Chapter 472 Dreams
It is "good" to have a man and a woman, and a place to live is a home.

There is a saying, Suzaku licks into a white tiger, and Qinglong coils around Xuanwu.

Although the winter in the magic city is cold, it can't stop the fiery heart, nor can it stop the promiscuous men and women who hang out all day.

It's a bit too much to say that it's too much, it should be sensual, after all, there are ten miles of foreign markets here.

It's just that there is a lack of cheongsam women who hang out in Ye Shanghai, especially cheongsam women like Song Yi. Although they are thin, there is still a lot of flesh where there should be flesh.

In particular, the flowing buttocks made so many old-fashioned embryos bleed out like the readers of this article.

Night Shanghai, night Shanghai, you are a city that never sleeps.

The lights are up, the car sounds, and the singing and dancing are peaceful.

I saw her, greeted with a smile, who knows that she is depressed

Nightlife, all for basic necessities.

If you want to stay, you should stay in the best hotel. Shen Guanglin and Li Li stayed at the most famous Peace Hotel in Shanghai.

Only here did Shen Guanglin find some familiar feeling.

In his era, the Peace Hotel was still a top-end dining and accommodation place, and it was still not affordable for ordinary people, especially in this era.

The Peace Hotel is so famous that it is a piece of living history.It was first built in the Xianfeng period. After the Revolution of [-], Sun Wen uttered the famous saying: "The revolution has not yet succeeded, and comrades still need to work hard." Later, the engagement banquet of Chang Kaishen and Miss Song San was also held here ; Later, Charlie Chaplin, Montgomery and other historical celebrities have stayed here.

Now, Shen Guanglin is here.

It is estimated that it will be written on the hotel's encyclopedia: In January 1986, Mr. Shen Guanglin, a famous physics professor, and his wife stayed in room 1 of the hotel.

In various historical images and images, the Peace Hotel has always been one of the landmark buildings in Shanghai.

Shen Guanglin chose this place because of its history and vicissitudes.

Shen Guanglin hasn't had a good time in Shanghai yet, so he must have had enough fun this time.

In the past few days, as the advertising spokesperson of Great Wall Company, Zhou Yun, the protagonist of Lushan Love, accompanied them to visit the campuses of several universities and the entire surrounding area of ​​Shanghai Film Studio.

Except for the Bund and the so-called "Ten Mile Foreign Market" located in the foreign concession, the other areas of Shanghai are not as prosperous as imagined, and the colors on the streets are not as bright as imagined.

Shen Guanglin has almost become a researcher of folklore now, looking for alleys or drilling alleys wherever he goes, as if, otherwise, he would not have been in this era.

He has been in this era for many years, and after a short period of adaptation, Shen Guanglin quickly fell in love with this era.

Most importantly, in this era, no one is richer than him, and no one dares to "show off his wealth" like him. Shen Guanglin is not showing off, it's just his attitude towards life.

In later generations, rich people seem a little too much.

Go to a certain night market and shout: "Mr. Shen will pay for today's consumption!" Everyone said thank you and cursed in their hearts.

But now, with Li Li and Zhou Yun, Shen Guanglin and the three of them would have to pay 50 yuan for a meal, with chicken and fish and Moutai for every meal.

The people around looked at it, cursing evil pens in their mouths, but secretly envious in their hearts.

Zhou Yun thought it was unbelievable to spend so much money just for meals, and only Shen did not even blink his eyes.

In this day and age, there may be people who can act like this, but not too many.

It's not that Zhou Yun has never seen a big scene, but everyone's money is hard-won, and they will not spend it on these aspects easily, unless it is money from the country or the unit, then it doesn't matter.

Therefore, during some banquets, Zhou Yun had eaten more expensive banquets than this one. After all, she is a well-known actress.

But, it's just playing in private, just picking up scenery, and he also has a female companion who is prettier than himself, not to pursue him, and spending so much money on every meal, isn't it a bit too extravagant?

