Start with a college teacher

Chapter 477 President

Chapter 477 President
"No! I can't say hello! Uncle, you must be drinking too much. I can't help you with this."

Shen Guanglin refused, this is not where he should reach out, and besides, it has nothing to do with it.

This uncle is a little ignorant.

Even if he, Shen Guanglin, has such a relationship, why would he help him? Is it for these few meals?

"Guang Lin, don't be modest. If someone with a normal relationship can say that, I'll be right there. Your uncle cut the ribbon on the stage, and the leader said it himself. He and you are inseparable."

That's the leader's arrogance.

How could Shen be inseparable from a local leader?

If Shen Guanglin was able to treat him to a meal in the capital, it was because of the face of his parents and officials.

Professor Shen is in the capital, and even the big leaders of Jinling have to climb up to meet him. If he doesn't want to meet, your leaders in Jinling will do the same.

Of course, at the ribbon-cutting ceremony at the school, the leader said that he and Shen Guanglin were inseparable.

Because, when they visited the anti-insect cotton, Shen Guangliang heard that he was a leader from his hometown, and warmly invited them to eat the fish in the reservoir, and also invited them to visit the cloned cow at the biological breeding base.

The local leaders gained face very much.

The leaders of Jinling received special preferential treatment. Shen Guanglin personally received them, and he also brought the half-employed Lao Li with him, which was enough to save face.

Moreover, when Shen Guanglin went to Guangxi or Shanghai, he was always accompanied by a big leader in person on formal occasions. How many people can there be in this kind of treatment in the whole country?

However, that cannot be said.

He has his reasons for not helping, the most important thing is that he is unhappy and doesn't want to help.

The relationship between Shen Guanglin and this uncle was just like that, and it was the first time meeting that uncle, so it was really not to the extent that he could help at will.

The father and son also peeked at their own woman.

"Uncle, I can't help with this. You also know that this school was funded and built by people from the Great Wall Group. The district chief came here to see the face of the Great Wall Group. My laboratory at the school is somewhat different from the Great Wall Group. relationship, but it’s all roundabout contacts, I really don’t know any district leaders.”

Shen Guanglin clearly refused again.

He didn't understand what kind of mentality this uncle had. Didn't he see that the "uncle" was sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai? What was he in a hurry to do?Are you sincere?

Even the "cousin" couldn't stand it anymore.

"Cousin, you also play the piano indiscriminately. Although Xiao Shen is a teacher at the university, after all, he is just a poor teacher. In the past, he was a stinky old nine. Why do you still teach if you really have that relationship? You can't be a civil servant. "

That cousin also drank too much, he didn't know where he didn't hide it, and his true nature leaked out.

However, in this era, after all, it has only been a few years since the transition from a stinky old nine to a gentleman. Many times, everyone's respect for teachers is not from the bottom of their hearts, and Shen Guanglin can only pretend not to hear it.

Sometimes, one word can make things happen, and one word can make things bad.

Shen Guanglin has already decided: he will definitely not help him anymore!
Even, if there is a chance, it's okay for him to be promoted even if he says hello.

As magnanimous as Shen, there is nothing he can't do.

Uncle still has some self-restraint, he knocked on the table, "Xiaohua, you've drunk too much, please be careful when you speak."

Probably, Xiaohua also realized that he said that the stinky old nine was impolite, so he punished himself with a large glass of wine without asking Shen Guanglin. Good wine is like Moutai, and the punishment is profitable.

"Well, Xiao Shen, my wife's surname is also Shen. From this point of view, we are also related. If you really know the district leader, see if you can treat him to a light meal. Then I will show my face. The head office Well, I don’t need you to speak, and I don’t need you to make things difficult.”

My uncle is also very scheming. He listened to his uncle's words, and he didn't believe them all, but he didn't believe them either.

This gives you what you can!

If I, Shen, can really invite the leader, do I still want you to come and show my face?
Isn't this obviously helping you?

"Guanglin, your uncle said that the relationship between you and our district leaders is solid. Your old house was renovated, and the district leaders also came. I didn't say that just now. Don't worry, it's used here. What favors, you can say hello, my family has some savings over the years, we are all real relatives, and will not go out and talk nonsense."

this uncle!

Sometimes showing off comes at a price.

Uncle himself is just an ordinary officer of the Industrial Bureau, so why not show off when he has nothing to do.

It seems that it is impossible not to reveal some dry goods.

"Uncle, do you know why my uncle said that the relationship between me and our leaders is strong? It's not because I'm good, but because my father-in-law is good."

Said, Shen Guanglin also took a look at Li Li.

Li Li glanced back at Shen Guanglin with a tacit understanding, and then quietly came over and told him: Drink less alcohol, it is not good for your health.

What a good wife and mother.

Looking at my own woman in a half-drunk state is even better.

Shen Guanglin took advantage of the situation to pull his sister over and sat on his lap.

"You know, her dad, Lao Li, my buddies! She is a senior official at the deputy ministerial level, and I am good-looking, not to mention better than Pan An, at least at Song Yu's level, so I eat soft food , I am a professional."

Can you admit to being so generous when you eat soft rice?
It's simply shocking.

However, I am willing to eat such a good soft meal partner, my cousin is going crazy with jealousy.

Li Li also seemed to have drank some fruit wine, her complexion was ruddy, and she looked even better.

Facing Shen Guanglin who spoke rudely, she didn't refute, but just smiled, and poured him a cup of tea and fed it to him.

The dog food was sprinkled so naturally, as if it had been rehearsed many times, oh, it's so annoying.

Shen Guanglin took a sip of water, it was a little hot, and motioned for Li Li to blow it on.

The younger sister really listened to it. She is a physics student and of course knows that accelerating the airflow can make the liquid cool down faster.

"You know, Xiao Li is the daughter of the deputy minister, and that's the key."

Saying that, Shen Guanglin held his sister's hand and stood up, it's time to end after the meal.

"Is this Shen Jianguo's home?" A voice came from outside.

The houses in Jinling don’t have yards, so if you drink in the house, you can see it from the outside if you don’t close the door.

"Yes, I am Shen Jianguo, may I ask who you are?"

When he came, he looked like a secretary, with a few people behind him, all dressed neatly, just like the white-collar workers of a company.

"We are from Xiangjiang, a charitable foundation, and the sponsors are Shao Sheng and Shen Sheng. We are here this time."

Before the man could finish speaking, the uncle immediately said to the uncle, "Little uncle, I should be looking for you."

Uncle came out:
"My name is Huang Rengui, and I'm the deputy team leader of the unit that is in contact with your foundation. Are you here to find me?"

What a face.

The people of the Xiangjiang Foundation were able to find themselves?They are also good enough.

"No, we are looking for Professor Shen Guanglin. I heard that he has been eating here for the past few days."

It turned out that after returning from Shanghai, old man Shao had returned to Xiangjiang, but the work that the charity foundation should do was still to be done.

Knowing that Shen Guanglin, one of the bosses, is from Jinling, so a large part of their work focus is in Jinling.

This time, they heard from colleagues in Shanghai that Shen Guanglin had returned to Jinling, so they found him.

"What do you want him to do? Isn't he just an ordinary teacher?"

My cousin hates the behavior of eating soft rice.

"He is the president of our charitable foundation."

(End of this chapter)

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