Start with a college teacher

Chapter 466 Expansion

Chapter 466 Expansion
Dasheng Bank has been acquired, and after re-registration, Li Li is the legal person and wife of the proprietress.

Although she does not hold many shares, it will still be a huge sum of money in the future.

Li Li didn't refuse. She also felt that she should participate in some social activities.

Lin Anan had never met his sister Li Rong, he thought Li Li was Professor Shen's lover.

As a physics graduate student at Kyoto University, Ms. Li is a perfect match for Professor Shen.

And Da Liu knew about his sister's existence a long time ago, so he was not surprised.

He even envied Shen Guanglin's actions in his heart.

In particular, he probably knew the family background of Li Rong and the others. This is not an ordinary family. Shen Sheng can handle all of this, which is really amazing.

The next business plan of the bank is undoubtedly expansion.Expansion cannot be rushed, but neither can it be delayed.

Their Great Wall Group is very rich, and they operate a wide range of businesses, and there are many related manufacturers, which greatly promotes the bank's business development.

With the business support of a company of the Great Wall Group, the bank can't lose money.

Moreover, they are not completely helpless for the management and operation development of the bank, and they still have ideas.

First of all, it is inevitable to introduce its own management team. The founder has completely left this part, leaving no shares.

Lin Anan is in charge of the specific operation of the banking business, let's start with one counter after another.

Shen Guanglin also said that for the newly opened business outlets, he would definitely not rent a house for renting a house, and spend his own money to buy it if he is optimistic about the location.

In the future, wherever the house is purchased, the bank outlets will expand.

In the matter of buying a property, all the idle funds of the Great Wall Group can be used.

During the annual meeting, everyone has already discussed that Great Wall Group currently does not have many places to invest, and every industry they operate is continuously contributing profits.

It's a waste of money to put it aside, it's not as good as buying a house.

Shen Guanglin also said, you don’t have to limit yourself to Hong Kong when you buy a house or a shop. You can also choose places such as Singapore in Southeast Asia.

Even in mainland China, a lot of property purchases are required. This is a business that is sure to make money.

Although Shen Guanglin does not plan to engage in real estate, it is always possible to buy some real estate or develop it for his own use, and it does not violate the principle.

Is it also an option to build a property in each city, part of which is used by the bank and the rest is used for renting out?

How to develop domestic business is the most difficult thing at present.

It is not that there are no foreign banks in China. Fusang people established a bank branch in Beijing as early as 1972.

However, at this stage, the RMB business of foreign-funded banks is not allowed, and the state has not released the permission in this respect.

Dasheng Bank is Heung Kong Bank. Whether it can carry out business in China still needs to communicate and understand.

If we actively embrace national policies and do more good things that benefit the country and the people, it must be possible to carry out banking activities in China.

However, even if the bank outlets cannot continue to operate in the Mainland, the purchase of properties in the Mainland cannot be delayed.

The bonus of Huaxia Real Estate is really terrifying.

In the future, even if opening a bank does not make money, once these houses are sold, it will still be money.

Shen Guanglin has such a simple business thinking and business philosophy.

He doesn't bother to follow any other advanced business methods.

Moreover, Shen is a bit self-willed. At least, the Great Wall Group is extremely conservative financially.

Financial conservatism cannot conceal Shen's generosity in spending money for himself.

No, he bought a house in Xiangjiang again.

Since Li Li doesn't like villas, then buy high-rise buildings.

High-rise sea view rooms are actually a good choice.

In the busiest commercial area, choosing a high-rise building that blends into the clouds, so quiet amidst the hustle and bustle, is also a way of life in the world.

The process of looking at the house is boring but not boring, and the process of spending money is still very interesting, especially when accompanied by beautiful women.

Shen Guanglin was accompanied by Li Li, and Da Liu called Meiren Guan to accompany him.

It seems that these two people are still hanging out together, and I don't know if Sister Bao has discovered Liu's love.

However, it is estimated that the golf story between Liu and Meirenguan has not happened yet, Shen Guanglin can be sure of this.

Check out, check out, check out.

In the end, Shen Guanglin bought a whole floor house for Li Li, and planned to live with the two of them after finishing the renovation.

The beauty is closed in the eyes and envied in the heart.

Da Liu gave her a small two-bedroom apartment. She was quite happy at first, but compared with Li Li...

It's better not to compare back and forth, it's not good.

Xiangjiang actors in this era are not high-income people.

Although the income at the top is indeed good, most actors, especially TVB actors, live even harder.

The ones that come in the fastest are those that are being maintained like Meirenguan.

Regardless of Xiangjiang or Wanwan, bigwigs like to play nurturing the most, and celebrities also like to be nurturing.

This kind of supply and demand relationship and lace news are also talked about by everyone.

Shen Guanglin bought a whole floor of a house for Li Li, and the media got the news from somewhere, saying that it was a floor property that Liu gave to the beauty.

This incident caused a lot of trouble, and the impact was no less than the bombing caused by two bowling balls.

After finishing the business, it is time to return to the family.

Shen Guanglin didn't snatch the right to name the children, he gave in repeatedly, and in the end it was Shen Longxian who made the decision.

As for Shen Houdao, stay where it is cool, go to class honestly, don't think too much.

The two families have lived together for a long time, not to mention, without the pressure of life brought by money, the relationship has become harmonious.

Moreover, Shen Houdao has a good relationship with that girl, and he knows to come over to care about her.

Now, Shen Guanglin doesn't know whether the decision he made is right or wrong. If this trend continues, the two families may really get married.

However, Shen Guanglin didn't make up his mind whether or not to organize the full moon wine as the most urgent task now.

Uncle and aunt are also very tangled.

According to the customs of my hometown, if there is a child in the family, there must be a full moon wine. However, this child is quite special, and I am afraid that people in my hometown will point me out.

However, if their old Shen's family didn't express anything, would the woman's family have any ideas?

In the end, Shen Guanglin made up his mind on this matter. The Full Moon Wine is going to be held, and it will be a big one. If we don’t go home, we will hold it in Xiangjiang.

(End of this chapter)

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