However, neither Shen Guanglin nor Li Li said anything. Li Li had stayed in Fusang for a long time, and felt that spending tens of dollars for a meal was not much. Her monthly salary was the domestic salary for many years. Lin, Shen Guanglin What's more, there is so much money that I can't spend it all, and I didn't waste it on purpose, so I'm afraid of it.

Only Zhou Yun was very entangled, but later she thought about it, and she didn't want her to spend money, what to do with these things, maybe the upper class lived like this, so she gave up.

Sure enough, it was Professor Shen who charged [-] U.S. dollars for a class. The meal fee for a day was equivalent to her Zhou Yun's salary for a month, and this was just a normal daily behavior. How much would it cost to see them staying in the Peace Hotel for a long time?

They went out to play for several days one after another, saying goodbye to Old Man Shao and Sister Fang one after another. Shen Guanglin and Li Li still had no plans to leave.

If they don't leave, Zhou Yun can only accompany them.

This is also a task assigned to her by her superiors. Even her unit has approved special funds for her. Some Lingfan leaders also hinted: If the guests have any needs, they must try their best to meet them.

Shen Guanglin is just an ordinary man, what needs can he have?
It's a pity, Shen Guanglin brought his younger sister, he didn't even think of this.

Zhou Yun has made such mental preparations, but they don't take it.

What Liu should do has already been done. He saw that Shen Guanglin didn't intend to leave, so he had no choice but to not leave. After all, he had to come back again to start the construction of the Great Wall headquarters.

As expected of being from Xiangjiang, this person is better at playing than someone like Shen, and he attracted the beauty pass with just one phone call.

Meirenguan's first career is an actor, and her second career is a golfer. She and Zhou Yun have a lot in common, and the two quickly became good friends.

Da Liu's kidneys are not good, and his physical strength is weak, so there are four people who go out to play every day.

Shen Guanglin is in good health, and he can take three charming women out on a trip alone, which is really enviable to others.

The four of them didn't care about the eyes of others, they only cared about their own itinerary.

Of course, they will also talk about the future and their dreams at the dinner table.

Everyone should have their own dreams.

Shen Guanglin's dream is for the strength of the motherland, he is famous and rich now, but everything is not enough.

Li Li's thinking is very simple, her idea is to produce a world-class result as soon as possible.

Without Shen Guanglin's support, it would be very difficult. Shen Guanglin gave her some seeds, and it is estimated that she can give birth to a world-class baby.

Zhou Yun's dream is to go abroad. As an actress, she has already reached the top position in China, so her dream is to go abroad.

She also said that she went abroad to learn more advanced filmmaking skills, not to worship foreigners.

In short, she just wanted to leave the Shanghai Film Studio, which prevented her from displaying her talents.

If anyone can help her, she doesn't mind paying some price.

The road was chosen by himself, Shen Guanglin was noncommittal.

However, he still advised her to think carefully, because going abroad may not be a good thing, and when she wants to come back, she may find that everything is more difficult.

Zhou Yun is not afraid.

What about beauty pass?
The dream of Meirenguan is to marry into a wealthy family and live comfortably in life.

Don't making movies make money?
Making money is making money, but you can't become a billionaire by making movies and being an actor, and you have no status or status, and you have to accompany wine and meals at every turn, which is also hard work.

Shen Guanglin was very surprised. Do you still need to do these things when you arrive at the Great Wall Entertainment?
Artists of Great Wall Entertainment certainly don't want it, but women who are big Liu want it.

Meirenguan often follows him to attend some business venues, and there are still many old-fashioned embryos under Xiangjiang's quality.

But this road was also chosen by Mei Renguan himself. Da Liu is a friend of Shen Guanglin, so he can't say much, he can only suggest that he should try to stay away from golf in the future.

Not safe, depending on your face, easy to be hit by the ball.

(End of this chapter)

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