Chapter 462

When Shen Guanglin arrived in Fusang, the winter vacation was not over yet.

The holidays of Fusang are different from those of Huaxia. They have winter vacation, spring vacation, and summer vacation, which is a very unique way of vacation.

After 1947, Fuso implemented the Basic Education Law and the School Education Law.Their school education is divided into four stages: preschool education, primary education, secondary education, and higher education. At the same time, vacations are divided into spring vacation, summer vacation and winter vacation.

The so-called spring vacation is generally the holiday of the graduation season, which is about mid-March to April; summer vacation is generally from mid-July to early September, and winter vacation is usually from late December to early January, which is very close to spring vacation.

It's winter vacation now, and Shen Guanglin came to see his sister, so he has a conscience.

Shen Guanglin has not been to Fusang for a long time, and the prosperity here is still becoming more and more charming.

Although the domestic development has been rapid in recent years, there is still a big gap from this developed capitalist country.

The power of Fusang in this era is known to the whole world, and they are even ambitious to buy the entire Flowering Country.It is said that this era is the happiest era for their people, and the achievement index has exploded.

Many times, Shen Guanglin did not understand how Fusang lost the competition in the future. It has strong competitiveness in various fields such as automobiles, electrical appliances, and semiconductors, and it has defeated Citigroup steadily.

However, at the end of the century, they began to sink inexplicably, which is also a strange thing.

Shen Guanglin himself has established some industrial manufacturing companies, which are already considered very strong in China.

In all fairness, the advantage his company has is actually the low manufacturing cost, and there is indeed some gap between it and Fuso products in terms of technology and craftsmanship.

However, Shen Guanglin also believes in one sentence: the market will eventually prove that only those who win China can win the world.

As long as the domestic market is deeply cultivated, so what if it fails in the international market, it can still live very well.

However, that will be a matter of the future, and it has not been the same in the past few years.

The past few years are prime time, and if he does not carry out international trade, he will lose himself.

Even in a few years, many foundry industries can still survive, there is always a way.

However, at that time, more entrepot trade was carried out, and Xiangjiang was a very important transit point and logistics port.

Therefore, when Shen Guanglin became the ship king and deployed Xiangjiang, he actually thought that he could open up the situation from here.

Of course, Shen Guanglin didn't think too much when he came here this time. He actually wanted to take his sister to Xiangjiang to play. After all, it's a bit boring to be alone, how can it be okay without a female companion by his side.

However, he didn't give advance notice when he came here this time, and was going to surprise his sister directly in person.

As for whether it is a surprise or a fright, everything depends on the result.

This is a little thought of a man, and anyone who understands it will naturally understand it.

Many people say that if they want to live a decent life, they have to have some green on their hair.

But the actual situation is: men are the most petty animals, if you put a hat on him, not only will he not be grateful, but he will also try to find you desperately, thanking your eight generations of ancestors.

Shen Guanglin felt a little worried about leaving Li Li alone in Fusang, so there would always be a few spies around her intentionally or unintentionally, reporting her sister's whereabouts in real time.Once a love rival or other uncontrollable situation arises, someone Shen will fly over to deal with the problem immediately.

The winter in Kyoto is not as cold as in Beijing, but it is still chilly.

Shen Guanglin was wearing a coat and shuttled in the wind, thinking that he should be very handsome in this posture.

Then, he saw Li Li on the campus of Kyoto University.

Naturally, the two of them didn't meet in the wind. It was a sunny afternoon. Li Li was riding a tricycle with some learning materials on it, and was slowly rushing to the laboratory building, and then someone appeared.

Surprises are certain.

In a foreign country, it is the meaning of the question to express the longing that I have not seen for a long time in a warm way.

People passing by also expressed their envy. Such a beautiful girl really has a boyfriend. Although that man is not as handsome as I am, but judging by his high-spirited appearance, he must have good skills.

Li Li is no longer at the age of first love, she will be coquettish, you still remember her, she has not cared about her life for so long.

Why didn't you care?
Shen Guanglin really cared, and it was from a distance.

He is very clear about the dynamics of their laboratory. With Professor Shen's remote guidance, everyone is more confident in their scientific research projects. Xiao Lincheng is already a fan of Shen Guanglin. Especially recently, Shen Guanglin's scientific research results are even more impressive.

Not to mention insect-resistant cotton. Although it is a good scientific research result and practical application value, it is not groundbreaking research after all, and it has been done a few years ago.

Anti-insect cotton is not good, but cloning cows is really powerful. This technology is not difficult to realize, but no one has thought of it.

There are many scientific research institutions in Fusang, and there are also many powerful ones. Once Shen Guanglin's cloned cow was released, everyone lamented: It really shouldn't be let go of this achievement.

Only Xiao Lincheng is supporting: Shen Sang's achievements are also comparable to yours, don't be convinced.

However, it is useless for other institutions to regret.

Even, in this short period of time, someone has almost made cloned mammals again.

However, Shen Guanglin did the pioneering experiment, and no one can take away this honor.

After all, it's public places now, and some radical actions can't be done yet. Shen Guanglin took pity on the fragrance and cherished the jade, and took the tricycle to help his sister for a ride.

However, a tricycle is a wonderful thing.

Shen Guanglin knew how to ride a bicycle, but he couldn't ride this kind of car that turned indiscriminately. It was twisted and turned in the wrong direction.

As a last resort, Shen not only failed to help, but also took a ride in a shameless ride.

It's just that the rear seat of the tricycle is far away from the driver, and the distance is not enough to play hooligans.

It seems that we can only communicate in private.

Next is the two-person world time, which takes a long time and cannot be counted.

After the rain, the sky is sunny, and it is the time for the emotional exchange between two people.

"Brother Guanglin, why do you have the heart to come to me now? I thought it was after the Spring Festival. I was still wondering whether I should go back to China for the Spring Festival." Li Li is a girl who has nothing to do with the world, but She also has a family. After graduating from university last year, Lao Li also began to ask her about her relationship status.

However, everyone knew that Shen Guanglin could not give her a public identity, but it was impossible for someone Shen to give up this relationship.

Shen Guanglin could only smile in embarrassment. He really hadn't thought about how to arrange for his sister, and he hadn't even thought of her many times. It could be said that he was a scumbag in ancient times.

However, he came here this time because he really wanted to find her.

"I want to take you home with me to visit relatives?"

"Going home? Visiting relatives? Where? Visiting whom?" Li Li was very puzzled.

"My cousin's girlfriend gave birth to a girl. I went to celebrate and wanted to take you with me."

This was Shen Guanglin's real thought, because his cousin had a baby, and that girl and Xiao Shen were not married yet, but the whole family still accepted it.

This is a hint to her.

Li Li didn't immediately realize Shen's malice, but she still asked:
"Is this appropriate? Your family has met your sister before."

"What's inappropriate, you dare not go?"

"I dare. As long as you dare, I will."

(End of this chapter)

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