Chapter 470

Bragging is not taxed, and what is said on the wine table is usually uncountable.

Everyone felt that Professor Shen just drank too much and said big things, and he didn't take it seriously. Who hasn't drunk too much yet?

It is true that Professor Shen drank too much, but what Professor Shen said also counted.

He said that if he wanted to build a 99-story building, he would really build a 99-story building, with no more floors and no fewer floors.

It was such a happy decision.

The more important the decision, the shorter the time it takes to make a decision.

It's not that big projects don't need to be fully demonstrated, but that it's more storytelling.

After all, any decision needs to be supported by a good story, which also shows the wisdom of the decision-maker.

Shen Guanglin said at the dinner table that he would build the headquarters of the Great Wall Group in Shanghai, but no one in the local government believed it.

After all, the Great Wall Group and Magic City have nothing to do with each other. Their manufacturing bases of the Great Wall Group are either in the Beijing-Tianjin area or in Shencheng. I heard that they have recently built a production base in western Guangxi.

Now, Professor Shen suddenly said that he would set up the headquarters in Shanghai, and everyone was not prepared at all.

It doesn't make sense at all.

Not to mention the capital city and the deep city, even if it was chosen in Hangzhou, it would be reasonable, because there is their raw material base there.

Worst of all, even if Jinling is chosen, there is some reason, it can be regarded as Professor Shen's welfare for his hometown.

However, there is nothing in the capital.

It is true that Shanghai is the largest city in the country, and it is also famous for its machinery manufacturing, such as watch manufacturing.

However, its electrical products and the Great Wall Group are still major competitors. The Great Wall Group has no other investment except for advertising on Shanghai TV.

What can Magic City bring to Great Wall Group?
Why did the Great Wall Group choose Shanghai?
Everyone was puzzled.

It’s not wrong that the Magic City government is attracting investment, but it hasn’t started any work yet. It’s really incredible that this can attract the headquarters of the Great Wall Group.

However, this fact is absolutely true.

Everyone didn't know that Shen Guanglin had a good reason for choosing the devil.

First, there are good educational conditions, a lot of famous universities, a good educational foundation, a relaxed business environment, and a good industrial foundation;
Second, Shen Guanglin's choice of headquarters here is not only an investment in the place, but also an investment in people.

At this stage, except for Shen Guanglin, no one knows what the future of Huaxia will be like. Even the leaders of the local government don't know that he still has a day of prosperity.

When it comes to investment and expected returns, it is understandable that everyone can't understand Shen Guanglin's layout. After all, not everyone is a time traveler.

Shen Guanglin's choice of Shanghai as the headquarters of the Great Wall Group was serious.

Since you don't even believe in government units, let's use money to speak.

Shen Guanglin went to the bank to open an account in person, and on the day the account was opened, [-] million in cash was sent directly.

Moreover, what they transferred was not Hong Kong dollars, but U.S. dollars.

It is now 1986, but the situation of the country's foreign exchange tension has not changed. Everyone's first task is to earn foreign exchange.

Seeing the money, now the government really believes it.

It turned out that the Great Wall Group didn't just come here to do charity with old man Shao, but they really came to build with sincerity.

Doing charity is of course a great thing, and supporting education is a long-term plan. This matter deserves the reception of the leaders in person.

However, the Great Wall Group's investment here is more attractive to local governments and more worthy of the attention of government leaders.

Therefore, Liu immediately became the leader's guest of honor, and Shen Guanglin also sat in the second seat, and they also invited the advertising spokesperson of the Great Wall Group, that is, Zhou Yun from Lushan Lianli, to accompany the guests. After all, Shen Guanglin also brought a daughter Bean.

Everyone didn't ask who this girl was and what was her relationship with Shen Guanglin, because it was not important.

The important thing is how to plan and build the headquarters of Great Wall Group.

Everyone thought that there would be round after round of business negotiations.

However, it does not.

The Great Wall Group is easy to pass.

Shen Guanglin also said that although the source of shareholders of the Great Wall Group is somewhat complicated, and the place of registration is also in some overseas islands, they want to set up their headquarters in Shanghai, which shows that they are a Chinese company, and their roots are in China. No matter how far we have traveled, the root of the Great Wall is in Huaxia, in Shanghai.

The leader of the Modu was really happy to hear this, and said generously, "You are welcome in the Modu. If you have any requests, please feel free to ask them. If there are difficulties, we will overcome them together."

Shen Guanglin said that there is no special requirement, as long as the land is given.

And such a good thing?It's hard to say.

The leader immediately took out the map, "Draw whatever you like, we will coordinate it."

80s is really good!

This was the moment Shen Guanglin dreamed of the most.

He can also draw a circle, but it is not in the South China Sea, but in the East China Sea.

For previous travelers, it would be great if the goal of wealth management was a house or a few houses in Shanghai.

Now, as a time traveler, Shen Guanglin can directly enclose land in the magic capital, which is what a time traveler should really do.

When choosing the site for the Great Wall Group's headquarters, Da Liu didn't speak. He just watched Teacher Shen's performance silently.

After all, he knew best that the Great Wall Group was Shen Guanglin's company, and Mr. Shen made decisions, so the others could only cooperate.

Of course, Mr. Shen can make a good use of the site selection. He saw the big turn in Lujiazui, Pudong at a glance.

The mighty Huangpu River turns a big bend at Lujiazui, with the Bund on one side and Qingpu on the other side across the Suzhou Creek, where the Sixing Warehouse is also located.

"Give us this triangle." Shen Guanglin made a request.

If I remember correctly, this triangle is not ordinary. This should be the location of the Oriental Pearl Tower, and even include the entire financial center.

Shen Guanglin took a pencil and drew a line directly from the pier of Qichang Station to the ferry of Dongchang Road.

He is not greedy, and the choice is not big.

Even the leader said, "Why did you choose such a place, the transportation and infrastructure here are not convenient."

But Shen Guanglin said, "It doesn't matter. It's more fulfilling to start from scratch. We are willing to build bridges across rivers, open roads across mountains, and build a city of our own."


"How much money are you planning to invest?"

It was difficult for Shen Guanglin to answer now, and he said with a little bit of application, "At this stage, we don't have much money to spend, only 5 million U.S. dollars."

(End of this chapter)

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