Chapter 475
"So we can use those who listen to the government, enjoy the monarch and ministers, and be close to each other, talk about the head of Guizhou, and get along with the clan."
This phrase comes from "Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals·Da Le", excerpted from Baidu Encyclopedia.

As a post-[-] who grew up in the city, Shen Guanglin didn't have any concept of clan.

Moreover, since Shen Guanglin was born, he has never lived with anyone from the old Shen family. His social circle is kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, studying abroad, and time travel.

Those Faxiao who grew up with him are not even tadpoles now, and they are not surnamed Shen.

However, in the 80s, the clan was still a very important family institution. Within the same surname, the gap in generation and age has accumulated over several generations, which is already a little exaggerated.

Shen Guanglin's old uncle is not as old as Shen Guanglin's uncle in real age. He was born after the founding of the People's Republic of China. His name is Shen Jianguo, but he is actually younger than other Jianguo's.

Jianguo was not necessarily born in 49, maybe in 50 and 51. I forgot, and I missed it.

Speaking of which, there are very few native Jinling natives, and most of them come from Huizhou and other places. It is strange to think about it. Many people think that the capital of Suzhou Province should be Suzhou City, and the capital of Huizhou Province should be Jinling. That's right.

There are not many people in the old Shen family in Jinling, so everyone's position and role are very important. Although they are about to have a relationship, they are still close.

Shen Guanglin came back several times before, including donating to build ancestral halls, including donating to build schools, and met with his uncle and the others. However, Shen Guanglin did not say that it was his own money, only that it was a sponsorship he brought in. The ancestral hall is Needless to say, the school is clearly funded by the Great Wall Group, and Shen Guanglin is the only matchmaker.

When the school was completed and the ribbon was cut, the mayor and the district chief came here, and the specifications were very high.

Everyone also knows that Mr. Shen is a capable person.

Speaking of which, the old Shen's family used to be prosperous, but after the war, the devil raised the butcher's knife, so none survived and declined.

The current wave of people from the old Shen family are still able to travel in the world. Most of them were born after the founding of the People's Republic of China. Most of them were born recently, and the old branches have all withered.

Shen Guanglin brought Li Li home at noon on the first day of the new year. However, they did not have the key to the Shen family's old house, and the lock was picked by his uncle with his help.

However, it is useless to open the lock. There are no supplies for the New Year at home, not even rice noodles.

Moreover, these two people don't say they don't eat fireworks, but they are not the type who can do laundry and cook with ingenuity.

This New Year's Day, where do you go to buy new year's goods?The state-run store is on holiday, and it's hard to buy anything.

Maybe he also saw Shen Guanglin's embarrassing situation. Uncle said that if Shen Guanglin didn't dislike it, then he would come to my house for dinner.

Facing his uncle's kind invitation, Shen Guanglin readily agreed.

If you don't agree, you can't do it. If you don't agree, you will starve.

Shen Guanglin, Jianguo's uncle, has also met several times. Although he is not very familiar and has no deep impression, he is a family after all, and he can't write two Shen characters in one stroke, and he can't even write one. , Shen has seven strokes.

It's not Shen Guanglin's fault that he doesn't know his relatives well, it's not that he's unkind, it's just that the distance is too far away, there are not many contacts, and the affection has faded.

Uncle Jianguo also only knew that Shen Guanglin was teaching in the capital, but he didn't know exactly what Shen had done and how much he had achieved.

Shen Guanglin never said it, nor did the Shen family deliberately publicize it.

Therefore, others didn't know how powerful Shen Guanglin was.

Shen Guanglin is a low-key person. He said we should keep a low profile, and my uncle and his family believed it.

I eat lunch at my uncle's house.

After all, it was the first day of the new year, and the food was very good, including chicken, duck, and fish. It seemed that life in my hometown had been better in recent years, and the food for the New Year was much richer.

The uncle's family has a lot of people, including a daughter-in-law, two daughters and a mother-in-law. The family of five enjoys themselves happily, but they seem a bit unhappy.

Uncle is already a bit powerless to give birth to a son.

At the dinner table, the uncle's family, including the old woman, liked Li Li very much, thinking that she would definitely give birth to a beautiful son.

That's for sure, who made her look so beautiful.

"Old woman" is Shen Guanglin's name, and he doesn't know exactly what seniority he is.

