Start with a college teacher

Chapter 476 1 The Grace of Rice

Chapter 476 The Grace of a Meal

Sure enough, seniority cannot be judged.

This uncle is not very old, he has just reached middle age, and his head is still not bald.

Uncle's son is still very senior, from Shen Guanglin he should be called Grandpa Biao.

How could it be called the exit!

As a person of the new era, it is impossible for Shen Guanglin to cling to relatives who are far away from him, and he is still a person who is as senior as himself.

Who is happy to call others grandpa?

This uncle and his family's young master are both dressed similarly, with metal-rimmed glasses, gentle and delicate, with a fair complexion. He looks like a gentle scum, not a person who grew up in the countryside.

The reason why they are said to be gentle scum is that the young man and his father have already peeked at Li Li several times in this short period of time.

Girls are too good-looking, there is really no way.

Wherever you go, you will be seen. My sister Li Rong is the same. She can attract the attention of the opposite sex wherever she goes, especially the middle-aged opposite sex. Although her body is no longer in good shape, her heart is still very troubled. A typical example is Daqiang son.

However, because of the New Year and relatives, Shen Guanglin could only pretend not to care, and distributed a cigarette to everyone, the little panda, the favorite of the big leader.

As for calling someone, that's impossible, and you're not a relative of your own, you're already coveting my daughter-in-law, so I still want to call you grandpa?
It's almost time to eat. Everyone gathered around the dining table and chatted about the daily routine.

"Mr. Shen, right? You teach at Capital University?" My uncle asked in a very pompous manner, as if he was a leader.

Uncle sat at the last table, served tea and water, and didn't mention whether to support or not.

There is a powerful relative in the family, and everyone fawns on him.

It can be seen that the uncle attaches great importance to this uncle.

This uncle's smoking posture is very handsome, and the watch on his wrist is also very bright. It must be an imported watch.

Watches are the standard equipment for successful people in this era, and only Shen Guanglin does not have them.

It's not that he doesn't want to match it, but he doesn't dare to match it. Seven or eight watches have already been taken away by his brother Zhang Guorong, including Patek Philippe, Rolex and Omega. The brother is the cousin, and Shen Guanglin is the younger brother.

"Yes, I worked as a small teacher at Capital University." Shen Guanglin replied very modestly, and he has always been proud of being a teacher at Capital University.

Although Shen Guanglin has many identities, including the chief scientist of the Great Wall Group, and a visiting professor of other schools, but he feels that the one he can get the most is the permanent professor of Capital University.

"Being a teacher is amazing, and you won't be shy when you meet all kinds of people. You are a professor at such a young age? Are you a deputy or a full-time job? It's better if you have a family background. What does your father do?"

This young man asked a lot, and he got to the point right away, suspicious and cautious.

"Everyone is equal, so why should you be timid? Even if you are not a teacher, you shouldn't be timid when you meet people." Shen Guanglin looked very natural, and answered in a very natural way, because he knew on the way that this uncle wanted to If you want to ask him, this is not the posture of asking for help.

As for asking what Shen Guanglin's father did, Shen Guanglin didn't answer.

He couldn't say that his father was a martyr, so what about Xiangjiang's cousin, Xiao Shen, who was accompanying the child.

Seeing that Shen Guanglin didn't say what kind of professor he was, my uncle didn't continue to ask, it was a face to Xiao Shen.

He seemed to understand something.

How could he be a professor at such a young age? He was probably a lecturer who stayed at the school, maybe a staff member.

Those who teach in universities are not necessarily professors, they must be spread by rural people.

During the conversation, the food was served.

The banquet at noon today seemed a bit too formal. There were seven or eight hard dishes, and finally there were no uncooked dumplings.

Moreover, the women also opened a separate table, and the uncle's wife, the aunt, the younger aunts, and Li Li did not sit at this table.

It can be seen that the young man brought by my uncle is still a little bit reluctant. It seems that he has lost the opportunity to communicate and know each other. He is very unwilling.

Beautiful woman, who doesn't want to chat a little more.

Started with rice wine at noon.

After two glasses of warm wine, the atmosphere became lively.

"You don't know, our Guanglin family is amazing. We know the elementary and middle schools in Murakami. The most beautiful building is all sponsored by others."

The uncle was also afraid that my uncle would look down on Mr. Shen, so he made a special statement to show that he is really good.

The uncle was afraid that Shen Guanglin would not know that this uncle was a leader. Although he was only the leader of an enterprise or institution, he was still a leader and deserved to be respected.

In fact, there was no need for this at all. Shen Guanglin didn't have much contact with his relatives, so naturally he didn't care about their opinions.

Shen Guanglin didn't want to comment on these leaders, but the leaders wanted to comment on Shen Guanglin.

"That little Shen is very powerful. I went to see it when I passed by just now. The construction of the school in your village is really good. In terms of our rural areas around Jinling, it is considered pretty good." expressed affirmation.

