Start with a college teacher

Chapter 473 Spring Chapter 1986

Chapter 473 1986 Spring Festival

The four of them shuttled through the streets and alleys of Modu like this.

Even though the city is so fashionable, there are still many people wearing Chinese tunic suits with pens pinned on them, black and gray cotton jackets and trousers, and dark green military coats, all of which are full of the rustic atmosphere of this era.

Of course, such an attire does not conflict with the perm-headed and delicate Mordu girl.

Even in Shen Guanglin's view, the dress of a woman with curly hair is still very old-fashioned, but every era has its own characteristics, and even the popular colors of Xiangjiang still cannot catch Shen's eyes.

However, someone Shen still likes Xiangjiang's midriff-baring outfit and ultra-short hot pants.

Men, just have this hobby.

A flat belly and white thighs can always give people unlimited fantasies.

As long as you have money, you can play as long as you want.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and they wander around when they have nothing to do.

Town God's Temple is a frequent and must-go place. Bozai cakes, pan-fried buns, shrimp crackers, and crab roe buns are delicious.

Magic City also has many characteristics that other cities do not have.

For example, most of the intersections in Shanghai have traffic posts.

Moreover, the traffic police inside work while sitting, and their main job is to manually control the signal lights.

This method is both traditional and smart. It is quite interesting to be able to adjust the red and green changes and duration of signal lights in real time according to traffic congestion.

Moreover, the electric buses here in Shanghai also have a sense of the times. In the past few years, there have been almost no trams in the capital. Most of them are diesel-burning buses, and trams are still prevalent in Shanghai.

In such chaos, Shen Guanglin even had a feeling of being in the old Shanghai Bund in the 30s.

I just don't know who is Xu Wenqiang, who is Feng Chengcheng, and who is Ding Li.

Shen Guanglin has watched Zhao Yazhi's version of Shanghai Bund, which is considered a very fresh drama in this era. He and many Chinese men still look forward to this woman.

However, in Meirenguan's eyes, Zhao was already old, in his late thirties, and an ugly old woman.

Is that so?
Why is there still a sense of anachronism? Could it be that Zhao is really old?

Beauty Guan said, isn't Zhao used to stealing people, and he was beaten with scars, which only happened in recent years.

How can she be looked down upon by the Beauty Pass, is there any reason?

Sure enough, there is a gap between the screen image and the real person. Don't think that the white lady is gentle and Xu Xian is cowardly.

Even in the novel, the white snake is a cannibal, and Xu Xian is not a good bird.

Let's not talk about gossip, let's talk about going back to the magic capital.

Magic City is a very strange city, and the women here seem to be very powerful.From top to bottom, from old to young, they all look capable and powerful. On the contrary, the men in Modu are kind and gentle, and even wash and cook at home.

In this day and age, women in some places are still unable to eat at the table, and women here can easily beat and scold their husbands, which is really extraordinary.

During the time he came to Shanghai, Shen Guanglin saw several such cases. Women chased men and scolded them, saying that they couldn't make money to support their families, so what's the use of living.

After the Chinese New Year, everyone left one after another, Zhou Yun went home, and Da Liu took the beauty Guan Fei away.

Shen Guanglin is not a person without a home, and it is meaningless for him to bring his younger sister to celebrate the New Year in Shanghai, so he rushed to Jinling on the day of the Spring Festival.

Jinling is the home of someone like him.

Although, here, he has no relatives and no friends.

However, at this moment, he had his sister to accompany him, and that was enough.

The uncle's family is still in Xiangjiang and has not come back, and Shen Guanglin has never said that he will go back to Jinling for the New Year.

As for why you came here suddenly, it was just a temporary idea, and there was no specific plan.

It's not far from Shanghai to Jinling by train. Li Li has a calm personality and doesn't care where she goes.

Maybe Shen Guanglin came here to inspect the Jinling Hotel. After all, it used to be the tallest building in China.

However, last year, the tallest building in China was snatched away by the International Trade Building in Shencheng.