Everyone had a very pleasant lunch. Shen Guanglin opened the door with his hands empty, and they didn't dislike it.

After eating, I took Li Li to find a place to go shopping. They still had to spend a few days in Jinling, so they had to prepare some supplies.

However, Shen Guanglin was soon disappointed. Except for those selling snacks and snacks, the big state-run stores really haven't opened yet, and everyone is on holiday.

Where are you going to eat tonight?

The restaurant was not open, and I couldn't take a taxi to a further place at this time, so I had to go to my uncle's house uninvited to eat like this again.

The attitude of the uncle's family is fine.

There is still some politeness that should be there. In order to take care of Li Li's taste, knowing that she is a girl from the capital, their family made dumplings specially at night, which is very interesting.

It's just that the meat of this dumpling is not minced, each dumpling has a piece of meat, and the meat is not cooked through, so you can't eat it, and you can't spit it out.

Where do you stay at night?

Fortunately, the Shen family's old house has new quilts, which were used by Shen Guanglin and Li Rong together. They haven't slept a few times, and they are almost brand new. Now that they are used by my sister, she won't dislike them, right? .

Because the quilt has not been exposed to the sun for a long time, there is some mildew, and the electric blanket played an extremely important role at this moment.

After baking with the electric blanket for a while, the quilt will no longer be damp. At least, damp heat is better than damp cold.

Smelling the musty, cottony and feminine quilt, the two of them finally settled down.

A fierce battle in the middle of the night, a good night's dream.

Shen Guanglin felt at ease, and so did his sister.

After all, it was his own home, so sleeping was more secure than a hotel.

The next day is the second day of the Lunar New Year, and all married daughters-in-law return home to visit relatives on this day.

But Shen Guanglin and Li Li still had nowhere to go, so they could only go to visit their uncle's house again.

Fortunately, there are no other guests in my uncle's house. Although his two daughters are on the verge of adulthood, they are not married yet, and one of them has already married. They have a good relationship with Li Li, and they are especially envious of girls who are good at studying, especially her Still so beautiful.

The third day is the third day of the Lunar New Year, and it is still the time to visit relatives.

However, Shen Guanglin didn't have any relatives in Jinling who were going to leave. His mother's relatives were still strangers. Shen Guanglin thought about going to see him, but he didn't dare, so he gave up.

Therefore, they can only continue to be guests at the uncle's house.

All right, from the fourth day of junior high school, Shen Guanglin has a place to go.

Because restaurants and shops have already opened their doors, I finally don't have to continue to depend on others.

Shen Guanglin is not a person who takes advantage for nothing. He first went out and bought a few bottles of good wine, which he prepared as gifts for the troubles these days.

In a day or two, he was going to take Li Li back to Shanghai, where the headquarters should be on the agenda.

Shen Guanglin agreed that there would be a wharf by the Huangpu River that belonged to his sister alone.

However, in the morning, Shen Guanglin had already delivered the wine, and before noon, his uncle called him to eat again.

"Guanglin, my uncle is here, how about a drink?"

"Isn't your daughter only seventeen, so there is a uncle here?" Shen Guanglin was very puzzled, these two young girls turned out to be aunts.

"No, where do you want to go? I'm talking about my uncle. You want to call me uncle."

Well, uncle is not uncle, this seniority is really messy.

It is only a few steps from the Shen family's old house to the uncle's house, and it is just a walk away.

"Guanglin, I heard that you are a great professor from the capital, I want to ask you something?"

This is very strange. Uncle didn't ask him these things for so many days, so why did he suddenly bring it up.

However, after all, he has a short mouth and has been eating for several days. Shen Guanglin can only say: "Tell me, what's the matter, we are all a family, there is nothing we can't talk about."

"Do you know any leaders in the city?"

These words were endless, Shen Guanglin was unprepared for this, but he still answered honestly, "I don't know, maybe they just know me."

This is true, Shen Guanglin felt that he didn't need to know any leader, but the leader should know him, who made him a celebrity in Jinling.

"Your uncle came here this time because he wanted to ask you for help with a little matter, and see if you can support him."

This is too impolite, the so-called uncle Shen Guanglin doesn't even know him, but he can only ask, "Is there anything I can do to help him?"

(End of this chapter)

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