Start with a college teacher

Chapter 461 Experiment

Chapter 461 Experiment
Money can turn the devil around.

As long as the money is in place, everything will be broken.

Although money is not everything, but with money, not only can you do scientific research, but you can also enjoy one-stop services.

With the blessing of money, blue LEDs were quickly developed.

Everyone is a high-tech talent, and it is not a difficult problem to make a package for LED resin and the like.

Moreover, the manufacture of white LEDs is not difficult, at least, there are more ways than difficulties.

Generally, white LEDs can be formed using two methods.

The first is to use "blue light technology" to cooperate with phosphor powder. As long as the electric energy is excited, it is an LED that can form white light. This is the preparation principle of mainstream LED products in later generations;
The second method is simpler, which is to mix a variety of monochromatic lights. According to the principle of three primary colors, a white light source can be synthesized.

The first method requires more experiments, but the second method is much simpler.

It didn't take long, and Shen Guanglin asked someone to make a batch of white light source flashlights.

On the first day the flashlight was made, Shen Guanglin took it home.

In fact, this is used to test the service life and energy saving of LEDs, not for installation.

But in any case, this is also the world's first white LED application example.

Great Wall brand flashlight laboratory version finally came out!
For this project, Zhang Cheng of Shen Guanglin's laboratory spent more than two years and spent more than one million yuan, and finally completed the experiment in early 1986.

Looking at the Gregorian calendar now, it is indeed 1986, which can also be said to be a good start for 1986.

At the same time, it was also one of the most important tasks of Shen Guanglin's laboratory physics group in 1986. How to turn laboratory products into marketable products is a long way to go.

However, Shen Guanglin has nothing else to do now, he is busy playing with his high-brightness flashlight.

This flashlight is really bright, and it is also very energy-efficient to use, which is beyond expectations.

Uncle Benshan said that flashlights in this era are also household appliances.

Flashlights are too common, but such a powerful one is the first in the world.

At the moment, 2 or 3 AA batteries are often used for ordinary flashlights, and LEDs are DC light sources, which can also be used directly.

Moreover, the light of ordinary flashlights is not white enough, nor bright enough, and the tungsten filament of the small bulb is easy to burn out.

The tungsten wire of an incandescent lamp is in the shape of a spring. Sometimes, the tungsten wire is burnt out. If you look in the direction and flick it with your finger, the bulb can be used for a while.

This is a small trick of life in this era. Shen Guanglin has learned it, but he will not be able to use it in the days to come.

Shen Guanglin's new flashlight is really powerful. The white light made of three colors is extremely bright, but because it is a cold light source, it is extremely energy-saving.

Through experimental comparison, the energy-saving efficiency of LED lights is thousands of times that of ordinary white light bulbs, and it is not easy to burn out.

Sure enough, it's powerful enough.

However, all of this is still in the experimental stage and cannot be put into practical use. It is still necessary to continue to research and develop a separate LED white light source, so that the application will be more extensive.

If you want to study LED, you need a long-term and stable money-burning environment.

Shen Guanglin has already planned that he will let the Great Wall Group invest to set up a special company for the research and development and application of LED products.

After all, it is the end of the year now, and next, you can slowly try to develop the first white light, anyway, idle is idle;

Next, you can quietly go to work and wait for the New Year.

It's just that Shen Guanglin's thinking is a bit beautiful, and things often don't go as expected.

He Shen still has a lot of things to do, and the closer to the end of the year, the busier he will be.

The Great Wall Group's annual meeting is over, but whether or not to give out year-end bonuses, and how much to give out, are all matters.

Moreover, the Great Wall Company's business plan for next year has been listed and formulated, but what about Shen Guanglin's laboratory?
It is also time for the laboratory to take inventory. How much money has been recorded this year, how much money has been spent, and how much is left over is also very important.

As for scientific research results, they are only responsible to the boss
Although Shen Guanglin's laboratory made a lot of achievements last year, Shen Guanglin is still not satisfied.

Because there are so many people in the chemistry group, but they didn't produce any results, and most of them did some auxiliary work.

It can't go on like this, Shen Guanglin is the person in charge of the laboratory, he can fish, but everyone in the laboratory can't fish.

Even, the laboratory will also establish an assessment mechanism in the future. There will be a KPI assessment. If the standard is not met, the performance will be deducted. If the standard is not met for a long time, it should be cleared and fired.

The management of the laboratory is also a science. Shen Guanglin has been in charge of the laboratory for a long time, and he has accumulated a lot of his own experience.

However, compared with other laboratories, there is one advantage. Shen Guanglin's laboratory is really meritocracy. As long as you have the ability, you will be given this opportunity.

But Shen Guanglin was still too busy.

No, the single white LED has not yet been produced, and he is going out again.

This time I can't go.

Because, this time, he was invited to a wedding, which is a good thing.

Here's a good thing about his family:
His dear cousin, his cousin's little girlfriend, finally gave birth, and she was born in Xiangjiang.

This is a long-distance call from my aunt specially from Shencheng. The baby was a girl, weighing 5 catties and 2 taels, a little thin.

Shen Guanglin didn't know whether to be happy or sad, he told Li Rong about it with complicated emotions.

Li Rong's expression was very flat, "I gave birth, it's time to congratulate, what gift should we prepare?"

Is this a gift thing?
Who can understand Shen Guanglin's mood?

Fortunately, she gave birth to a daughter. If she gave birth to a son, how would he face this little nephew.

You call me Uncle, I call you Brother?
No one in the world can understand his confusion now, not even the familiar pillow person.

It's just a cousin giving birth, how big a deal can it be?

Li Rong was puzzled, her unit was not on holiday yet, she really couldn't leave, so Shen Guanglin had to go alone.

Will Shen Guanglin go alone?of course not.

He went to Fusang first.

Anyway, Little Maomao hasn't been discharged from the hospital yet, and it won't be too late after the full moon.

Shen Guanglin decided to bring a female companion to his cousin's wedding banquet.

(End of this chapter)

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