Start with a college teacher

Chapter 460 Chapter 470 Lamp

Chapter 460

A cow fart lights up an industry.

After that, there was finally something to talk about.

The trillion-dollar LED industry stems from a gas that doesn't smell good in the cowshed. This is what we talk about.

Ammonia gas is actually poisonous, but it is also very useful.

In the era when there were no more chemical fertilizers, ammonia water was a good agricultural fertilizer. It was not until the release of ammonium bicarbonate and urea that ammonia water withdrew from the stage of history.

Moreover, in the refrigeration industry, such as cold storage, ammonia was first used as a refrigerant.

Now, using ammonia gas to make gallium nitride, if Shen Guanglin was not a traveler, he would never have thought of it.

In fact, the knowledge of how to manufacture gallium nitride has always been in his mind, but he forgot it because it is not commonly used.

Now, with suitable conditions for excitation, Shen Guanglin figured it out, and he even thought of the preparation method. It should be using MOCVD equipment for vapor phase deposition. He was exposed to this knowledge when he was researching CVD equipment.

It can also be seen from this that it was really not easy for Fuso scientists to invent LEDs back then.

However, what everyone thought was extremely difficult could not match Shen Guanglin's "flash of inspiration". Everyone in the laboratory really admired Professor Shen too much.

The crystalline powder of gallium nitride was developed several years in advance.

The next step is to weave the story, solidify the evidence, apply for a patent, and write a thesis. This is a whole set of processes.

Although applying for and maintaining patents is expensive, this is the meaning of the question. It is impossible for Shen Guanglin to give up this market, and he has to invest huge sums of money to completely establish technical barriers.

In the future, even relying on patent dividends, they can earn a lot of money.

Shen Guanglin didn't do anything else after that, he was brewing a story, it was not easy to be logical, to reflect both Professor Shen's genius and the fantasy of this matter.

Science needs a good story.

It is estimated that all new LED products will start from the story of a bullpen.

Professor Shen Guanglin is really a genius scientist. His laboratory successfully bred the world's first cloned cow. This is not the end. When he watched the calf grow, he had a brainstorm and made other new discoveries .

This is still a coherent story, from biology to physical chemistry, from cloning cows to gallium nitride.

Professor Shen is an all-rounder.

Of course, there is still a long way to go from the invention of gallium nitride to the industrialization of LED.

However, Shen Guanglin already knew what to do next, just take it step by step.

Don't worry, but as long as you have money and are willing to invest, are you afraid that this industry will not develop.

The prospect of LED industry is simply too great!
Shen Guanglin thought and thought, but he didn't know any other industry that could compare with it.

After the LED comes out, how much electricity can it save the world?
Shen Guanglin has even thought out the advertising slogan, and is committed to the global energy revolution, an environmentally friendly, efficient high-tech enterprise.

Let’s take it step by step, first create LED lighting, a revolution in the lighting industry; then create LED advertising screens, in the future there will be vivid advertisements in various squares and stations; later, develop LED TVs and other various All kinds of electrical appliances are in the same line.

Later, Shen Guanglin got another title, the father of LED.

He is already the godfather of several industries, but there are many more industries waiting for him.

Recently, godfather is not a good word. A certain company has been on the cusp recently, and someone might want to enter it.

Let’s talk about LED, in fact, LED is not a new thing.

As early as 1962, someone had already developed this kind of semiconductor element that can emit light. It is called Light-Emitting Diode, or LED for short.

It's just that the light-emitting diodes of this era can only emit red light and green light, missing the most important kind of blue light.

The blue LED is simply too important. Only when it is discovered can the three primary colors of light be assembled.

Only when all the three primary colors of light are assembled can white light and other colored lights be synthesized, which has the value of large-scale application.

At this stage, except for Shen Guanglin, no one knows how great the achievement of developing gallium nitride is.

And the semiconductor material that can produce blue light, LED is finally going to its historical stage.

Since the successful synthesis of gallium nitride in the laboratory, Shen Guanglin has never been to the bullpen again.

Even, he didn't even go to Tiangong No. [-]'s house, Li Rong once suspected that he was running away from something, this cow is a bit dishonest.

In fact, Shen Guanglin is really only doing it for his career, not for anything else. He plans to make LED lights first.

And the next thing is to use money to pile up.

If you want money, you need people. Capital University has no shortage of talents.

Shen Guanglin's own laboratory has not enough talents, so he can go to other majors and departments of the school to find them. If Beijing University can't do it, he can also go to Wudaokou Technical School.

Forget about the Academy of Sciences.

Although this era is the spring of science, the country does not invest much in scientific research, and everyone is having a hard time.

In fact, life is even more difficult for professional scientific research institutions.

In a system like the Academy of Sciences, their personnel are solidified, and their knowledge is also seriously aging, which is almost useless.

But Capital University is not like this. Their personnel are still very young, and they have been keeping track of the latest technology. Although the conditions are not good, the people are fine.

For Shen Guanglin, he is the world's highest and newest technology. Wherever his interest is, the highest point of global technology is there.

Now, Shen Guanglin wants to find a few talents who have research on light-emitting diodes, and it's really easy.

There are such people in Beijing University.

Everyone was not reserved, as soon as Shen Guanglin invited him, he happily agreed.

Professor Shen is younger, but Shen has a high scientific research status, and it is not shameful to be able to work in his laboratory.

Moreover, to take a step back, everyone also has to eat to support their families. Shen Guanglin's laboratory is famous for its good welfare. If the school didn't stop it, how many people would be willing to go to do scientific research.

The school also took Shen Guanglin as a treasure, because Shen Guanglin did not receive any money allocated to Shen Guanglin's laboratory by the state, which solved many difficulties for the school.

If the person in charge of each laboratory can be like Professor Shen, the school will regard you as a treasure.

The lab quickly expanded its staff.

With money, all kinds of domestic and imported materials arrived at the laboratory in the first time.

Fight hard for a month and work hard for 30 days.

LED products that emit blue light are finally manufactured!

The Long March has completed the first step, but it is also the most difficult step.

It seems that Professor Shen's feeling is right. This gallium nitride diode really emits blue light.

(End of this chapter)

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