Chapter 459
It's easy to talk about borrowing money.

Is Professor Shen a poor man? He is a man worth 5 US dollars for a class.

Since Professor Shen has given less lectures in recent years, the market has actually risen.

But what everyone knows is the story of his $[-] class.

What Shen Guanglin wanted to show off was not this, but what he thought was that he had met a talent again?

For talents, Shen Guanglin has always been thirsty for talents, at least, that's what he advertised to himself.

This is his personality.

Money is not important, talent is important.

Be sure to pick up a pearl left by the sea.

Shen Guanglin immediately asked someone to invite Xiao Zhao over, wanting to have a good chat with him.

The hardware conditions of Shen Guanglin's laboratory are very limited. When Xiao Zhao came over and saw it, he felt that there were such advanced laboratories in China.

Sizing is mutual.

When he really saw him, Shen Guanglin felt that the Xiao Zhao mentioned by Commissioner Dou was not too young.

Although the hair style is not Mediterranean, it is at least thirty or four, and the crow's feet are all open.

This is the same as the young singers that are often mentioned on TV. They are still young even though they are half buried.

Thinking about it, young scholars, are they really young? It is true that they are younger than Lao Dou.

However, people should not be judged by appearances. Scholars with such accumulation and accumulation will often have real talents and real learning.

After exchanging greetings with Xiao Zhao for a while, Shen Guanglin asked him straight to the point, what courses did he study in Citigroup?
Studied finance and economics.

Shen Guanglin was already a little disappointed, he didn't need talents in this field, but he still asked politely.

Then, it was Xiao Zhao's performance time.

How much resentment one can feel at being underappreciated is vividly expressed at this moment.

Only someone with an international perspective like Professor Shen deserves to hear his unique insights.

After hearing Xiao Zhao's words, Shen Guanglin felt that it would be good for such a scholar not to come back.

"Don't you believe my judgment? In the field of economic research, I am a professional!"

Xiao Zhao was a little angry, but because he wanted something from others and didn't dare to express his emotions too much, he never thought that he would be exploited when he returned to China.

Shen Guanglin could only say, "It's not that I don't believe it, it's that I don't understand it. I just do scientific research and don't understand economics. I just have a few bad money."

Then there is nothing to talk about.

However, Shen Guanglin still agreed to borrow money.

He didn't directly give the money to Xiao Zhao, but lent the money to Commissioner Dou, a good man, he would not do it.

It is said that inviting a buyer was a felony in ancient times, and it will be convenient for the father and the son in the future.

Old Dou is an old man, when will he be able to save up to 5000 US dollars, it can only fall on Dou Wei.

In fact, the cost of Dou Wei's trip abroad is more than 5000 US dollars, and the money spent by scientific research workers is invisible.

Putting aside the matter of talent introduction, Shen still happily received his model worker certificate.

This certificate was obtained in the great hall, and I also had a sumptuous state banquet, which was very rewarding.

The boiled cabbage in the state banquet is very beautiful, and many dishes are also delicious, but the portion is not enough, and I am not full.

What's more, Shen Guanglin really received water cups, pens, towels and other items.

However, to be able to receive such a commendation, the greatest achievement is not in various awards, but in honor.

At the awards ceremony, the leader said kindly to Shen Guanglin, "Xiao Shen, you have done a good job, please continue to work hard."

Shen Guanglin said that he will work hard and strive for greater breakthroughs.

Everyone has vanity and can be recognized by big leaders, even if he is as lazy as Shen Guanglin, he still has to show an attitude.

For this reason, Shen Guanglin braved the severe cold and went to work very seriously for a few days.

He even got up earlier than Li Rong.

Seeing that the boss started to push the progress, everyone became nervous.

Could it be that the boss is finally going to personally participate in the specific scientific research process?

As the leader of the physics group, Zhang Cheng was under a lot of pressure.

Gallium nitride has not been made yet, and his hair is almost occupied by his forehead.

Mr. Shen has indeed been very diligent these few days. Every day he either goes to the laboratory to do experiments or goes to the cowshed to see emerald flowers.

It seemed that he, Shen, was really a model worker.

However, the physics laboratory is okay, clean and hygienic, with constant temperature and humidity, and it still purifies the space, but the smell of the cowshed is a bit unpleasant.

Because there are many people who come to visit, they are also afraid that Cuihua will be frozen, so they installed a heater for Cuihua's cowshed.

The idea is very good, but when the room temperature is high, all kinds of smells emerge.

Fortunately, there were not many other cows with Cuihua, otherwise, if so many cows crowded together, if they farted accidentally, they might blow up the cowshed.

Shen Guanglin made a joke about cow farts exploding. Everyone didn't believe it, but it was hard to refute.

What's the matter? Later, some people studied it. Global warming is also due to cattle.

The main component of cow fart is methane, which is also a greenhouse gas.

Ordinarily, methane should be odorless, and what really smells should be the ammonia gas produced by the fermentation of organic excrement.

Thinking of ammonia, Shen Guanglin suddenly felt that he had an idea to develop gallium nitride!
He seems to remember that ammonia gas seems to be used in the manufacture of gallium nitride.

Moreover, once this idea is extended, it becomes more and more reasonable the more you think about it.

Perhaps, this is really the nitrogen source of gallium nitride.

When doing something, I am most afraid of thinking. Shen Guanglin is also good at chemistry, and ammonia is trivalent nitrogen. If you find trivalent gallium, it will be ready to mix.
This is not too simple, because when they make gallium arsenide, they use trimethylgallium, which happens to be trivalent.

Just use them to react with each other, and then give suitable conditions and suitable catalysts, isn't it enough?


This is a breakthrough in thinking!

Sure enough, with the participation of Professor Shen, the experiment process was greatly accelerated.

Shen Guanglin's laboratory has plenty of money, so as long as he has an idea, it is not difficult to verify it.

Soon, the crystal powder of gallium nitride was manufactured, which originated from a cow fart.

(End of this chapter)

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