As the most high-end hotel in Jinling, Shen Guanglin brought the young and beautiful Li Li to check in on New Year's Eve, which still attracted everyone's attention.

What are they doing?

Fortunately, Shen Guanglin may lack other things, and he will never lack money and letters of introduction.

In Jinling, he was not as high-profile as he was in Shanghai. After arriving in Jinling, Shen Guanglin really kept a low profile. The letter of introduction he wrote to himself also said that he was just an ordinary researcher, and so was Li Li.

However, it is not common for ordinary researchers to be able to afford the Jinling Hotel.

Don't worry about this, my buddy is rich, and he is greeted with good wine and food, and he didn't eat well all the way on the train.

Or Jinling cuisine is more in line with Shen Guanglin's taste. Duck blood vermicelli soup and squirrel fish are Shen Guanglin's favorites.

Fortunately, my sister likes to eat these dishes.

There are also some dishes that my sister also likes to eat.

Xinjiekou, where the Jinling Hotel is located, is the most prosperous place in Jinling. It has been like this since the Republic of China, and it still is.

It was still early after dinner, so Shen Guanglin took Li Li out for a walk.

This is the last day of 1985, and this is his hometown, even if decades pass, he will not get lost.

"The place name Xinjiekou appeared during the Tongzhi period of the Qing Dynasty. It originally referred to a long and narrow street between Tangfang Bridge and Mingwalang"

Shen Guanglin was doing science popularization with Li Li with a smile. This was his favorite moment to show off.

Showing knowledge in front of women is a must-have skill for many men.

Li Li also listened quietly, she was neither loud nor fussy, with a warm smile and flowers in the corners of her eyes.

"This is your hometown, but you haven't been here many times, how can you have such an impression?"

There was still some rationality in her questioning, she didn't just believe what Shen Guanglin said.

"I have lived in the dream for more than [-] years, so I naturally understand its history. I even know its future." Shen Guanglin continued to say with a smile.

"Then you bought so many houses, do you have one here?" Li Li suddenly asked a question that caught Shen Guanglin by surprise.

"?" Shen Guanglin was dumbfounded.

Not really.

Every time Shen Guanglin came to Jinling, he would naturally go to live in his uncle's house, as if that was his home.

But in fact, that family belongs to my uncle, and it will also belong to my cousin Shen Houdao in the future, and in the future, it will have nothing to do with him, Shen Guanglin.

He was already 30 years old after the new year, and he was ten years older than his cousin. If it is really counted according to the day, it is not necessarily who is ahead of who.

Therefore, in order to live a long life, let's intensify scientific research. Immortality is impossible, but there is still hope for longevity.

Shen Guanglin thought that when he was 82 years old, he could still sleep with a 28-year-old female student, and that would be enough.

"Where do you want to go?"

"Qinhuai River."

It's not too far to walk from Xinjiekou to the direction of Qinhuai River, just go to the direction of Hanzhong Gate.

Not far from the other side of the Qinhuai River is Mochou Lake, but at night, it is better not to visit any lakes, just take a walk.

Along the way, the lights were not bright, but the wind was strong at night, making it seem lonely amidst the bustle.

Shen Guanglin felt bored walking around, so he took advantage of the situation and hugged his sister.

The younger sister is taller than the elder sister, and some places are also shriveled. There is no way, a good-looking girl.

The two stopped and stopped all the way, the road was not far away, but the younger sister was panting from exhaustion.

Arriving at the Qinhuai River, the street lights on both sides are obviously different, and it begins to feel like a scenic spot.

When thousands of houses are lit up, everyone is celebrating the New Year at home. There are indeed very few people on the road, which makes people feel unsafe.

"Let's go back." My sister suggested.

The Qinhuai River is nothing to see, so let’s come back during the day.

Shen Guanglin shook his head, "I can't go back."

However, my younger sister didn't know what Shen Guanglin meant by not being able to go back. Perhaps, except for Shen, no one else knew what it meant.

(End of this chapter)

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