Start with a college teacher

Chapter 465 Headquarters

Chapter 465 Headquarters
Huifeng is not that you want to buy it, you can buy it if you want to.

As one of the two note-issuing banks in Hong Kong, Huifeng Bank is very powerful and has a long history.

As early as the colonial period, after the Second Opium War, it was established, and it originated from Shanghai, and then retreated to Xiangjiang.

Shen Guanglin had a bad impression of it, which stemmed from a dirty frame-up incident in which Huifeng played a disgraceful role.

Although Shen Guanglin didn't know the ins and outs of the matter, it did not hinder his simple patriotic feelings.

At this stage, although their Great Wall Group is very powerful, after all, they only have such a small amount of assets, and it is still not enough to buy such an established bank.

Now, Huifeng Bank is the ceiling of Xiangjiang's banking industry and the god of Xiangjiang people. Almost no one can defeat it.

As everyone knows, the future achievements of this bank will be like that.

However, Snake Tunxiang also depends on the occasion. Shen Guanglin said that he wanted to buy Huifeng, but Liu and Lin Anan didn't believe it. They just thought it was a joke.

Then Shen Guanglin realized that he really couldn't say such big words now. Compared with Huifeng's market value, their company's current assets were really just a drop in the bucket.

It can only be done in vain, and wait for the opportunity in the future.

However, if you can't buy Huifeng now, you can always go to Huifeng headquarters to have a look.

Of course, it can be regarded as tourism. There is no objection to this. Their company is still a VIP customer of Huifeng, and they have saved a lot of money here.

After all, Huifeng Bank is a holy land of wealth in the eyes of Xiangjiang people. In Xiangjiang, many people have made some money, and most of them choose to buy Huifeng's stock because it is enough to preserve its value.

Therefore, some people call Huifeng's stock a big elephant.

My sister didn't have much opinion on where to go for fun, and then they really went to see Huifeng headquarters.

In fact, the headquarters of Huifeng Bank is just like that. It is neither tall nor grand, but the location is very good. It is said that it is a treasured place of geomantic omen, and Xiangjiang people believe this most.

Even Li Jiacheng's company headquarters is located here, next to it.

However, when we actually arrived at the scene, the most eye-catching thing is not the headquarters of Huifeng Bank, nor Cheung Kong Industrial, but another high-rise building far away from Huifeng. Although it is still under construction, it is very stylish and harmonious. features.

"Which company's building is this?" Shen Guanglin was very curious.

The building is triangular in shape, and its exterior is made of steel structure, which is sharp and imposing.

"This is the Bank of China Building invested and constructed by our Huaxia Bank in Xiangjiang." Da Liu replied.

Because Da Liu was originally engaged in real estate, he still knows the well-known buildings under construction in Xiangjiang.

Shen Guanglin loves to hear what Liu said, and all his Xiangjiang employees who do not agree with the mainland will be rejected.

This is Shen Guanglin's bottom line, no one can break through this bottom line.

After one trip, Shen Guanglin is really determined to be a simple patriot. Although he may have many shortcomings, his heart for the motherland will not change.

Shen Guanglin pondered for a moment:
"Bank of China Building? So amazing! Which architect designed this? How about asking him to design the headquarters of the Great Wall Group?"

The Bank of China in this era is so rich, which is obviously the central bank. To build such a tall building in Xiangjiang, it is impossible to do without some assets.

To Shen Guanglin's question, Liu answered clearly: "I.M. Pei."

It turned out to be him!Sure enough, it's not in vain.

There is no falsehood under the reputation.

Mr. Bei is an internationally renowned architect with many achievements.

He once designed a four-star Xiangshan Hotel in Xiangshan Park at the foot of West Mountain. Someone Shen went there and spent money. It is indeed expensive, but the scenery is indeed very good.

However, this also strengthened Shen Guanglin's determination to invite Mr. Bei to help him design the Great Wall headquarters.

However, the old man is a Chinese-American, and I.M. Pei Architects is far away in Citigroup, so it will take a lot of trouble to talk to him in the past. Moreover, the headquarters of the Great Wall Group has not yet been decided.

The capital is not Shen Guanglin's first choice.

Although he teaches here, although Li Rong's family has a lot of vision here.

However, there are too many dignitaries in the capital, people are not good for a thousand days, and flowers are not good for a thousand days. If the Great Wall Group does not want to rely on other things to survive, it is best to stay away from the political center.

Let's get down to business first.

Shen Guanglin's main business now is not to choose a headquarters, nor to buy a bank, but to visit his little niece.

The little niece, mother and daughter are safe, the cousin is worried and confused, and the aunt and uncle are relieved and a little bit lost.

No one expected that Shen Guanglin's mood was as complicated as theirs.

When others are in a bad mood, they go shopping. When Shen Guanglin is in a bad mood, he goes shopping.

The incidental act of buying a bank was quickly completed.

They ended up buying a small bank called Dasheng Bank.

This was Shen Guanglin's idea, to buy a small bank to support him, and he could make it bigger and stronger.

Dasheng Bank, the name is also very interesting, because its founder is Li Dasheng.

In fact, this is also a family business. Li Dasheng is over 60 this year and has reached the age of retirement. It is very good to retire with a sum of money.

"Just, why isn't the founder's surname Zhou?" Shen Guanglin was very curious.

In Shen Guanglin's impression, there are countless jewelry companies that originated from Xiangjiang with similar names, and the name Dasheng is really familiar.

For example: Zhou Dasheng, Zhou Saturday, Zhou Shengsheng, Zhou Taifu, Zhou Jinsheng, Saturday Fu, Zhou Baifu, Zhou Fusheng
Shen Guanglin looked at the situation of Dasheng's bank coldly at a glance, because it was too poor.

The scale is pitifully small, there are only three counters, and there is no property of its own.

With such a scale, it is simply not as large as the Great Wall Group's clothing stores in Xiangjiang.

However, since choosing to acquire it, it naturally has its advantages, that is, the history of this bank is long enough. It was established in 1964, and it has been more than 20 years now.

It is precisely because of its small assets, very few deposits and loans, and its biggest business is shipping insurance and offshore settlement. Small ships are easy to turn around.

If you put all the funds of your own company and the funds of the holding company in this company, then the business will come.

The investment company that Liu is in charge of holds so many shares in the company. As a shareholder who doesn't care, can't we ask the company to settle the funds in our own bank?

Shen Guanglin asked Li Li if she wanted to be a banker, Li Li looked at such a "scale" bank and agreed with a smile.

She followed the whole process when buying the bank. The scale of this bank is so big.

In fact, Li Li didn't even think about how ambitious Shen Guanglin is. He really has the heart to start a bank.

(End of this chapter)

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