Start with a college teacher

Chapter 471 Development

Chapter 471 Development

5 million is really not much.

Which man hasn't had the highlight moment of holding 5 million yuan a few times?
There is a cash base of 5 million US dollars, and Xiangjiang wealth tycoon Liu endorses it. Shen Guanglin said that their Great Wall Group invested [-] million US dollars in the initial stage, and everyone believed it.

Because Shen Guanglin likes to "concession", and he is even embarrassed to give in until the government leaders, there is no reason why things cannot be negotiated.

At such a young age, Mr. Shen can be a university professor, either with a high IQ or a high EQ.

Mr. Shen has both.

Before the Chinese New Year, the framework agreement was quickly negotiated.

The person in charge of signing is Da Liu. The other party is a leader who will often be on TV in the future. He came out of Wudaokou Technical School and has a lot of family and country feelings.

This gentleman should be regarded as a literati, and he likes to discuss the general laws of economic development with Shen Guanglin. How could Shen Guanglin know this, he can only give some insights based on the development of later generations.

But the insights are also powerful and forward-looking.

Professor Shen is really powerful, he should be in politics to benefit the people of one side.

Shen Guanglin said that his scientific research can also benefit the people.

That's right, the insect-resistant cotton you are researching is very good. Although Shanghai is not a major cotton-producing area, they still went to investigate it.

Since there is only one bridge to go to Pudong, the government leaders specifically said that it will be used by their companies first, and no bridge tolls will be charged.

Bridge toll?This is another historical noun.

In the past many years, every time a bridge is repaired in a place, there is really a bridge toll, even for bicycles to cross the bridge.

This is a characteristic of the times, and it doesn't matter whether it is praise or criticism.

Shen Guanglin stroked the map casually, and it turned out to be a huge piece of land.

The Modu government agreed so readily, he should really have fun secretly for a while.

With such a piece of land, he, Shen, who has stayed in place for decades, is also the richest man in Shanghai.

As for Mr. Zhou who is very good at getting land, he should do what he should do.

After all, it is only 1985 now, and the country's foreign exchange reserves are only more than 20 billion US dollars.

Shen Guanglin made a promise that the Great Wall Group would use 5 million US dollars for construction first, and if it was not enough, they could add another 2 million US dollars every year.

This is already all the money their company can come up with. If there is more, it should affect the normal production and operation.

Of course, if the game console business of Great Wall Company can develop rapidly, it is impossible to say that the profit can increase a wave.

Otherwise, according to the natural scale of business, their profits will be limited here.

Expand production scale?

We still have to be cautious, after all, it will be 1986 soon, and three years later there will be a big exam. If you become a bird in the early years, everything will be in vain.

The reason why Shen Guanglin put his headquarters in Shanghai is also because the place is stable and the business environment is good. It would be bad if the company is blown up by the students if someone leads the way.

Shen Guanglin basically didn't ask for any additional requirements at the headquarters of the Modu Construction Group, as long as the government can treat everyone equally.

When such a condition is put forward, it is difficult for local government leaders to persuade themselves not to agree.

How much is the land in Lujiazui worth?

With so much money, how many great things can be done.

As a result, the land was obtained on paper, and the acquisition cost was extremely low, almost as if no money was required.

Shen Guanglin couldn't bear it, and how much would an acre of such land cost in future generations?
You don't have to, but I won't wait.

Shen Guanglin said, let's calculate according to the most expensive land price in Shanghai or Beijing. The Great Wall Group is here to support domestic construction, not to take advantage.

Great Wall Group is a caring company, and they don't do things that take advantage of the country.

Everyone was moved by what he said.

Only Shen Guanglin knows when to lose is to take advantage.

Once the land is acquired, the next step is to relocate. The land and houses now belong to the state, and there are no nail households at all.

However, it should be impossible to make any big moves before the year, and it is everyone's wish to start construction at the beginning of the year.

Fortunately, Liu has his own real estate company, so there is no shortage of management talents.

The China Construction Third Engineering Bureau in China already has experience in the construction of "one floor in three days" in Shencheng, so it should not be a problem to carry out similar construction in Shanghai.

Let’s do the rest after the next year. There really wasn’t much to do a year ago, except for visiting various universities.

After all, donations are serious.Old man Shao came here specifically to do this, so he was delayed for several days.

During the days when Shen Guanglin was negotiating with the local government, old man Shao went back to Yongcheng, which was his hometown after all.

The two groups reunited in Shanghai, and then went to visit various universities.

The Shanghai Metropolis is still prosperous, and it feels like a metropolis. Nanjing Road, the Bund, and the Metropolitan Building are all famous attractions.
Although the weather was cold, Shen Guanglin took his younger sister Li Li to visit the Bund.

Young people like romance.

What is romance?This is a compound word, which means I slow down, you slow down, and everyone is happy.

From now on, the land opposite the Bund will belong to their Shen family.

Lujiazui may be renamed Shenjiazui.

However, Shen Guanglin didn't want to go too far, he just wanted to be a designer who crossed the era.

At least, the 99-story building he proposed is not available in later generations.

My sister asked Shen Guanglin why he built a 99-story building, and Shen Guanglin said it was for her.

She doesn't believe it.

Shen Guanglin said it was built for their children, and she believed it.

Because, in the future, this building will either belong to her son or her nephew.

Somebody Shen still had some tricks. He pointed to the open space across the river, "From now on, this will be the Pearl of the Orient, and the 99th floor will be our exclusive habitat."

Indeed, an artificial building with a height of several hundred meters is magical when you think about it.The whole person is in the clouds, isn't it very romantic?

Listening to Shen's imagination, the younger sister nodded.

Shen Guanglin is very satisfied, as long as you behave well, brother will give you a credit card.

Besides, what the Great Wall Group built was not a single street, but several streets, or even a city.

Since it is decided to build a city, the planning must be ahead of schedule. Shen Guanglin decided to invite Mr. Pei Ming to participate in this 99-storey headquarters building. This is what he thought of when he was in Xiangjiang.

As for the layout and planning of this land, Shen also has his own ideas.

Even after he got the land, even old man Shao wanted to make an investment here.

This inspired Shen Guanglin, should we also bring in other rich people from Xiangjiang, let's develop together.

(End of this chapter)

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