In fact, the hardware conditions of this school are not good, they are very good!

After the construction of the school was completed, the Jinling City Government and the Education Bureau had already hung up the signboard of the standardized school before it even started enrolling students.

The hardware conditions like this are not standardized, but it’s just not bad at my uncle’s place.

"Look, this school is built just like the Jinling Hotel, and it's all thanks to our Guanglin family. It's a pity that my two girls are grown up, otherwise it would be such a blessing to send them back to the furnace for another school. "Uncle really knows the goods and knows that the school is well built.

However, the uncle's father and son are reluctant to admit that a poor teacher has such great energy. He should not have such powerful energy when he has such a good-looking partner.

"You don't know, my dad's unit is connecting with a charity foundation in Xiangjiang. Do you know about charity? It's the great benevolent people in ancient times. They are also donating money to build schools. If your village doesn't build a school, you can ask them to help you. , there will be big stars from Xiangjiang coming to cut the ribbon when it opens."

Young people finally had a chance to perform.

It seems that what he meant was that if the school hadn't been built in their village, they could have gotten a better school from the big boss of Xiangjiang. Unfortunately, they shouldn't have built this school.

"Coincidentally, I really heard about the behavior of this big boss of Xiangjiang. Is his surname Shao?"

Shen Guang and Lin Xin said that the world is really small, and old man Shao's foundation has brought charity to Jinling.

"Yes, yes, The Legend of Condor Heroes was filmed by his film company. There is also Shanghai Beach. Their company has a lot of money to spend. The money earned by any TV series is more than the total income of Jinling City. And more."

It's a bit disgusting to say this, it's just out of the question.

Shen Guanglin didn't want to argue, but he didn't want to go along with it either, which made him look very stupid.

That young master's performance is still going on:
"Your school was built early. If people from Xiangjiang came to build the school a year or two later, it will definitely be much better than your school. The designers are specially invited from abroad, which is amazing."

Shen Guanglin really didn't want to talk to him, but he couldn't stop him from talking all the time, and what he said was so annoying.

"Young man, you still don't know enough. This charitable foundation will not donate the entire school, they will only donate one building inside the school, and the goal of the donation is mainly the university. The second time is high school, this kind of junior high school and elementary school are not within the scope of their donations."

Shen Guanglin's words directly extinguished the words that the young man had ignited.

The young man looked at the uncle, and the uncle nodded, it was true.

"The Xiangjiang Charity Foundation did not donate an entire school, but what they donated was not one building, but two buildings, one of which is called the Shaw Building and the other is called the Shen Building. It seems to have the same surname as you. Shen has something to do with it."

Finally there is someone who can tell the truth. Shen Lou was built with money from Shen Guanglin, but he hides his merits and fame deeply, let alone, waiting for future generations to discover.

Then, the formal meal began.

The salted duck on the table today tastes good. It tastes like my mother when I was a child. Shen Guanglin ate one piece after another.

The wine they drank next was the Moutai brought by Shen Guanglin. This wine was delicious, and it was still soy sauce-flavored, not inferior to rice wine.

There was a lot of toasting and drinking, but they didn't meet each other to hate each other, on the contrary, they had something to say and were not speculative.

"Uncle, didn't you say that Cousin Huazi is going to do something? When the school built by Guanglin was cutting the ribbon, our district mayor and the mayor came. Let him talk and make peace, pass a word, make personal favors and so on. Isn't it also convenient?"

This uncle is very active, and his intention to curry favor with the uncle is on his face, maybe this is his survival wisdom.

That's what it meant!
However, having relatives is not so ostentatious.

"I am an ordinary teacher who is far away in the capital. How can I help you? Uncle, you don't have to praise me like this." In fact, Shen Guanglin was a little unhappy. He was not close to them, why did he talk like that.

"Guang Lin, what do you think of Uncle treating you?" Uncle may have been drinking too much, and his voice started to rise.

Shen Guanglin was stunned, you didn't take the wrong medicine, I just ate a few meals from you, you don't need to think that you have raised me to grow up.

"Very good, I've been eating at your house for three days."

What Shen Guanglin emphasized was the three-day meal, so he couldn't say it was bad!After all, after eating someone else's meal, it's impossible to say no in person.

The grace of a meal, how come, a person with a D major will explain.

"Then uncle begged you for a favor, should you not?"

"People can only do what they can, and I can't do what I can't do and what I shouldn't do." Shen Guanglin insisted that he didn't want to agree to his uncle's request. He really drank too much, or he was thinking about it through alcohol. say something.

"That's what happened. My cousin Huazi works in the district. In this day and age, it's hard to go up without a relationship. It's also difficult if the relationship is not strong enough. Now, their unit has a vacant position, but the competition is fierce. When the sub-district chief came to cut the ribbon, he said that he had a very good relationship with you, if you could say hello"

(End of this chapter)

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