoles.

In short, as long as they are owned by the Great Wall Group, they are all put up.

Employees from Great Wall Company and leaders from West Guangxi came to the annual meeting.

They all said that they have really learned a lot. It turns out that the products of Great Wall Company are really so rich.

This is certain, these are the business empires that Shen Guanglin built for future generations.

Everyone entered the arena one after another, and the Xiangjiang stars did not put on airs of superiority.

Although, in their hearts, they feel that they are superior to others, but as long as they don't show it, that's fine.

Hu Xuyong also specially emphasized that we must keep a low profile and not be arrogant. We are all colleagues in the same company, so don't treat yourself as an idol.

The annual meeting was really exciting, no worse than TVB Taiqing, but everyone's attempt to meet the boss of the group went bankrupt.

At this annual meeting, chief scientist Shen Guanglin did not give a formal speech, but Su Youpeng gave the report.

In the future, he will do overall management work. Great Wall Electric will be handed over to Huang Guangyi, and Great Wall Clothing will also be handed over.

Great Wall Group will not set up a group company in name for management, but the authority of supervision is still there.

Moreover, he was required to intervene in matters concerning the internal bank of the Great Wall.

After all, Da Liu is not entirely his own. He has his own property, so the core content should be held in his own hands.

The annual meeting was a success and everyone was very satisfied.

Although Shen Guanglin has never formally entered the workplace, he has participated in other corporate annual meetings, both domestic and foreign, so he has a lot of experience.

Even Shen felt that he was very talented in preparing the venue ceremony.

Zhang Cheng's wedding was planned by him, and the agenda for this annual meeting was also suggested by him.

Capable people can do anything, there is no way.

After the meeting, they didn't leave immediately, but took a boat to Weizhou Island to play.

However, Shen Guanglin had no time to participate in the lives of the employees.

Because, he got the call, he won the award.

(End of this chapter)

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